High Quality Websites Building

Before you can ever build a high-ranking site, you'll need to know what attributes and page elements actually make a properly-designed ...

Before you can ever build a high-ranking site, you'll need to know what attributes and page elements actually make a properly-designed and well-optimized site superior.  While there are quite literally hundreds of design elements to take into account, they really break down into three main categories: Content, page layout, SEO, & internet marketing.

Content Integrity

In many of my blogs, I have been talking about the importance of well-written content.  Today, though, it is more crucial than ever before.  If a high-quality website is your ultimate goal, here are some of the most important characteristics that Google evaluates:
  • Originality, relevance and expertise of content and articles
  • Grammatically-correct and free of punctuation and spelling errors
  • Topics that cover specific and specialized subject matter
  • Absence of mass-repetition and/or statement redundancy
  • Uniqueness among websites in similar industries or markets

User-Friendly Page Layout

Content may be king, but according to a 2012 Google article, they're now looking closely at page layout, and how it applies to overall site visit satisfaction.  Some sites are specifically designed to be confusing, misleading, even frustrating--in order to lead visitors to out links and advertisements.  These may get hits, but they will never fare well in the long run.
Some of the most fundamental page layout elements, include a well-designed balance of these and many other elements.
  • Menus and image placement/rotation
  • Overall page dimensions
  • Ad content and above-the-fold promos
  • Full spectrum of header tags
  • Engaging, easy-to-read paragraphs
  • Clean design theme and colors
  • Presence of Blogs and video channels

SEO Practices

Search engine optimization is a very complex topic that could never be fully explained in just a paragraph or two.  In short, SEO encompasses a broad range of website development strategies, aimed at helping users find a specific website.  Some of the most fundamental White Hat SEO tactics in use today include:
  • Well-defined Meta descriptions
  • Original and engaging site content
  • Header (H1) tags and other Header tags
  • Properly named images with alt text
  • Diverse blog library
  • Quality blogs
  • Links to Social Media pages
  • Original Content Checker
These are just a few of the many quality guidelines associated with building a properly optimized and easily-found website. Remember, it is not how pretty your website is... it is how it's made.

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