
20+ Websites That Will Pay You to Write for Them - Get Paid To Write

Looking for ways to make money online by showing your writing skill? You can get paid to write online for many websites. Many websites don...

Looking for ways to make money online by showing your writing skill? You can get paid to write online for many websites. Many websites don't have tough requirements to publish your article. So as a beginner writer, you can contribute to them and get paid to write for them. 

The internet is full of scams, and there are a lot of websites who never pays to its user. Perhaps you have this experience. The most website who pay to its writer wants a high-quality article and its desperate to meet their need for an entry level writer. To help you out in this situation, we will present some website where you can get paid to write online without having too much experience. 

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Regardless of your writing experience, some small and large site are ready to pay you for writing for them. Thousands of niche are waiting to be drawn up in varieties angle. In-depth research based article is much more valuable than any other, and they often earn more traffic and money. 

If you can write a good "Greeting Card" you can make thousands of extra income each year just for writing online. That's an example, I'm sure you can write better things so that you are here. Don't write to make money, write for yourself, this will bring you more cash. 

Here is a great list of 20 websites that will pay you for writing as a guest writer. It isn't comprehensive but is merely meant to provide a wide range of examples of paid writing opportunities. Use it as a guide to help you find many more websites that offer cash for writing too.

Get Paid To Write Online - 20+ Website That Offers Money

1. Alive Now

Alive now is an excellent opportunity to get paid to write. The bi-monthly devotional magazine Alive Now will pay a minimum of $35 for a submission that is accepted. This website provides the themes, which can help you write and structure your presentation.

2. Fantus Paper Products

Their greeting card division, P.S. Greetings Inc., which manufactures "every day" greeting cards and has an extensive Christmas program, is accepting submissions to be featured on their rack and box set cards. Compensation is decided on a case-by-case basis.

3. ADDitude

ADDitude is an online magazine is devoted to providing strategies and support for people who are living with ADHD and other learning disabilities. Though they typically accept guest contributions from journalists and mental health professionals, they are also looking for writings from lay people who have personal experience with ADHD and other learning disabilities. Articles should be no more than 2000 words, and payment amounts are calculated based on many factors including length, and experience with the topic.

Also read: How to Be an Entrepreneur - Beyond Freelance Writing 

4. The Secret Place

Are you a freelance writer? Here is another great opportunity to get paid to write online specially designed for freelance writers. The Secret Place is a quarterly devotional made up exclusively of freelance writers. They pay $20 per accepted meditation devotion which should be about 150-200 words.

5. Ashtray Blog

Vaping is all the rage right now. So if you're an enthusiast, why not consider getting paid to write an article for the Ashtray Blog? They are looking for those that focus on vaping, harm reduction, electronic cigarettes, or similarly related topics. The pay rate varies but typically starts at $50 for a shorter piece (think 500 words) that doesn't require a ton of research.

6. FineScale Modeler Magazine

If you enjoy building or know a lot about model airplanes, cars, ships, etc. then you could earn some extra money writing about them at FineScale Modeler. This magazine pays for articles between 750–2500 words and the payment amount is based on the length of the article.

7. Glimmer Train

Glimmer Train has been devoted to discovering new writers since 1990 and pays up to $700 for first publication rights for popular stories. (Direct submission link)

8. BlogMutt

BlogMutt produces blog posts for businesses in just about every industry imaginable, from pet boutiques to tech services. If you can write on a wide variety of topics — especially in the tech industry — you'll have a lot of available work. There are no deadlines or assignments, so you can write at your own pace. Customers provide the topics they need blog posts on, writers submit posts on the subjects they choose, and the customers pick the posts they want. There’s no guaranteed sale, but most writers have a 90% acceptance rate.

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9. Oatmeal Studios

This greeting card company is looking for funny greeting card ideas, so if you have a knack for that, send them to Oatmeal Studios. They'll pay $75 for each idea that is accepted.

9. The Sun - Get Paid To Write Online

The Sun is an ad-free paid subscription website that focuses on many aspects of the human experience. They pay contributors anywhere from $300 to $2500 for their work and are looking for essays, interviews, fiction, or poetry. They even throw in a complimentary one-year subscription to their magazine.

This list really is the tip of the iceberg, and many writers, including myself, have had positive experiences and enjoyed the extra income. Let's grow this list. Let me know about your favorite sites in the comments below!

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10. Tales to Go

Tales to Go is a paid subscription website and book publisher focusing on stories about travel. They are looking for personal, nonfiction stories and anecdotes, especially to unfamiliar areas. Stories should be between 1000 and 3000 words. Works that are accepted will receive a $50 honorarium.

11. Get Paid To Write On Smart Alex

Adult humor greeting card company, Smart Alex, is looking for submissions that are "funny, edgy, and risque…topical, witty, smart, ironic, or sexually suggestive." Compensation is discussed once a submission is accepted.

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12. Girl's Life

If you have a daughter, sister, niece, or female friend who is younger than 18 and likes to write, create poetry, or short fiction, she can earn money if her submission to Girl's Life is accepted. Payment amounts are decided on a case-by-case basis.

13. Comstock
Adult humor greeting card company Comstock is looking for ideas and will pay you $50 for each one accepted.

14. Classic Toy Trains

Obsessed with toy trains? Could you write about them? Well, Classic Toy Trains takes articles on this very topic, and they pay $75 per page.

15. BabyFit - Get Paid To Write Online About Health and Parenting

Owned by SparkPeople, a popular online preventative healthcare website, BabyFit focuses on fitness and nutrition when pregnant and as a parent. If you can write a well-researched article between 500 and 1200 words, you may be interested in submitting one to this site. They pay contributors between $25 and $90 for their expertise.

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16. The Hairpin

The Hairpin focuses on women and features (mostly) women writers. The topics are varied and wide-ranging, from celebrity culture to tips for creating a great cover letter. They are looking for original, unpublished content, and pay contributors for their work.

17. Blue Mountain Arts - Get Paid To Write Online

If you can write contemporary prose or poetry focusing on personal experience, check out Blue Mountain Arts. This greeting card company will pay you $300 for exclusive rights to your poem, or $50 for one-time use in a book.

18. Chicken Soup for the Soul

Chicken Soup for the Soul, which is also responsible for the best-selling books with that same name, will pay you $200 for an "inspirational, true story or poem about ordinary people having extraordinary experiences," or $100 for a devotional. Submissions should be no more than 1200 words in length.

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$10,000+ Passive Income From One Blog Post That Took An Hour To Write  

19. Smithsonian Magazine - Get Paid To Write for Print Magazine 

Recognized for its libraries devoted to exhibits in science, art, history, and pop culture, Smithsonian Magazine will pay authors whose submissions are accepted. Hard numbers are hard to come by, and as you can imagine, they receive a lot of submissions, but it looks like an article could earn up to $1500 for a piece they like.

Editor's Note: There are a thousand ways to work from home and make money online. Becoming a successful writer is easy and tough at the same time. However, if you have a little skill on writing basic things, you can earn huge amount of money just to collaborating with other bloggers. But, I'd like to recommend you to setup your own blog for making more money from your writing. And a blog is a life time achievement if you do it the right way. 

Have you earned extra cash with your writing? Where'd you sell it?

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