
8 Hot SEO Tips That will Bring Your Blog on First in SERP

The more SEO skills you have, the more likely you are to get into trouble with Google. Of course that is not always the case, but there a...

The more SEO skills you have, the more likely you are to get into trouble with Google.

Of course that is not always the case, but there are many SEO professionals who still recommend shady practices that Google frown upon.  There are also some great SEO professionals and many of them now call themselves content marketers as they realize that great content is the cornerstone of SEO.

SEO Friendly Post Title Strategy

8 Small Business SEO Tips
You know that post title is an important part of an article or post. A quality title carries gist of a post. A visitor will visit your site when he will get what he want. When someone search something generally he reads the title from search result. If he find something necessary in title, he will click on that link. Not only for blogger seo it is equally important for all kind of seo. So, it is very important for all blogger.

SEO friendly post title for blogger

Post title is a very important fact for your blog. Now a days meta-keyword tag is getting less importance to search engines. Title is getting much importance. So you should be very careful to use it properly. It is not only for blogger seo / blogger blog but also for all kind of blog.
An attractive title attract visitors and also attract search engines. It carries a gist of your site or post. When you will write about something think about it's title.You should think which type of  title will attract visitors.
You must give your targeted keyword into title. But never make title too large and complex. Try to keep it normal,clear,attractive,informative and acceptable. Never use false title because it may increase site's bounce rate.

Five tips on SEO friendly title writing:

01.Keep your title short. Not too short.
Try to write you title in 70 characters. Generally search engines shows 70 characters of a title. So, if you make it large visitors will not see full title that you will write. He will see only 70 characters of you title. If visitors don’t get exact idea about your post by reading article he may not visit your site. s
 02. Try to make title attractive.
Always try to make your article/post’s title attractive. If you can then you must get visitors. If you get visitors attention to your post you may get a visitor. Think! When you search anything in which link you click most. You must click on that link which one will attract you most. So, you must try to do this. s
 03. Don’t use special characters:
There are some special character like ( ! @ . , ? < > / ). Google always ignore these special character. When google bot crawl it skips there where it find those special characters. If you use those special character in you title google may not give importance to that. So, be careful! s
 04. Try to keep gist of your article into title:
If you become failed to introduce your article with visitors then will you write it? It is also very important. Title carries the main fact of your article. So, if  visitors don’t get any idea about your article by reading this he will not be interested to click on that. s
 05. Keep title fresh and relevant:
You must not try to express extra thing by your post’s title what is not relevant with your post/article. This may increase your sites bounce rate. Also you may lost visitors. 

Internal Link Building in Blog Post

Internal link building means linking inside your web or blog. It sometimes looks like related post. In this post you have seen above that some of our texts are linked with other category or post (Blogger SEO, Image alt tag). These are called internal link building.
It helps your website to get visitors. It minimizes your bounce rate. When a visitor will come to your site he will click related topic's link if he find. Thus bounce rate can't increase.

For Example:
Suppose, you have come to my blog to know about Blogger SEO. Somehow you have found this post. After reading this post hope you will want to see other of our posts about Blogger SEO. So, you will click on my given internal link above. Thus, my bounce rate will minimize.

After this post I have manually given related posts link. It is also a trick of Internal Link Building.

Also it makes you visitors your site friendly. Easy access to other post visitors will easily find and must like your blog. It will give you some permanent visitors. Thay will return to your site for next post or update.

Use Image alt Tag in Post or Page

This is only one SEO tip out of many search engine optimization tips I have been providing over the years. All of my search engine optimization tips are meant to be specific, they should not take too much time to implement, and are meant to be directly to the point. In fact, this search engine optimization tip is pretty simple, but may take a long time to complete: check the image alt tags on your web pages. 

What exactly is an Alt Tag?

Let’s take a look at what Wikipedia says about Alt Tags. Wikipedia explains what an Alt Tag really is: “The alt attribute is used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify text that is to be rendered when the element to which it is applied cannot be rendered. In HTML 4.01, the attribute is required for the img and area element types.”
What is important here is that each image on your web site contains a unique Alt Tag or “alt attribute”. The keywords used should describe the image perfectly. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, when I added the screen capture of the NetMechanic example of the image alt tag usage, I used the keyword phrase “Image Alt Tag example”. I believe that it perfectly describes what you will find when you look at that image.

So, for this search engine optimization tip, keep in mind that the Keywords in the Alt Tags are important. 

Submit sitemap in google for Blogger

Sitemap is an important matter for seo. It is important not only for blogger but also for all kind of seo. Sitemap helps you to submit and index your new posts. When you will add a sitemap in google webmaster tool it gives your site's information to google webmaster tool. After adding a sitemap for your site google will show your total post number and within 1-3days google will approve it and will index your posts.
Blogger blog's sitemap submission is different from others. Other have to create a sitemap.xml file first. But blogger user's have no need to create any sitemap.

Lets see how to add blogger sitemap in google:

  • Go to google webmaster tool.
  • Login with your gmail account which you have used in Blogger.
  • After logging in you will see your blogger site here.
  • Click on it.
  • Then right side you will see sitemap option. Click there.
  • You will see Add sitemap button. Click on it.
  • A box will open. Now follow the steps provided by google.

Submit sitemap in Bing for Blogger

Bing is a biggest popular search engine just behind google. You can get a good amount of visitor from here. Every blogger should submit their website/blog url to bing/yahoo network. Its easy and takes only a few minutes.

Now, Follow these steps:
  • Go to http://www.bing.com/toolbox/webmaster
  • SignIn here. If you already have any Bing or Microsoft account, you can login by it. If you don't then SignUp.
  • Here in Add site field put your site url and click on Add.
  • A new page will open. No need to change. Again click on Add.
  • Then you can see you site there. Click on Verify Now. and follow the Bing's Instruction.

Social Sharing Widget in Blogger

Social media is an important source of traffic. You may get huge visitors from social networking site. Social media marketing (SMM) has a great value to get visitors. I have many blog. One of my blog get 35,000 visitors daily. 7,000-10,000 visitors from are arriving from social networking sites. So, social media marketing and search engine optimization is equal important to me.
Importance of social sharing widget:
Firs of all I will give you a simple example so that you become clear about importance of it.
Suppose, you have a blog and I am a visitor of your blog. I have found an awesome article in you blog. I have a Facebook ID with 3,000 friends and followers  If I share this in Facebook all of my friends will see this. If some of them also share this link to their profile then their friend will also see this. Thus you may get traffic.

AddThis is a popular company (or you can use any other partner widget to add a share button) which gives social sharing button free. You can easily get code form their site. No need to registration. Follow instruction below:

  • Go to addThis.
  • Click on Get Start.
  • Chose an style from their list.
  • After selecting style you will get a code. Code will show right side.
  • Copy the code.
  • Then LogIn to your blogger account.
  • Go to Layout and Click on Add an gadget.
  • Select HTML/JavaScript.
  • Put your copied code here and save.
If you face any problem please feel free to share with us. Thanks 
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