blogging personalities
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personality types
The Personalities Of Blogging
10:21 PMSome bloggers can be a funny breed of people. On my travels across
cyberspace I have seen a lot of different personalities. These
personalities can often fit into one of the following descriptions
The leading blogger
The leading blogger is what many of you refer to as the guru. He is commonly seen as the man/woman with the money and control over his/her domain.As it happens, leading bloggers rule the roost. If they say jump, people jump. If a leading blogger states that “vanilla ice” is the coolest thing since sliced bread – guess what – it will be for most of his avid fans and followers.
The common blogger
The common blogger is the person who takes everything the leading blogger says at face value, without questions. This type of blogger usually just goes about his/her ways without putting too much thought into things. He or she is happy to be part of the scene.The bully blogger
This is the blogger who usually engages into online slandery, be it out of jeliousy, anger, frustration, or simply because he or she is a bully at heart.Some people seem to think that the Internet can be used as a playground to do their dirty mud fights. Naturally it only needs a tiny spark of aggravation and the fight takes centre stage.