blog building
Blogger Tips
How to Start A Blog
How to Start a Fashion Blog in 5 Easy Steps
4:29 AMSo you want to learn how to start a fashion blog. We get it. New York
Fashion Week has that uncanny ability to get our fashion mojos running.
There’s no better way to shamelessly indulge in fashion, learn more
about style than you ever thought possible and connect with fashionistas
and designers around the world, than starting a fashion blog. And
maybe, just maybe you’ll score a coveted NYFW invite yourself. Sound
like your dream job?
1. Buy your domain and get hosted
The first thing you want to do when starting a blog is to get your own space on the internet. If you’re starting a blog, even if it’s just as a hobby, you need to make sure that you are building on a platform that belongs to you. Sites like Tumblr and Blogger may be easy to use but if you wants to make huge money from your blog you should use WordPress, here is a guide to: How to Start a Self Hosted WordPress Blog, but at the end of the day, your blog doesn’t belong to you on these platforms.
Read The Step by Step Guide on: How to Buy A Good Domain
Instead, decide on a name that fits you and the vision you have for
your blog and buy the domain through a host. Using a platform like a
self-hosted WordPress site is one of the best ways to build a solid
foundation for your blog, and most of your favorite and most popular fashion blogs set up their sites this way. If you’re a little less
techie, Squarespace is a popular user-friendly alternative that does the job as well.2. Define your niche, within the niche
Fashion blogging is a vastly saturated industry. Those are the facts and you have to aware of that before you get started. But, don’t let that discourage you. There are ways to differentiate yourself from all the noise on the internet so you can ensure your blog gets noticed, and the best way to do this is to get really specific about the purpose and goal of your fashion blog.
Will you be focusing on street style or covering runway and red carpet fashion? Are you taking readers through your closet or discovering up and coming designers? Do you think your blog will strictly be fashion or will it more of a lifestyle brand? Figure out what it is within the fashion industry that excites you the most, and focus on that. By tailoring your fashion blog to one or two specific focuses, you’ll begin to establish yourself as an expert within your niche which is super important when it comes to growing your blog.
3. Get a really nice, clean design
While it’s true that there are some less than aesthetically pleasing blogs that are doing well, if you want to stand out in the crowd of fashion bloggers, you want to get a design that looks just as fab as your Jimmy Choo’ When people land on your fashion blog, the last thing they want to see is a cluttered sidebar, a hard to navigate menu, uncomplimentary colors, or hard to read text. This is the fastest way to get someone to click.While it’s true that there are some less than aesthetically pleasing blogs that are doing well, if you want to stand out in the crowd of fashion bloggers, you want to get a design that looks just as fab as your Jimmy Choo’ When people land on your fashion blog, the last thing they want to see is a cluttered sidebar, a hard to navigate menu, uncomplimentary colors, or hard to read text. This is the fastest way to get someone to click off your site, so if you have the cash, hire a designer to bring your fashion blog visions to life. If you’re going the DIY route there are a ton of easily customizable pre-made templates where you just plug in your logo and content and go.
4. Create epic content
So you’ve set up your site, your vision is clear, and your blog looks perfect. Now it’s time to create content. What is Content? And not just any content, but consistently epic content. This means you’re thinking about the vision you created and who your target audience is with every post. Your posts should be providing your reader with information or inspiration each and every time. But, if content is King as they say in the blogging world, then consistency is Queen. It’s not enough to publish a post every now and again. To start a successful fashion blog or lifestyle brand, you’ll need to keep your readers coming back for more. Try creating an editorial calendar to keep you focused and on track.
5. Share your stuff!
There’s this myth that circles the online world that goes something like “If you build it, they will come.” I’m here to tell you, that’s simply not true. In the world of fashion blogging, or any kind of blogging really, you must build AND share in order to really grow.Self-promoting can sometimes be uncomfortable but if you’re not putting in significant time to share your work, you’re doing both yourself and blog a disservice. Set aside an hour or so each week to focus only on sharing. You can even use a service like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule social media updates to ease the burden of social media. (18 Steps to increase your Blog Traffic) Whatever you do, make sure you’re putting your fashion blog out there and watch your community grow.