How to Become Successful Entrepreneur: 50 Intelligent Rules

Entrepreneurship is a skill which anyone can learn and you do not to be a genius to become an entrepreneur. Value your time more than m...

Entrepreneurship is a skill which anyone can learn and you do not to be a genius to become an entrepreneur.

Value your time more than money. So don’t waste your time. Guard your time.

50 Rules to Become a successful Entrepreneur

  1. Fail big: To Become become successful entrepreneur Fail often. Failure is not a problem at all. Fear of failure is a waste of time. 
  2. Invest in yourself: Get a coach. Take courses. You don’t have time to learn it on your own. 
  3. It’s not easy or everyone would be rich. But as an Entrepreneur you deserve to be it. Keep your believe in it, you will be success.
  4. Believe in yourself: Entrepreneurs are focused and tend to maintain a strong belief in their ability to achieve their goals. They get out of bed in the mornings believing that they have something meaningful to achieve and a legacy to leave behind. To become successful entrepreneur these are both powerful drivers that helps to keep them going even when times are tough.
  5. Do uncomfortable things: If it’s comfortable, push yourself more. 
  6. Focus on your strengths: Outsource your weaknesses. If you are a startup entrepreneur, you should read this: 10 Tips for First-Time Entrepreneurs
  7. Plan, plan, and then plan some more. Most business owners spend a lot of time planning before they take the plunge and start a business. That makes sense. But, the need to plan doesn't stop when your business is up and running. You need to still need to plan for business cycles, life events, retirement, and more.
  8. Get others to help you: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Don't be afraid to think anything you can do.
  9. Be vulnerable: You are not made of rocks and stones. And vulnerability is an act of courage. 
  10. Speak up: If you don’t tell the world what you are doing, they won’t know about it. 
  11. Promote yourself: without shame but do it with sincerity and in a genuine way.
  12. Never stop investing in yourself: Many successful entrepreneurs are well known for not completing university or high school, but these stories do not indicate that entrepreneurs are not interested in learning. On the contrary, they are voracious learners, whether by reading, taking courses, listening to coaches, mentors or the experts around them. The aim of learning is continual self-improvement and therefore it does not need to be done in a formal environment.
  13. Create only what you can be proud of and what you can absolutely stand by. This is the key to become successful entrepreneur.
  14. Understand that you won’t appeal to everyone and if you did, you would fail. 
  15. Treat your competitors as your role models. Learn from them. Don’t be threatened by them.
  16. Work hard: In entrepreneurship there are no short cuts or half-measures. Once a business is established, entrepreneurs are entirely dedicated, even if it means putting in twelve-hour days for many years. So you must have to work hard in order to become successful entrepreneur business holder.
  17. Think big. To become successful entrepreneur have a big vision of what you intend to accomplish from the get-go. 
  18. Keep your personal and business wallets separate. The old adage that business and pleasure don’t mix also holds true when it comes to your business finances. Make sure you set up separate accounts for your business, and handle your business finances in an organized ― not haphazard ― way. When it comes to money, have some in savings and a credit line available to get you through the tough times.
  19. See yourself as a player in this playing field. Don’t exclude yourself because you are new or inexperienced. 
  20. Believe in your ultimate success and reaffirm it every single day. 
  21. Surround yourself with people who share your core values and will lift you higher in your business. 
  22. Make great friends with money. Wealth is a tool you can use however you choose. 
  23. Accept that you will have to make compromises that your family or friends may question. Be okay with that. 
  24. Take care of yourself. This is a long road and you need to be fit for it. 
  25. Adopt a winning mindset. Learn tools and habits that will help you cultivate it. 
  26. Define your vision. Your vision is something that will clearly define what is the success for you as an entrepreneur. You need to have a vision if you want to become successful. How you can expect to become successful entrepreneur if you don’t know what is the success for you.  
  27. Don’t do what you don’t like doing. As an entrepreneur you need to like what you are doing in your business. Sometimes that will not be the same as you plan that will be. You need to be passionate about your business because the passion is one of the most important forces that will force you to the success.  
  28. Build strong community around your business. The important thing about your business success is that you'll need people. You need customers. You need employees. You need persons with which you will talk and communicate. You need to start building your community as soon as possible.  
  29. Communicate with your community. To become successful entrepreneur, You don’t need to build community only to sell them. You need community with which you will communicate and in some cases build partner relationships. They have very big power to make your business a successful business.  
  30. Listen to your community. To become successful entrepreneur you need to listen to your community and in the same time to learn from them. This knowledge that you will collect from listening is important to be used in your business through products and services that will satisfy the needs of your community.  
  31. Use mistakes as an improvement tool. If you made a mistake and fail in something that you are doing, it doesn’t mean that you will not become a successful entrepreneur. You will become unsuccessful only if you don’t try something, made a mistake, learn from that mistake, and don’t improve yourself based on that mistakes. You need to know that mistakes can improve you and your business. 
