
6 Pinterest Board Tactics To Increase Blog Traffic

Pinterest is a great way to drive more traffic to your blog. When you create a Pinterest account, you’ll be provided with several ‘board...


Pinterest is a great way to drive more traffic to your blog. When you create a Pinterest account, you’ll be provided with several ‘boards’ to get you started with using your account. But what’s great is that YOU can create your own boards too. And it’s this feature that you want to tap to generate traffic to your blog.

From the Pinterest dashboard, click ‘Add’, and then click ‘Create a Board’. From here’s please note the following tips.

1. Create relevant but catchy board names.

For example, if your blog topic is about getting rid of acne, instead of just using ‘acne’ as a board name, why not ‘acne be gone’, or ‘acne free secrets’. This way, your board is relevant and yet you still managed to create a bit more excitement.

2. Select a suitable board category.

You’re not asked to select a category when creating a new board so it’s up to you to NOT miss this step and find and select an appropriate one.

3. Add a board description.

Remember that Pinterest users find boards they like by typing certain keywords on the search form. So take every opportunity you can to add keywords for your boards by putting a board description.

4. Board covers are important.

Since Pinterest is image-heavy, it’s important that you select a great board cover. Covers are chosen from the images in the board itself (i.e., whatever was ‘pinned’ for that board). You can change this by clicking ‘Edit Board Cover’ and selecting a different image.

5. Think outside the box.

So say your blog topic is all about acne. Does this mean you’re stuck to only acne pictures or acne cure articles to pin? Of course not! How about creating boards about acne cure recipes (food is a hot category in Pinterest)? Or how about a new board about make-up secrets to cover skin imperfections? Or why not create an acne cartoon strip on your blog where you pin each cartoon on Pinterest? Get creative! If you are, the boards you can create will be more than you think.

6. Main board(s) should have maximum exposure.

It’s good to create multiple boards but always keep in mind that you should have a ‘main board’ and some ‘supporting boards’. Your main board(s) should be on top of your other boards so that they are placed above the fold. (Boards visible here tend to get more traffic.)

Pinterest is a great marketing medium but it’s image heavy and people who browse Pinterest have SHORT attention spans. But if you keep your boards interesting and your pins amazing… blog traffic will come!

What tips have you used on Pinterest that have gotten you the most page-views?

Please share in the comments below!

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