SEO Techniques to Use in Your Blog Writing

Implementing SEO techniques into your blogging has the potential to generate a good amount of traffic for your blog when it’s done right, ...

Implementing SEO techniques into your blogging has the potential to generate a good amount of traffic for your blog when it’s done right, which can help to result in a higher Page Rank. And that is the ultimate goal of every blogger, isn’t it? Well, that and earning money for writing about what you know and love. By adding SEO into your everyday posts you’ll help to optimize your content and hopefully accomplish both of those things.
So how do you do that?

Start with keyword research. If you’ve looked into SEO practices at all you’ve no doubt heard countless people tout the importance of utilizing the right keywords. So take some time to do your homework and find out which keywords are important to your blogging niche. There are countless keyword research tools out there to help you narrow down which keywords you’ll want to use.

Once you’ve determined which keywords are going to be most effective in boosting your blog’s traffic start implementing them. The very first thing any reader is going to see when they stumble upon your article is the title of the post – so drop an important keyword that corresponds to your post in the title. This will help your post to be picked up by search engines more easily.

You will then want to write your opening so that you can include either the same keywords from the title or ones that correspond to the title. Why? Because when a search engine picks up the title, it more than likely will include at least part of the opening paragraph from the post – having keywords in there will help to bolster the SEO content.

Take some time to think about your metadata as well – adding keywords into the meta tags and meta title will also help to boost your SEO. If you can, try to incorporate some keywords into your content as well.
All that being said, though, you don’t want your sole focus be on using as many keywords as possible. You want to try to use the ones that pertain to what you’re writing about and will supplement your content making your post natural and fluid while also integrating keywords. Writing for the sole purpose of implementing keywords will just make your post sound stilted and stiff. Search engines may still pick up your blog but your readers will be turned off by this type of writing, making it a waste of time in the end.

SEO copywriting can be an enormous asset to your blog writing when it’s done right; you just have to be sure to not lose the focus and humanity of your blog when you’re doing it. Keeping your writing organic while also optimizing it is the best way to maintain SEO optimization success.

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