18 Google SEO Ranking Facts in 2016

A lot of bloggers might have already know about the 200 factors you should have to adopt for ranking your website in Search Engines . Howe...

A lot of bloggers might have already know about the 200 factors you should have to adopt for ranking your website in Search Engines. However, every SEO expert shows his opinions about some curtain SEO factors which are currently can be used for a being a successful blogger.You might have to chance of a lot of experiences from Google Employees about their Ranking Factor's algorithm, and you might also take advantage of it. So, I'm going to tell you about those Top 18 Google SEO Ranking Factors which you can use for ranking your website in 2016.

These Top 18 Google SEO Ranking Factors will help you in such situation when you might have to save your time for knowing the idea about these Factors which I'm going to explaining today.With these facts, you can easily be able to rank your website easily on your certain keywords in Search Engines such as Google. We have updated this post with some new Google SEO ranking factors, Please Read it just below the main article.

Top 18 Google SEO Ranking Factors in 2016

1: Main Keyword in Post Title

Title is one major part which you have to chose very wisely.That's the main part of the each Article in your blog and an important true of SEO.It is one main thing that what actually Google Looks for while in Search Engines Results.While selecting a Title for your blog post , make sure that it is fully perfect and looking more accurate in Search Engines Results. If you have a better and more eye-catching Title then surely Google will give more importance to your blog then others.

2: Keyword in Domain Name

Keyword is the base of any website on which a blogger will set out his journey with that website.Using a domain with the Keyword on which exactly you are going to setting up that website is the one best thing which is more effect-able in Google SEO ranking factors. This step will help your website in Getting more high Search Engines Visibility and also will help crawlers and Google Spiders to find out relevant link for curtain keywords.


3: Age of Domain

Google SEO Ranking Factors; Whenever you talk about the trust and surety of website on Google , (This one Could be #1 for a few case and if you think about Bing Search) then the Domain Age is first thing which will be count on.The more old domains you will use to set up your business , the more it's better.Let's say if you are having a domain which is about 2 years old , then in Search Engines Results term Google Will give more importance to the aged domain rather then any other newly domain and that's a real fact.

4: Keyword in H1 and H2 Tags

Putting Main keywords of your website in H1 and H2 Tags are very valuable in term of more Ranking then your expectations.This step highly effects on your website more then any other website Ranking in Search Engines.

5: Content Length

Content is always a king in case of Ranking a website.Always write a article which is having more than 1000 words and it's a very good way to attract the Search Engines to give much importance to your website article rather then any other website's content which is in between 500 words.

6: Update Content Regularly 

That's a true SEO facts which has a deep effect on any website Ranking in Search Engines.It's must be your regularity to keep your blog up-to-date.Write more unique and useful articles on the daily bases which will help Google Crawlers to keep in touch with your blog.Try to publish content  according to new trends which were going on High in these days.

7: Keyword Density as Low as  Possible

Keyword Density is another major Google SEO Facts, which is very recommended in these days.Keyword Density actually means how many number of times you have repeated your main keywords in the post article.Put your main keyword in Article perfectly for ranking higher on Search Engines.

8: Use Images in Articles

Using images in Blog articles is important thing which is highly trended in these days.You must have to balance your article by adding relevant Images and videos which are really related to the article.In this way, your blog post will be looks perfectly and Google will also love it. 
Read: How to Optimize Images for Your Blog

9: Add Videos in Articles

When you are about to posting a new article, if possible try to make a video which is related to the article and added that video in Article is best practice for SEO ranking and it will make your blog post perfectly more eye-catching  for visitors.

10: Website Page Loading Speed

Your website pages loading speed is most highly recommended for SEO ranking in these days. If your website loads in between 2 sec then it is good for your website. While a visitors find your website in Search Engines and he click on your website, so if the it's load in time then surely visitors check out your website or in other case if your website keeps loading and loading then it will be cause of bad impression on the visitors and he will quickly leave your website and go to the next one.

11: Mobile Optimized

Try to make your website mobile's version friendly as much as you can. There is up to 60% of visitors which are surfing internet through their mobiles. Make sure that your website is also in better mobile optimized so that audience will encourage your website and Google also love it.

12: Domain Authority

Domain Authority has almost take place page rank. Always looks for Quality and most relevant website for creating backlinks. This will boost your website Domain Authority. If you have your website domain authority in between 50 to 60 then you should celebrate it. This will work like a booster in your google seo ranking factors.

13: W3 Validation

Always make sure that your website Javascript/CSS and HTML codes are valid in case of W3 consortium.Try to check out for checking your website codes which you have used to modify it for many purposes.Once you will done then your website is going good.

14: Submit Your Website Sitemap to Google

Sitemap is one major truth of SEO which actually Google Crawler's and Spider's looks for. It is be proved in term of Ranking your website higher in Search Engines and more Search Engines Results visibility. Google love this practice of indexing new pages and content into their Database.

15: Be Penguin Safe

Penguin is actually algorithm which is introduced by Google for finding out the spammy backlinks. Whenever you are going to create backlinks try to safe from penguin that will cause of negative impact in your website ranking. (Read: how to not to be Banned by Google?)

16: Create Relevant Backlinks

Backlinks are base of any website on which a website got ranking in Search Engines .The more the quality links and relevant link you will create ,more chances of Ranking your website will be increased.Always be avoid from spammed backlinks as it's put a negative effect in your website' ranking.

17: Avoid Duplicate Content

Duplicate content is always a bad practice which Google very hates.You must be in such view of writing unique content for your blog rather then copying someone's content and publish as it yours in your website.

18: Social Media Shares

Social Media is more powerful for both or ranking and importance of your website.More social media audience will be helpful for your website improving it's ranking.Create your profiles on top social media sites and update your profile with newly posts of your website.

I hope now. You can understand The Google SEO Ranking Factors, Stand to practice from now and you could be an SEO Master. 

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Google SEO ranking factors Update 

User experience – beyond the desktop

While “Mobile addon” did not create as much turbulence as expected, the number of mobile friendly sites amongst the top 30 search results is increasing. It is evident from our data that responsive web design may be having a positive effect on rankings. As increasing numbers of users search on the move, optimizing your site for different end devices will continue to grow in importance.

SEO Violations & Ranking Penalties

Make no mistake; search engines want people to perform SEO because it can help improve their search results. Search engines provide support in the form of guidelines, blog posts, and videos to encourage specific SEO techniques.
However, there are some techniques that search engines deem “spam” or “black hat,” which could result in your pages receiving a ranking penalty or, worse, being banned from the search engines entirely.

Violations are general tactics meant to deceive or manipulate a search engine’s understanding of a site’s actual relevancy and authority.

Know the Local SEO ranking factors

The fact of optimizing your web page is still similar to how it was before, but there are a few fundamental differences in local SEO facts.
Local SEO focus on things such as local citations and review pages, these sort of thing can give you an added advantage over any of your competitors that are trying to rank as well.

Please remember that there are differences based on situation and strategy so you will want to make sure you fully understand these differences before you try to start a local SEO campaign.

How to Improve Local SEO Ranking?

Locally relevant blogging is an excellent way to become an authority on your industry as well as a become a trusted source of local information. Google can and will take notice of this content as you regularly publish it.

Promote and discuss locally relevant topics and events on your blog.Use social channels to further improve the content and spur discussion in your target community.

Google+ Local Profile Practices

Google My Business is the new-ish interface for managing your business’s Google+ page. This page/profile is your ticket to the Google Maps listing party. You will not get invited until you have a page, but it takes more than creation for it to appear in the search results. A combination of best practices for the setup, as well as many of the other tactics in this list, will help you move through the lineup.


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