
12 Simple Ways to Get Backlinks from other people

W ays To Get More People To Link To Your Web Site Offer blog or website owners free content to post on their website. Include a call to a...

Ways To Get More People To Link To Your Web Site

Offer blog or website owners free content to post on their website. Include a call to action and a link to your site. Just make sure your content is related to your website theme so that you are directing targeted visitors to your site.

When you discover a web site you enjoy write a review for the site. Be sure to include the benefits you get from the web site. Contact the website owner and offer them your review to post on their website in return for a  link to your website.

Offer a free Ebook to your web site visitors.  Allow other people  to give the e-book to their own visitors by linking directly to your web site.

Offer other people the opportunity to publish your e-zine on their web site. Include a short plug and link to your site in each issue. The added bonus is that you  will see an increase in subscriber numbers.

Create an affiliate program and offer visitors the opportunity to join your affiliate program and earn a commission when they help you to sell your products or services. Just give them an affiliate link to track their sales and resources to make it easy to promote your products. People will link to your website because th3ey have the opportunity to earn passive income.

Use the content on your site to create a free web book.  Create a title page, table of contents and chapters. Allow people to give away your website book by linking to your web site.

Are you an expert on your subject? Offer people a free e-mail consultation in exchange  for linking to your site. People will view this as a valuable offer because they will get a specific question answered without paying consulting fees.

When you buy something that you’re pleased with send the product owner a detailed testimonial that includes a link to your site. Give them permission to publish your testimonial on their website.

Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic offer people the option of adding the directory to their website by linking to it. Be sure to include an ad for your business at the top of each page of the directory.

Give away web space to people for free in return for a link to your site. You could design a simple ad or banner for them to put on their site.

Exchange content with related websites. You could trade articles or blog posts or free Ebooks that include a resource box with a link to your site.

Trade advertising with people who link to your website. You could trade e-zine ads, auto responder ads, eBook ads, telesminar  ads, whatever is appropriate for your business.

Start a membership site. Give visitors a taste of what’s in your members only site, outline the benefits of being a member and the cost involved. You could offer free membership to carefully selected website owners in return for a  link to your website.

I suggest you choose strategies that appeal to you then focus on one strategy each month and set aside time to spend on link building.  It’s worth the effort, you will be rewarded by a steadily improving search engine position and many more website visitors.
Ways To Get More People To Link To Your Web Site
Offer blog or website owners free content to post on their website. Include a call to action and a link to your site. Just make sure your content is related to your website theme so that you are directing targeted visitors to your site.
When you discover a web site you enjoy write a review for the site. Be sure to include the benefits you get from the web site. Contact the website owner and offer them your review to post on their website in return for a  link to your website.
Offer a free Ebook to your web site visitors.  Allow other people  to give the e-book to their own visitors by linking directly to your web site.
Offer other people the opportunity to publish your e-zine on their web site. Include a short plug and link to your site in each issue. The added bonus is that you  will see an increase in subscriber numbers.
Create an affiliate program and offer visitors the opportunity to join your affiliate program and earn a commission when they help you to sell your products or services. Just give them an affiliate link to track their sales and resources to make it easy to promote your products. People will link to your website tbecause th3ey have the opportunity to earn passive income.
Use the content on your site to create a free web book.  Create a title page, table of contents and chapters. Allow people to give away your website book by linking to your web site.
Are you an expert on your subject? Offer people a free e-mail consultation in exchange  for linking to your site. People will view this as a valuable offer becuase they will get a specific question answered without paying consulting fees.
When you buy something that you’re pleased with send the product owner a detailed testimonial that includes a link to your site. Give them permission to publish your testimonial on their website.
Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic offer people the option of adding the directory to their website by linking to it. Be sure to include an ad for your business at the top of each page of the directory.
Give away web space to people for free in return for a link to your site. You could design a simple ad or banner for them to put on their site.
Exchange content with related websites. You could trade articles or blog posts or free Ebooks that include a resource box with a link to your site.
Trade advertising with people who link to your website. You could trade e-zine ads, auto responder ads, eBook ads, telesminar  ads, whatever is appropriate for your business.
Start a membership site. Give visitors a taste of what’s in your members only site, outline the benefits of being a member and the cost involved. You could offer free membership to carefully selected website owners in return for a  link to your website.
I suggest you choose strategies that appeal to you then focus on one strategy each month and set aside time to spend on link building.  It’s worth the effort, you will be rewarded by a steadily improving search engine position and many more website vistors.
- See more at: http://www.internetmarketingfirststeps.com/category/more-website-visitors/#sthash.l2oreQnt.dpuf
Ways To Get More People To Link To Your Web Site
Offer blog or website owners free content to post on their website. Include a call to action and a link to your site. Just make sure your content is related to your website theme so that you are directing targeted visitors to your site.
When you discover a web site you enjoy write a review for the site. Be sure to include the benefits you get from the web site. Contact the website owner and offer them your review to post on their website in return for a  link to your website.
Offer a free Ebook to your web site visitors.  Allow other people  to give the e-book to their own visitors by linking directly to your web site.
Offer other people the opportunity to publish your e-zine on their web site. Include a short plug and link to your site in each issue. The added bonus is that you  will see an increase in subscriber numbers.
Create an affiliate program and offer visitors the opportunity to join your affiliate program and earn a commission when they help you to sell your products or services. Just give them an affiliate link to track their sales and resources to make it easy to promote your products. People will link to your website tbecause th3ey have the opportunity to earn passive income.
Use the content on your site to create a free web book.  Create a title page, table of contents and chapters. Allow people to give away your website book by linking to your web site.
Are you an expert on your subject? Offer people a free e-mail consultation in exchange  for linking to your site. People will view this as a valuable offer becuase they will get a specific question answered without paying consulting fees.
When you buy something that you’re pleased with send the product owner a detailed testimonial that includes a link to your site. Give them permission to publish your testimonial on their website.
Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic offer people the option of adding the directory to their website by linking to it. Be sure to include an ad for your business at the top of each page of the directory.
Give away web space to people for free in return for a link to your site. You could design a simple ad or banner for them to put on their site.
Exchange content with related websites. You could trade articles or blog posts or free Ebooks that include a resource box with a link to your site.
Trade advertising with people who link to your website. You could trade e-zine ads, auto responder ads, eBook ads, telesminar  ads, whatever is appropriate for your business.
Start a membership site. Give visitors a taste of what’s in your members only site, outline the benefits of being a member and the cost involved. You could offer free membership to carefully selected website owners in return for a  link to your website.
I suggest you choose strategies that appeal to you then focus on one strategy each month and set aside time to spend on link building.  It’s worth the effort, you will be rewarded by a steadily improving search engine position and many more website vistors.
- See more at: http://www.internetmarketingfirststeps.com/category/more-website-visitors/#sthash.l2oreQnt.dpuf

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