How to Write A Stunning Headline That Get Readers Attention

H eadlines are an integral part of an article. It is the first thing readers see and will either compel them to click through or move on. H...

Headlines are an integral part of an article. It is the first thing readers see and will either compel them to click through or move on. Headlines, or post titles, are the most important part of your article. Why? Because the majority of people use headlines to decide whether or not to read your article. Doesn’t matter how good or bad your actual article is. If it has a weak headline, it won’t get read.

Why Are Headlines So Important?

You could have the best article in the world, but if you do not have a good headline it is not going to reach its full potential.  The main reasons a headline is so important is that it:
  • Gives the reader a good idea about the content in the article
  • Is the first (possibly last) thing people see about the article
  • Usually is one of the few elements visible on social sharing sites
  • Is the best opportunity to market the article
  • A good Meaningful Headline is very important for SEO
An effective headline will be able to grab the reader’s attention and lure them into reading the article. A good headline may even be able to generate social sharing with little to no reading of the actual content.

How To Write Your Blog Post Headline Creatively to Stand Out

Use Well Formatted Tense to Make Your Headline Effective

Apply the following rules when writing headlines. The best way to write a good headline is to keep it simple and direct. Be clever only when being clever is called for. 

Use the active voice to Write Effective Headlines

Effective headlines usually involve logical sentence structure, active voice and strong present-tense verbs. They do not include “headlines.” As with any good writing, good headlines are driven by good verbs. 

A “capital” idea: The first word in the head should be capitalized as should all proper nouns. Most headline words appear in lower-case letters. Do not capitalize every word. (Some publications do capitalize the first letter of every word; the Kansan and most other publications do not.) In most cases, do capitalize the first word after a colon. (In some cases, when only one word follows the colon, the word would not be capitalized. Use your best judgment.)  

Number, please: Numbers often go against AP style in headlines. For example, you may start a sentence with a number and, even though that number is below 10, you do not have to spell it out.

Subject and verb, please: Don't write headlines in which nouns and verbs (other than “is” or “was”) are assumed. And don’t start a headline with a verb.

More things to avoid: Do not editorialize, exaggerate, generalize or use long words. Keep it simple and direct.   

Now Write Killer Headlines In 2 Minutes

Keep Blog headlines short

Simplify your offer or message. Edit it down to its bare essence. Delete any superfluous or redundant language. Be ruthless, and boil it down to its most basic form. If you write a great headline, you might not need any body copy. Don’t be afraid of one- and two-word sentences.

Turn your subheads into Headlines

Often when people try to be creative, their creativity gets in the way of the message they want to communicate. In other words, creativity becomes the goal instead of communicating. Here’s a clue: If someone has to read the body copy to figure out what your ad is about, you may be pursuing “clever” versus “clarity.” You’ll frequently see ads that require subheads to provide the context, payoff or offer. In many cases, these should have been used instead of the headline, which should be tossed away entirely. So be honest with yourself when you review your marketing materials, and ask, “Would this subhead make a more effective headline than the seemingly more ‘creative’ headline above it?” Sometimes just delivering your offer/message straight is the best approach. 

Search engine optimization for Good Headlines

Though there are many factors that contribute to how search engines rank a page, one of the most powerful onsite factors is the words that you use in the title of that page. By default content publish platforms like WordPress will include your title in the title tags of your post’s page and the URL structure of that page – both of these factors contribute to that page’s search-engine ranking. (Read: 34 Search Engine Optimization Techniques) Add to this that other bloggers often use your title to link to you (a very powerful thing), and your titles become a very important factor in ranking well and generating traffic in search engines.

Getting attention in social bookmarking sites by your Blog Headlines

The same principle is true in social bookmarking sites like and, which have the potential to send your site many thousands of visitors based almost solely on the title of your post.

