
5 Best Way To Promote Your Blog

If you want to increase your blog ranking and traffic then you don’t have to just read the tips but you have to implement the tips on the ...

If you want to increase your blog ranking and traffic then you don’t have to just read the tips but you have to implement the tips on the time itself when you know the tips and also save these tips at one place so that later you can recall it.

I am going to tell your about 5 best way to promote your blog, read all the posts mentioned here and try to implement it. You have to give time daily if you are really serious about promoting your blogs without any money. If you are giving 1 hour seriously to your blog then it will receive more traffic than other blogs or website.

1. Submit your sitemap to Top search engines. It will give you more traffic.

2. Give your blog a beautiful look because first impression is last impression.

3. Take a blog name so that it will be easy to remember for the visitors because in my website and blog, members are knowing my blog/site name so I am receiving more traffic directly on my root directory.

4. Do not forget the top bookmarking sites:

It increases your traffic as well as PR. You have to give time to add your each post after posting in blog because it may bring more traffic . Its just a 5 mins of work to add your posts in bookmarking website but it will return more.

5. Add feedburner to your account and tell users to subscribe to your blogs because it will bring traffics from emails.

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