
6 Money Saving Tips To Multiply Save More Money Every Month

Organizing personal finances and setting a clear objective is key to save money every month.  To know how much money you can save, you must ...

Organizing personal finances and setting a clear objective is key to save money every month. To know how much money you can save, you must first know what expenses you should cut off. Make saving a habit for every day.

6 Money Saving Tips To Multiply Save More Money Every Month

Saving is never easy, especially when the salary is adjusted and most of it is dedicated to defraying the cost of housing, energy, and food. However, many people have a margin of savings that, on many occasions, is wasted by an ineffective organization of personal finances

6 Money Saving Tips To Multiply Save More Money Every Month 

Here are some tips to save month to month.

Control income and expenses, setting a savings target

To know how much you can save, you must first know what costs are unavoidable and, therefore, what percentage of our income can be spent on saving. Either in a simple notebook or with a spreadsheet or mobile applications (such as 'Fintonic' or 'Wallet,' among others), all our expenses and income must be recorded. 
On the one hand, some fixed expenses, such as rent or mortgage, the amount of insurance, telephone bills, etc. Next, you must establish an amount for variable expenses, including the shopping cart, gasoline or leisure. The cost resulting from the subtraction between income and expenditure will be the one that can be used for saving.

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I really need it?

Before purchasing any product or service, you have to ask yourself what our real need is. Why do I buy it? How much and how will I use it? Do I already have other products that would satisfy this need? This does not mean that one can not give a whim from time to time, but many of the purchases are made on impulse, without assessing the reason for that acquisition.

Make shopping lists

It is important to create lists of what is needed, not only to go to the supermarket but also to other objects or products of the home, clothes, furniture. Clinging to the list avoids unnecessary purchases and serves to establish deadlines in acquisitions that are not Urgent.

Offers yes, but with care

Comparing prices is very useful to reduce expenses, but offers can become a double-edged sword. Some of these "offers" are not at all and can cause us to end up buying something we do not need or more than we want. The supermarket is a subscribed field for this type of doubtful discounts, although the white marks are helpful in reducing the invoice.

Save money from home

Invoices of electricity, heating, telephone, gas, etc. Can significantly raise annual expenditure. Reducing consumption not only benefits our own pocket but is also more sustainable for the planet.

Cutting outlets to restaurants and replacing them with home-cooked food is also beneficial, especially if you have to eat out regularly for work: the lunch box should be an ally.

Also read:
Money Is A Tool, So Stop Treating It As The Goal 
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Do it yourself

Individual objects, clothing or furniture can be arranged at home with a little imagination and skill (abstain with those who may pose a health risk). Many gifts can also be created traditionally and have the incentive to be more original.

By following these tips and using common sense you can achieve the proposed savings target.

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