Avoid puns, idioms and clichés

Using puns, clichés, idioms and other common expressions in marketing materials is a cheap shortcut to “creativity.” They are a lazy man’s way out — a cheap, easy solution that slides through the approval process simply because it uses a slight turn of a familiar phrase. The context for most puns is in advertising is spurious. And there are cultural and language concerns: is everyone in your intended audience aware of the expression and its meaning?
Trite Headline: “Saving more is easy as pie.”
Better Headline: “Here’s how ridiculously easy it is for you to save more.”

Create a Sense of Urgency

Another way to swiftly move your readers from considering your content to actually clicking it is by crafting a headline that creates a sense of urgency. You want them to feel that the information housed in your blog is time-sensitive and offers value for them right now. For example: 
  • 8 Things to Do in Montauk This Summer
  • 9 Essentials to Have in Place Before Buying a House
  • Is Your Blog Suffering From These Critical Design Mistakes?
Urgent language, referencing a specific time frame (summer), a specific event (buying a house) or a specific fear (that your blog is badly designed) can help inspire your audience to click and explore your content more quickly.

Types of Blog Post Headlines That Actually Work

Here are the best types of headlines that work for blog content and an example of each: The “List” Headline

Choose a list of 5 things, 10 things or go for the mega list. Statistics show that a well-researched mega list is often guaranteed to produce lots of traffic to your site.
Example: "101 Ways to Improve Your Blog Writing Skills"

The "How To" Headline

Everyone needs to know how to do something. How to start a business, how to write a better headline or just how to change a flat tire.
Example: "How to Influence Your Readers to Share Your Articles on Social"

The “Get What You Want” Headline

This type of headline provides readers with a promise that you are going to tell them how to go about getting something they really want. Not unlike the "How To" Headline, this headline speaks to the vanity of human nature.
Example: "10 Ways to Make Money With Your Blog"

The “Best and Worst” Headline

You can accentuate the positive, or the negative here. However, using the negative and appealing to your readers' sense of fear is surprisingly a great direction to go.
Example: "The 5 Worst Things to Add to Your LinkedIn Profile"

The "Facts, Figures and Stats" Headline

As we stated earlier, humans love numbers. Give them something they can use during their next elevator talk.
Example: "The Latest Facebook Statistics for Business"

The "Predictions and Trends" Headline

Everyone loves to be the first one to be "in the know". Provide them with an educated guess about what's coming down the pike and they will read on.
Example: "Our Predictions for Google's Next Algorithm Update"

Write Blog Headline With: Who Else Wants ____________ ?

Starting a headline with “Who Else Wants…” is a classic social proof strategy that implies an already existing consensus desire. While overused in the Internet marketing arena, it still works like gangbusters for other subject matter.
  • Who Else Wants a Great WordPress Theme?
  • Who Else Wants a Higher Paying Job?
  • Who Else Wants More Fun and Less Stress When on Vacation?

Write Effective Headline With: Here’s a Quick Way to __________ (Do something)

People love quick and easy when it comes to solving a nagging problem.
  • Here’s a Quick Way to Get Over a Cold
  • Here’s a Quick Way to Potty Train Junior
  • Here’s a Quick Way to Backup Your Hard Drive

Start Effective Headlines for Blog post: The Secret of ___________

This one is used quite a bit, but that’s because it works. Share insider knowledge and translate it into a benefit for the reader.
  • The Secret of Successful Podcasting
  • The Secret of Protecting Your Assets in Litigation
  • The Secret of Getting Your Home Loan Approved

Write the Blog Headline last

Sometimes it helps to unclog your thoughts by flushing all the mandatory material on paper first. Write the body copy — the offer, the call-to-action, the disclosure — write all that stuff down and whittle it to the fewest words possible. Now step back and look for creative opportunities to provide context with your headline. How can you creatively frame your message? This approach might feel a bit backwards, but once you’ve got the core built, you have the clarity of message you need to concentrate on the headline.

Blog Post Headline Keyword Cheat Sheet

When used correctly, consumers find these words irresistible. Most great headlines will incorporate at least one of these words (or a related theme). Do A Keyword Research for Your Blog post/Content to get the best result from SERP.

