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Bing Search Engine Optimization Factors & Guide to Bing SEO
5:55 AMBing SEO Factors are very different from any other Search Engine. You should Learn about Bing Giant. Yahoo! Bing search engine optimization is needed for your blog or business website. Bing works in a total different algorithm than google. The algorithms are very different, just compare search results for the same term and you will quickly see what I mean. A lot of people do not pay attention to Bing SEO or ranking factors and
purely focus on trying to rank in Google and nothing else. Optimization
Why Bing Matters
“Yahoo and Bing represent nearly a third (29 percent) of the U.S. search market.” In fact, the Yahoo Bing Network has approximately 149 million unique searchers each month and 5.2 billion searches a month.Most interesting, however, is how Bing and Yahoo have fared with specific demographics. Based on an audience study, the Yahoo Bing Network tends to be favored by the following groups:
- College graduates and graduate school students
- Mature age group of those 35+
- Slightly more women than men
- Households with children
- Households with incomes more than $75,000
Get Indexed in Bing Search Network
As Bing clearly states, “being indexed is the first step to developing traffic from Bing.” To do this, you just simply submit your site to Bing and play the waiting game – Bing apparently doesn’t update their index as much as Google, so be patient.To take advantage of the Bing Webmaster Tools, don’t forget to also sign-up for a free account – or use your existing Windows Live ID.
Bing Webmaster Guidelines
First of all you should have a read of the Bing Webmaster Guidelines and get yourself upto speed.It is no way near as long/complicated as Google’s guidelines so it won’t take you long to read and absorb.
Bing Webmaster Tools
The Bing Webmaster Tools is superb – if you haven’t got your site setup in there yet do it now.It provides an awesome suite of tools including a backlink explorer! You can also see exactly which keywords you rank for, how your site indexes, diagnose problems and much more.
As of right now you will also get $100 of free advertising credit to play with – sweet!
Bing SEO Analyzer
The Bing SEO Analyzer is also a great tool to discover if your pages are following Bing SEO best practices.Just enter your URL and it will return a list of suggestions to improve your rankings across Bing & Yahoo.
What is Yahoo-Bing Search Engine Ranking Factors
Bing is hardly the first time when there is no agreement in the
SEO community about the intricacies of the algorithm but if we can
summarize, here are some factors, which are (or at least are strongly
believed to be) of importance when Bing optimization is concerned:
- Social Signals Do Matter: There is a lot of debate on whether social signals impact Google search rankings. I can categorically tell you with 100% certainty that they do and I’ve been using them to rank consistently for the past 2 years. I revealed exactly how at the recent BHW/UnGagged conference.So rather than getting caught up in the change debate you should be making social signals a core part of your SEO strategy now. It affects you rankings in Google and it affects your rankings in Bing.
However Bing actually return posts from Facebook & Twitter embedded directly into search results that stand out from normal web results.
Bing has a much stronger reliance on social signals than Google – use that to your advantage and you will see benefits in both search engines.
Backlinks are of less importance. It is important to note is that backlinks are less important in Bing then they are in Google.If you compare the search results between Bing & Google you will notice that the top ranking sites in Bing have noticeably less backlinks.
However Bing does favour ‘editorial’ type links from within body content rather than coming from a sidebar, footer or list of links and site relevancy does matter.
- Inbound anchor text matters more. The quantity of quality inbound links might be of less importance for Bing but the anchor text certainly matters more. Actually, since anchor text is one of the measurements of the quality of inbound links, it isn't much different. Get quality anchor text and you will do well in both Bing and Google.
- Link spamming won't do much for you on Bing. Since the quantity of backinks (even if they are of supreme quality) seems to be of less importance to Bing, link spamming will be even less effective than with Google.
- Onpage factors matter more than with Google. This is one of the most controversial points. Many SEO experts disagree but many also think that onpage factors matter more with Bing than with Google. Still, it has nothing to do with the 90s, when onpage factors were definitive.
- Bing pays more attention to the authority of the site. If this is true, this is bad news for bloggers and small sites because it means that search results are distorted in favor of older sites and/or sites of authoritative organizations. Age of domain is also very important with Bing – even more than with Google.
- PR matters less. When you perform a search for a competitive keyword and you see a couple of PR2 or even PR1 sites among the top 10 results, this might make you wonder. On Google this is hardly possible but on Bing it looks quite normal.
- Fresh content matters less. Bing looks a bit conservative – or maybe it just can't index sites that quickly – but it seems that fresh content is not so vital as with Google. This is related to the age of domain specifics and as a result you will see ancient pages rank high (but these ancient pages are relevant to the search query).
- Bing is more Flash-friendly. Optimizing a Flash site for Google is a bit of a SEO nightmare. It is too early to say but it looks like Bing is more Flash-friendly, which is good news to all sites where Flash is (still) heavily employed.
- Content & Keyword Density Is Important: Bing prefers sites that have lots of unique content. They place much higher value on longer more engaging content than shorter content. Just like they are behind Google in how they process language in anchor text, the same applies to your content as well.You need to feed Bing the specific keyword you want your page to rank for. It is much better to focus on 1 page per keyword with Bing, but again be careful you don’t trip Google Panda by offering duplicate content. Also Bing trys to eliminate duplicate content at the point of indexing. Redudant content is recognized and eliminated from search result pages but may still be available in the index.