
7 Essential Tactics to Captivate Your Customers

Storytelling is one of the game-changing practice in marketing competition between small business and big brands. Small companies can't ...

Storytelling is one of the game-changing practice in marketing competition between small business and big brands. Small companies can't beat the budget of mega-corporations like Coca-Cola, Sony, Apple, Toyota, Amazon and so on. Some alternative weapons they can use to make the market equally competitive, and it's all about learning more about the audience. Do things to attract clients like mad, and fuel up your sales.

The process of interaction with the client is equal to that of a love conquest. Take note of 7 ways to make them fall in love with your product.

In marketing, both offline and online, the process of interacting with the customer is like a love conquest.

7 Essential Tactics to Captivate Your Customers
First, there is a stage in which you strive to catch your attention. Then, when you get to make contact, the most critical thing begins the actual interaction. Here, generating rewarding experiences, in addition to sharing ideas and the way of expressing oneself, are vital to gaining your trust and enriching the relationship.

Then, the concern for details, maintaining an excellent communication and solve the problems that arise to solve the anger, should always be present. With all these attitudes, you will achieve a satisfactory conquest relationship.

Here are seven ways to achieve and conquer your customers in a lasting way:

1. Record the details

Keep a timely record of the consumption of each customer. This will help you to detect your tastes and anticipate your needs. This way, you can show him the options he evidently has in mind, before he asks for it.

2. Let "try."

Offering a "sample" is a very useful marketing tool for conquering new customers. This is an opportunity for the consumer to know your products.

3. Offer an experience

An experience includes sensory marketing. This means handling colors, lights, aromas, and so on. Integrate all these sensations into your offer, in such a way that they conquer the senses of your consumers.

Also read:
7 Popular Marketing Techniques For Small Businesses
The 5 Secret Storytelling Points to Close a Sale

4. Gain your trust  

The consumer is fed up with companies that tell you "we have everything you need," but that, in the end, does not deliver the product on time, nor respect the agreed price. Then, to gain the trust of the client, you will need, more than a smile, to fulfill your word. To do this, do not neglect an instant for your consumer, give him time and keep him informed.

5. Speak your language

A common mistake of professionals is that they explain things using technical terms that most do not know. This makes the client uncomfortable because he does not understand what the solution proposed is. The advice here is to present specific solutions and, above all, what is the purpose of each.

6. Do not go angry

There is a saying that "a happy customer will tell one or two people, and an unhappy one will let 10 people know." Give him the opportunity to express his discomfort, show concern to help him and offer him immediate solutions such as the replacement of the product or a discount on his next purchase.

Also read:
7 Best Ways To Satisfy and Delight Your Customers
How You Can Measure the Quality of Your Customer?

7. Maintain communication

Communication and follow-up are necessary actions to ensure a long-term relationship. Place a suggestion box, a direct attention phone number and send opinion surveys via email. This information will be the starting point for making decisions aimed at improving your service every day.

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