20 Headline Keyword Cheat Sheet for Successful Headlines to Your Blog Post

  1. Inside Information: Secrets, Tricks, Confidential, Tips, Cheat, Sneaky, Expert, Serious, Professional, Unlock, Master, Skill, Revealing, Bible 
  2. Smart Advice: Clever, Brilliant, Expert, How To, Learn, Practical, Start, Important, Plan, Shrewd 
  3. Answers to Questions: Why, How, When, What, Who, Facts, How Much, Reasons 
  4. Surprise & Delight: Exciting, Amazing, Unreal, Stunning, Phenomenal, Incredible, Mind Blowing, Awesome, Unbelievable, Insane, Crazy, Fascinating, Magic, Miracle, Interesting, Sensational, Surprise, Wonderful, Cool, Hot, Impossible, Beautiful, Startling, Jaw-Dropping
  5. New & Unusual: Fresh, Strange, Creative, Innovative, Now, Weird, Announcing, Breakthrough, At Last, Introducing, Odd, Latest, Unique, Unusual, Rare, First, Explore, Find, Discover 
  6. Exclusivity: Exclusive, Invitation, Personalized, Custom, Private, Selected, Confidential 
  7. Urgency & Time: Only, Limited, Expires, Early-bird, Hurry, Time, Rush, Urgent, Today, Before, Fast, Faster, Accelerate, Immediately, Instant, Never, Quick, Lifetime, Direct, Sudden, Last, Last Minute, Snappy 
  8. Cost & Value, Free: Bargain, Discount, [x] Off, Save, Savings, Earn, Sale, Cost, Buy, Budget, Cheap, Give, Get, Offer, Gain, Gift, Take, Lowest, Only, Complimentary, Refund, Rebate, Extra, Bonus, Plus 
  9. Power Verbs: Love, Believe, Gain, Boost, Grow, Increase, Accelerate, Cut, Protect, Create, Drive, Fuel, Overcome, Unleash 
  10. Things to Avoid: Dumbest, Worst, Hate, Painstaking, Excruciating, Fail, Death, Bad, Wrong, No, Warning, Caution, Mistakes, Stop, Avoid, Eliminate, Prevent 
  11. Events & Contests: Extravaganza, Bonanza, Celebration, Event, Sale, Sweepstakes, Giveaway, Win 
  12. Shock & Awe: Dangerous, Ridiculous, Killer, Explosive, Dynamite, Shocking, Unbelievable, Drastically, Outrageous 
  13. Size & Strength: Mega, Powerful, Extremely, Tremendous, Huge, Massive, Monster, Humongous, Gigantic, Exceptional, Strong(er), Mammoth, Colossal 
  14. Quantity: Additional, More, Unlimited, Complete, Full, Maximum, Everything, Enormous 
  15. Best of Breed: Perfect, Ultimate, Top, Ever, Absolute, Essential, Biggest, Most, Outstanding, Superior, Best, Coolest, Hottest, Fastest, Quickest, Easiest, Greatest, Cheapest, Lowest, Smallest, Highest 
  16. The Real Deal: Authentic, Genuine, Real, Honest, True, Unconditional, Natural 
  17. Effectiveness: Guaranteed, Proven, Results, Safe, Successful, Tested, Profitable, Reliable, Trusted 
  18. Ease & Simplicity: Easy, Easier, Easiest, Simple, Effortless, Breeze, Automatic, Simplify 
  19. Temptations: Sexy, Imagine, Dreams, Opportunity, Wealth, Money, Cash, Fortune, Win, Exploit, Willpower, Attractive, Beautiful, Lavish, Famous, Popular, Celebrity, Irresistible 
  20. Affirmations: Yes, Absolutely, Victory, Approved
If you have any questions, comments, or examples of outright hideous headlines, let us know in the comments. If You thinks this article helps you or this one can help others feel free to share on social media.

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