
$10,000+ Passive Income From One Blog Post That Took An Hour To Write

I started generating passive income after four years of blogging. I have been creating content on many blogs for nearly seven years. Some of...

I started generating passive income after four years of blogging. I have been creating content on many blogs for nearly seven years. Some of them were incredibly viral some of them were not. I had to share my contents on various social media to get enough traffic for leading an affiliate sale. I wanted to write rich content which will give me passive income opportunity in future. Now, in present days, I'm making money almost doing nothing, and you can earn too. 

Passive Income From One Blog Post That Took An Hour To Write
  If you know how to blog, and already started earning money from it, you probably thinking, why don't you earn like me (passive money)? This is the point. Everyone who intends to make money blogging is actually earning, the amount can be $1 or a six-figure, seven-figure income. Why everyone can't earn six figure income from their blog? The answer is simple. No one is buying from their affiliate links. 

You need to write quality contents which people will love to comment and share on their social profile. A dumb blog can't generate high revenue. You should be engaged with your readers. Well then, how we can say it passive income? Because initially, you are doing nothing beyond networking. 

Want to earn passive income? Follow me.

It may sound crazy, but actually not. I got a simple idea which will never fail. This weird idea is simple and will create awesome quality content. Why should you follow me and use this idea? Let me show you, why this creepy blogging idea is a great idea to generate passive income. 

  1. It helps to write a better article.
  2. It helps to build a better relationship with the same niche bloggers and marketers.
  3. It contributes to build and grow a brand authority.
  4. It helps to generate revenue from affiliate commissions. 
  5. It's not time-consuming to write a great post

What's the secret to earning passive income?

Are you guys ready to know the secret of generating $10000+ passive money from a single blog post? The secret is very simple, and here we go:

"Ask ONE question to different experts." 

Yes, you read it right. Asking only one question to some different experts can make you passive money dream come true. But wait, there a few more thing you should follow. I guarantee it won't be tough to create your money making machines. 

Publishing web content or blogging is all about giving value to the audience. The more you write blog posts, the more you get closer to your audiences. But you should make sure you are providing informative and quality contents. After some days or months, you will get emails and comments from your readers with the same set of questions. But, if you don't have a massive amount of traffic and don't get asked those question, you should not worry. Still, you can earn money. 

Just think of some burning questions in your mind. Almost in any topic, you get some question ideas on Google Trends, but I like the way to check it in Visual Google Trends

It can be a very simple question, like:

  • How do I get traffic?
  • How do I make money from a blog?
  • How do I become a full-time blogger?
  • What’s the best email marketing service?
  • What is the best marketing tool for blogger?
  • How do I get clients / make money online?

Beside these question idea, you can be quite specific. Ask them in some forum where experts are always ready to help you. You should post your question on a high-quality forum to make sure you will get trustworthy answers. And you post this question in a forum full of experts. It could be a forum that you know is high quality – you’ve had questions answered there before, and the answers were useful. It could be a Facebook Group, a LinkedIn Group, a popular blog, whatever, as long as you know those people are knowledgeable in certain areas.

Need help to get some best Forum? Here are few:


Stack Overflow 
ShoutMeLoud Forum 
WordPress Forum 

Sometimes, forums may seem like messy with many topics and questions. If you want to avoid, want to learn personally, you can ask someone directly by sending an email. Find someone who is skilled in your questions topic and send him an email asking the most wanted question. Ask the same question to several people. 

If you can get an answer from the experts, it's pure GOLD! Keep all the answer saved for later use. 

The answer to your question is here 

Well-educated persons loved to show their skill in groups and forums.  You will get tons of useful answers withing a short time. Many times, I see, some answers get conflicted, and experts start arguments. This is normal and isn't really fault. If you read those answers carefully and observe the arguments, you will get a good knowledge of the subject. You will have ideas of pros and cons for the asking question. 

Now come to the point of email. If you ask a question by sending email, you should get a very well explained answer in a standard language for your better understand. Moreover, this will establish a close relationship with an expert in some areas. 

Case study – WordPress hosts

The very first time I did this in an accident. I needed to change my WordPress hosting service due to its quality. So, I posted my issue in the WordPress Group on LinkedIn. As LinkedIn is a professional platform and this group grows well, I can trust them. My question was, "What is the best WordPress hosting service?"

Technically this is not the right question that can be answered clearly. The question should be like this one; "What is the Best VPS host for WordPress Blog that gets 60,000 to 100,000 unique visitors per month?"

Anyway, I got some vague answer. I published two great article on my blog. One is "The best shared hosting service for WordPress blog and my #1 Recommended VPS Hosts.

** Best WordPress Hosting Bluehost earned me more than $10000, it's the right tool to make money online.  

What I got by asking in this WordPress Group? 

The thing I learned is solid Gold. I did something great after learning; Here is a summary: 
  • I got some great advice on WordPress hosting.
  • Write and publish two useful article.
  • Earned more than $10000 from affiliate commission and still counting.
These two posts about hosting were individually great to earn affiliate revenue. Usually, I promote (use affiliate links) for a product or service only after I personally tested it. But, this time things walk in anti clock ways. I didn't use that hosting service I promote in my blog post. 

Why did I promote hosting without using it? 

The only reason is, it was suggested by many WordPress experts. Sites like WP Beginner and WP101 explain the same thing in some different ways. I trust those group of expert WordPress master, and I used their opinion. Other things I did, used a proper disclaimer to use affiliate links. 

A few passive income ideas for you 

If you are reading this, I'm sure you are getting excited to earn passive money. Here is a quick help for you. I'm going to give you some blog post ideas to ask in experts group and generate huge revenue as passive income.

  • The Best Marketing Automation Tools (Ask a group of successful digital marketer)
  • The Best Microphones For Podcasting in Budget (ask a group of great podcasters). 
  • The Best Email Marketing Solution (look for the marketer who builds over 20000 email subscriber)
  • The Best HD Camera For YouTube (ask in a YouTube forum or group)
[Resources: Learn how to create a budget, know about the ten best budget camera for bloggers, and here are another four recommended camcorder for YouTubers.]

The revenue you will earn depends on many factors such as how much organic traffic your site gets. How your audience engaged with your contents. You writing quality is also a factor here to increase CTR for affiliate links. However, if you can publish valuable contents regularly, your traffic will be engaged with you automatically.

Yes, You can earn passive money

Making passive money with your blog is possible. But if you think that it will make you rich overnight, then you are just in a day dream. You will earn money blogging for sure, but it takes some time to get started. You should give a try right now. So stop wasting your time, Create a blog and start earning. 

I'd appreciate your honest opinion and suggestions in the below comment box. Did you like this idea? Are you using this Crazy technique to make money? 

Pro tip: To generate higher revenue, you should get a decent amount of traffic. Here are some free ways to promote a blog post, here are an amazing infographic to boost your website visitor

Now you are ready for earning passive income from a blog and affiliate links. If you don't have a blog, start a WordPress blog right now

Did this article help you? If yes, please share on social media to help more people to start earning passive income!

About author:
Fahim Ahsan is an entrepreneur, content creator, and passionate about digital marketing. A regular contributor to our blog. Follow him on Twitter

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