  32. Find the ways to go beyond the limits. If you are the person who doesn’t think about the limits you'll be reach everything that you want. If you see limits in everything around you instead of opportunities, you need to change your mindset and start to look beyond the limits. 
  33. Find inspiration and guidance in those who have mastered what you are trying to accomplish. 
  34. Become an expert in your field and share the expertise openly with the world. Don’t hoard information.
  35.  Start fundraising only once you have a proof-of-concept: A lot of people these days try to raise funds from business angels or VCs before having a proof-of-concept. Unfortunately, today this doesn’t work anymore (we’re not Facebook or Twitter!). If you don’t have the proof that people are willing to pay for your product, it’s a waste of your and other people’s time and resources. 
  36. Your customers buy when they want to, not when you’re ready: For months and months we work towards the release of our products. And then we figure out that no one buys our product. What happened? People were telling us that they loved our product. Unfortunately people buy only when they feel like buying and not when we feel like selling… 
  37. Do it like the pros: Start selling simple products: We all dream about building the next big thing. Building a Scrabble tech company is something everyone is trying to do these days. But only a few of us have ever built, sold and marketed a product that we’ve built from scratch. 
  38. We don't have any experience, yet...: However if you really wants to become successful entrepreneur; Starting off with the most complicated thing, a tech startup won’t work for most of us. It’s just too damn hard. So instead do it like the pros and start selling less complex products first.
  39. It’s no big deal if you suck as entrepreneur: No one is perfect at anything right away. We all have to start at some point and most of us will suck in the beginning. I feel that I still suck as entrepreneur, but I’m willing to work on improving my game every single day. And that’s what really counts when you want to become a better entrepreneur. 
  40. Not having a bad ass blog: One of the most important tools to acquire potential customers is your blog. Your product won’t go viral. Your product description won’t go viral. The only thing that might help you to get the word about the stuff you’re doing out there is incredibly valuable content for your readers on your blog. 
  41. It’s about trust: The only question you need to ask yourself: “Do they trust me enough?" It’s not about whether or not they like this or that feature, if she still loves you or if he will break up with you. All of this doesn’t matter. At the end of the day it all comes down to trust… 
  42. Stop worrying about copycats: A lot of people will tell you that they don’t want to talk about their startup ideas. Some might even tell you that it’s a stealth project. That’s complete BS. If you’re not successful, don’t generate a hell lot of cash already or don’t have millions in financing already, no one will ever copy your product. Only products that have proven to be successful on the market will be copied… Ideas are worth nothing. 
  43. Remember: To become successful entrepreneur the same energy is used for creating anything. You should apply this rule too.
  44. Sleep: Don’t buy into the 20 hours a day entrepreneur myth. You need to sleep 8 hours a day to have a focused mind. If you are working 20 hours a day, then that means you have flaws in how you are managing your time. You can argue about this but it’s true. 
  45. Pray. You need to. Be grateful where you are. And pray for success. You deserve it. Pray for the success of your customers. Heck, pray for the success of your competitors. The better they do, it means the market is getting bigger. And if one of them breaks out, they can buy you. 
  46. Don’t be greedy pricing your product. If your product is good and you price it cheap, people will buy. Then you can price upgrades, future products, and future services more expensive. Which goes along with the next rule. 
  47. You have no more free time. In your free time you are thinking of new ideas for customers, new ideas for services to offer, new products. Every successful entrepreneur do this.
  48. Depressions, recessions, don’t matter. There’s $15 trillion in the economy. You’re allowed a piece of it: FedEx, Microsoft, HewlettPackard, and many huge companies were started in recessions or depressions. Leave economics to the academics while they leave good business to you. 
  49. Do not start a business with your friends: “…or any one else you’ve tried to work with before.  Whether it was through writing your thesis or a previous job – if you start up with your friends, things can go wrong very quickly, just as it is not always your best friend, who is also the best choice for a roommate.” “However, if you choose someone you’ve worked with before that you worked well with, you know their strengths and weaknesses, and who is good at what and who does what.  So you don’t have to start from scratch to get that aspect in place on top of the whole process of starting up a business.” 
  50. Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. To Become Entrepreneur Successful businesses person you must have to wait till the time comes.
How to Become Successful Entrepreneur
hey wait, I recommend you to read another article I published before:

Sure anyone can start a business, but only the top 25% will actually grow into multi-million dollar companies with more than one employee. The talent and skill set required to make it to the big time are crucial. Don't be afraid,
To become successful entrepreneur startup now and you will achieve it. Start small, Dream Big!!

Believe in yourself. More than anything, every day wake up and remember that you are meant to do this, that you are here for a reason and this – being an entrepreneur and creating work that is worth doing and will lead to a legacy, that matters. You matter. And so you keep going. 

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