10 Simple Ways to Boost Web Traffic

A s a standard rule of thumb, you have to assume that over 80% of people find what they are looking for on the first page of Google. 20% ...

As a standard rule of thumb, you have to assume that over 80% of people find what they are looking for on the first page of Google. 20% of all searches usually get sucked up by PPC advertisements, and the other 80 % is scattered on the rest of the page, with the obvious first three spots being the most coveted. Knowing this, it’s very important to understand and completely embrace the fact that being on the first page of major search engines like Google or Bing, should be of paramount concern to any business regardless of what you’re selling.

50 SEO & Online Marketing Techniques for ecommerce Websites

It's all very well cranking out blog posts, but will anyone ever read them? Particularly as there are so many ways to be just another mediocre blogger.

Below I’ve compiled 10 simple ways that you can and should be doing to help you grow traffic to your website.
  1. One way, you probably all know, is Search Engine Optimization. This is the process of making sure your website is as search engine friendly as possible. It’s so important, and I usually recommend it to most people I speak to.
  2. Make sure that you have an active blog or how to section on your website, preferably feeding into the main page of your design. This will show the major search engines that you are adding content, fresh content and over time; it will help to make your site more authoritative.
  3. Do you have the best content, and have you done significant keyword research? Many times there will be many keywords that you could expand on that are driving long tail term volume to your site, but you aren’t aware that you can expand on those.
  4. Actively seek out back-links to your website, and this for sure can help you to increase traffic to your website for your targeted terms.
  5. Make sure all content that you put on your site, is related to what it is that you do or sell, and that your speak about it in each reference site wide.
  6. If you are an instant gratification type of person, and you feel you have good profit margins, it would be wise to consider a well planned out Pay Per Click campaign.
  7. Participation on message boards, or forums can be helpful as well, however you must do this wisely, you don’t want to become a spammer. This could only hurt you. If you follow this route, make sure you give honest opinions, don’t tout yourself blatantly and make sure the advise you give is valid and factual.
  8. If you have an E-Commerce store, don’t be afraid to run promotions, contests and give away freebies and such. Everyone loves something for nothing.
  9. Social Media is very big right now, I don’t know if you’ve heard (joke) – make sure you use your Facebook pages to the best that you can.
  10. Email marketing is a fantastic way to communicate with people who have used your items in the past, people who might buy from you in the future as well.

How to Get More comments on Blogspot Blogs

Search engines like Google and Yahoo, Bing always like and prefer the freshly updated content. So all you need to do is Ping your website using once of following popular ping services: Ping.o.Matic,  Technorati Ping, Pingoat Ping, Feed Ping, King Ping, Blog Flux Pinger etc.

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