Blogger Tips
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Make Money Blogging
3 Mistakes Bloggers Make In Their Efforts to Make Money
4:33 PM
Those who blog partly because they want to earn some extra money often
ask the question: “Why is my revenue so low?” A lot of times, the
answer can be found by looking at a few common mistakes bloggers make
when trying to improve their blog’s revenue.
There are people who think that blogs simply can not generate much money. They are wrong! Blog can generate you the same amount of money if not more compared to any other website. Now I’m talking about PPC (Pay per click) sources of revenue here.
Secondly you need to have a unique selling point. You need to give your readers something that nobody else does (look into creating a product or selling a service). This should really help you get returning visitors.
Finally it’s the ads themselves. You should channel your ads. This way you will be able to measure your ad block’s performance. One of the most important things to do is to experiment. Try different ad formats, colors and positioning. Run your setup for a few weeks, note the performance and try something different. Even if you think you have found the optimum ad setup keep trying to improve it. In most cases you can always tweak something to make your ad performance better.
There are people who think that blogs simply can not generate much money. They are wrong! Blog can generate you the same amount of money if not more compared to any other website. Now I’m talking about PPC (Pay per click) sources of revenue here.
Are you making these mistakes?
The main problem I have noticed is that people tend to concentrate on wider markets. If you are running a personal diary kind of blog, the chances are that there are thousands of similar blogs around. The more competition you have, the harder it will be for you to make some cash. Instead, try concentrating on smaller markets also known as niche markets.Secondly you need to have a unique selling point. You need to give your readers something that nobody else does (look into creating a product or selling a service). This should really help you get returning visitors.
Finally it’s the ads themselves. You should channel your ads. This way you will be able to measure your ad block’s performance. One of the most important things to do is to experiment. Try different ad formats, colors and positioning. Run your setup for a few weeks, note the performance and try something different. Even if you think you have found the optimum ad setup keep trying to improve it. In most cases you can always tweak something to make your ad performance better.