Beginner's Guide
Blogging tips
3 critical mistakes to avoid while making your first social media marketing
6:32 PM
While a social media marketing strategy is included in the
marketing bucket of almost any company these days, off-line or online,
there are still some common mistakes that are repeated time and again
even by experienced professionals. Here are three critical mistakes to
avoid while making your first social media marketing strategy.
Mistake 1: Not knowing who your customer is.
It is extremely easy to be misguided about your own customer, partly
due to not making enough efforts and partly due to our inherent biases. A
huge majority of entrepreneurs fall into the trap of spending all the
time on product development and none on customer development. While this
is a mistake in itself, it becomes a critical failure point
when drafting a social media strategy. There is almost no way that
you can be efficient in your social media outreach if you cannot point
your exact customer segment. There are many ways to understand your
customer segment – one of them is to have a target persona ready even
before you take your first step. Of course, creating a persona is an art
in itself. You have to be careful of not including so many details that
you get confused and also of not limiting to so few details that the
persona is extremely generic.
Mistake 2: Not knowing where your customer is.
Even after spending a lot of time on developing your persona and
knowing exactly who your target customer is, many companies fail to
understand where exactly this target customer spends his time and
attention. Both of these factors are extremely important for your social
media strategy. If your customer is a corporate professional who spends
most of his time on LinkedIn, it will be difficult for you to reach him
if you are focusing on only Instagram. Again it is also entirely
possible that while the target customer does spend his time on LinkedIn,
he is not there to do any purchasing decisions. In that case you have
to find which platform captures his relevant attention. Perhaps a
subreddit is where the most effective balance of time and attention can
be found.