50 Creative Ways to Say I Love You: How to say I love You

50 Creative ways to say "I love you" Here are 50 simple but amazing & creative ways you can demonstrate the depth of your lo...

50 Creative ways to say "I love you"

Here are 50 simple but amazing & creative ways you can demonstrate the depth of your love. (I have used the words, ‘he’ and ‘she’ interchangeably here. The following ideas are not gender specific.) Show love for the special people in their lives.
  1. Write down fifty favorite memories of your life spent together so far. Invite your partner to add to the list, as well as to share special ideas for the future.
  2. Leave a message on her voicemail with a silly, romantic poem. (Roses are red, violets are blue . . .)
  3. Make a CD featuring the songs that have been important in your relationship. Slip it into the CD player of her car.
  4. Bring homemade cookies or brownies to his office with a simple love note.
  5. Spoon.
  6. Surprise her with some bath salts and her favorite magazine. Then take the kids out of the house for the evening so she can enjoy some time alone.
  7. Stash a love note in his shoe.
  8. Spend some time talking about all the goals you have been able to accomplish during your time as a couple. Reflecting on the things that you have been able to do with the strength of the other, including the challenges, can really help you to remember and to celebrate the depth of your relationship and how you have supported one another through it all.
  9. Serve her breakfast in bed.
  10. Give him some time one Saturday to do something he enjoys but rarely takes the time for.
  11. Buy her luxurious new silk pajamas that will make her feel treasured and cherished each time she puts them on.
  12. Create a special sign (such as a specific hand gesture) that means I Love You, just between the two of you.
  13. Listen without interrupting.
  14. Give her a few minutes of time alone when she first gets home from work. Sometimes, we each need a bit of time to process the transition from work life to family life.
  15. Watch a sporting event together.
  16. Place a single daisy on her windshield.
  17. Kiss.
  18. Surprise him by purchasing his favorite DVD or the latest CD of his favorite vocal artist.
  19. Talk lovingly about your partner to others, and avoid criticizing your mate to your friends or family. Even if your words never make it back to your partner, the tension and negative energy will eventually wedge its way between you.
  20. Talk a walk together.
  21. Rub his back.
  22. Dance to your favorite song.
  23. Re-create your first date.
  24. Light candles at dinnertime.
  25. Write a love note and slip it under his pillow.
  26. Send a romantic text message.
  27. Send flowers, just because.
  28. Keep a scrapbook of your love, from first meeting through courtship, through marriage. Write a few journal entries about how your love for one another has evolved as you have grown together, and the new kinds of energy each new phase of your relationship has created.
  29. Take him out to lunch.
  30. Make her coffee so it is ready when she gets up.
  31. Jot down 20 things you love about him and slip it under his dinner plate.
  32. Cook her favorite breakfast.
  33. Choose a book you both will enjoy, and read it aloud together.
  34. Rent a romantic movie.
  35. Slip a Hershey’s Kiss and a Hershey’s Hug into her coat pocket.
  36. Write about the feelings you felt when you first met your mate. Write about the first time you knew you were in love.
  37. Celebrate special days in your relationship with unique traditions and rituals.
  38. Have you been holding a grudge against your partner? Today, forgive it and move on. Witness how much power the act of forgiveness injects into your relationship.
  39. Rub her feet.
  40. Find creative places to write I Love You: in whipped cream on a slice of pie, carved into the side of an apple, in the steam on the bathroom mirror.
  41. Bring flowers to her in the middle of the day.
  42. Spend a few minutes together in bed each morning.
  43. Call his mother and father and thank them for creating such a wonderful son.
  44. Do a chore that is typically reserved for him.
  45. Tell her she looks amazing.
  46. Write her a love letter and mail it.
  47. If she has had a rough day at work, bring home her favorite take out and a bottle of wine.
  48. Create a marquis on your screensaver that declares your love.
  49. Choose your favorite photo of the two of you as a couple and frame two copies: one for each of you to take to work.
  50. Play a board game or a game of cards. (Margaritas optional.)
Wait, Don't let it go, I have some bonus tips for you. Read it and share it to the social world!

Bonus: Cute ways to say I love you

How to say I love You

A prescription for love

Get a large clear jar with a lid from the dollar store. Make 100 small strips of paper and write on them reasons why you love him -- some serious, some romantic and some funny. Use a glue stick to glue each paper onto the tag of a Hershey's Kiss candy. Put all the candies in the jar. Make a label for the jar that reads "Rx: 100 reasons why I love you. Dosage: Take one a day for 100 days. For optimum effect kiss wife."

Garden of love

Fresh cut flowers are always a staple of Valentine's Day. Last year I saved some of the flowers from my wife's garden and hid them away to dry. On Valentine's I plan to make an arrangement out of these and give them to her. This way not only does she receive flowers but they will also bring back memories of her garden.

Picture perfect

When my husband was in Saudi Arabia I sent him a series of pictures of me all around Vancouver. In each picture I was holding a piece of paper with a letter on it. They came to him in no kind of alphabetical order, but when they were all laid out side by side they spelled "I Love You"

Unique Ways to Say I Love You

A romantic Kinder Surprise Egg

How to say I love You
My husband proposed to me by somehow getting some little papers inside a Kinder Egg that read, "Will You Marry Me." I think putting little papers with the words "I love you" would be just as impressive.

A message of Love

Give them a Valentine's Day card that explains S.H.M.I.L.Y. (See How Much I Love You) write it on pieces of paper without the explanation (lots of them) and hide them throughout the house, and if someone else finds it they'll never guess what it means. Or write it on the inside of a lampshade (small print) and when the light is turned on, the intended person will see it.

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