30 ways to promote your blog posts: InfoGraphic

T hinking about how to promote your blog content? lets take a break, and start to promote your blog post with us. I nfographic : step-by-...

Thinking about how to promote your blog content? lets take a break, and start to promote your blog post with us. Infographic: step-by-step ways to promote your blog post or content to get 1000 shares and possibly even many multiples of this.

Success depends on HOW OFTEN you post or add content to your blog. This is Wrong!!
Over the last few months I’ve been experimenting with something new – publish one new blog post per week, but spend a lot more time promoting it! And guess what? It worked! My blog readership went from just a few thousand readers per month to over 20,000, all because I invested some time to promote my blog posts.

The most obvious ways to promote your blog posts is to share them via social media, but there are more ways to get the word. You can Click Here To Save the Image for Later

The most obvious ways to promote your blog posts is to share them via social media, but there are more ways to get the word.

Here are 30 ways to promote your blog posts

How to Promote Your Blog Post
Infographic: How to promote your blog post

As you can see, there are lots of tricks and tools that could help you and show you how to promote your blog. Let’s break it down.
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Luckily, you have many creative options when it comes to promoting your blog content. 
Over the years I have compiled a detailed list of where, how and when to promote your latest blog post. Save the image to read it clearly. (infographic)

What are some ways you are promoting your blog posts? Leave a comment below.
P.S. You’re more than welcome to publish this #inforgraphic on your blog and I’d love to know about it. Just right click and “SAVE AS” to save it to your desktop (or Click Here to Save It) and then upload it to your platform. Once it’s up on your site, just contact us with a link to your post and we’ll share it on our social media networks as well.

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