Google Search Engine Optimization: 22 SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog

Practice your search engine optimization as a SEO service to Rank High on Google SERP, get more organic traffic. Learn search engine optim...

Practice your search engine optimization as a SEO service to Rank High on Google SERP, get more organic traffic. Learn search engine optimization for your website or blog in order to improve SEO on Google search result page. But don't do it only for google, there are many other search engines such as, Bing, Yandex. If you lose them you might lose a high amount of visitor. If you don't know how do search engine rank web pages.

Here are 22 SEO tips that will help you effectively optimize your blog, but also to avoid mistakes that will harm seriously the SEO it on all search engines. After reading this post, if you are unable to maintain your Google SEO, I would recommend you to contact with any SEO service provider. (I hope that won't be needed)

Google Search Engine Optimization: 22 SEO Tips To Optimize Your Blog
22 Search Engine Optimization Tips: How Do I Optimize my blog to be on the first page of search engine?

  • Know your keywords 
  • You must learn to find the right keywords 
  • Use your keywords frequently 
  • Do not try to reference several keywords in both your articles 
  • Mention your main keyword in the tags of your blog 
  • Describe your images 
  • Link your articles 
  • Make links to other blogs 
  • Title and describe your articles 
  • Delete or edit dead links 
  • Use a sitemap 
  • Do not copy content from other bloggers 
  • Post regularly 
  • Use bulleted lists in your articles 
  • Be present on social networks 
  • Invite your readers to leave comments 
  • Analyze your traffic 
  • Blog about topics that interest your readers 
  • Use appropriate advertisements 
  • Submit share buttons 
  • Pay attention to guest posting on your blog 
  • Avoid writing on several subjects at once

1. Know your keywords

The optimization for search engines is an understanding of what people are searching for online. It is only when you understand that you can create content that will meet these needs there. When you use (in an article, video or podcast) the same words and the same phrases as those that tap the Internet users in their searches, you have a blog suitable for their research. This is also why it is important to know the niche in which you want to blog.

2. You must learn to find the right keywords

This step completes the previous one. It is not enough to add any keyword to ensure perfect referencing his blog. You must especially know how to choose the right keywords for your articles. To this end, Google offers a powerful tool to help you find the different expressions that users tap and the frequency (number) of such research. You can find it here:

This tool definitely give you new ideas for articles.

Also Read: Strategic Search Engine Optimization Tips

3. Use your keywords frequently

Use your keywords frequently allows Google to identify your niche. However, you must beware of over-use of these keywords because you run the risk of being mistaken for a spammer and get banned from Google.

4. Do not try to reference several keywords in both your articles

Keeping it simple is definitely the best approach when you optimize your blog for search engines. Concentrate on one theme and two to three keywords related to that niche if you do not want to dilute all your SEO efforts.

5. Mention your main keyword in the tags of your blog

H1 and H2 tags play a very big role in optimizing your blog. They sometimes play a bigger role than your article. Why not take the opportunity to add your main keyword in the title and description of your blog?

Also Read: 10 Best Free SEO Tools For Small Business

6. Describe your images

You can add images to illustrate your article or to justify your text, however you should know that Google can not see your images. Only a description may allow it to "see". Without any description, your image will be ignored. For better optimization, remember to include your main keyword in the description of your image.

7. Link your articles

Link your new articles to the elders and to encourage your readers to discover your old articles. This will have the advantage of keeping them longer on your website and improve your ranking with search engines. Google pays particular attention to the links, making it the ideal place to put your keywords.

Related: 8 Effective Use of Link Parties To Promote Blog

8. Make links to other blogs

Create a blogroll and add between 1-10 links up to other blogs in your niche. This trick will help you improve your SEO (especially if you share quality content with your readers).

9. Title and describe your articles

Have you noticed that when you search on Google, the results are displayed as titles and descriptions? OK. So why do you enjoy it? I recommend the plugin All in One Seo Pack, you will easily add a title, description and keywords for each article or page that you post to your WordPress blog. If you are using Blogger blog, then you can use "search description" option to control it what to show on SERP.

10. Delete or edit dead links

Google hates dead links. If you do not know what it is, this is a URL to a page that no longer exists. This usually comes from a change in the link or a removal of a page or a blog. You must identify and modify or delete these unnecessary links that interfere with your SEO.

Google hates especially for two main reasons:

  • They give the impression that you do not put your blog up to date 
  • They do not bring any value to your readers
Here is a link that allows you to identify: Broken Link Checker

11. Use a sitemap

A sitemap is a page on your blog that contains all the links to your pages, articles and categories. It facilitates indexing of individual pages of your blog, which affects the appearance (fast) of your content in search engines. You do not need to do it yourself, here is a WordPress plugin that will help you do just one click. Download Google Sitemaps XML

12. Do not copy content from other bloggers

Google knows how to reward originality and quality. so do not copy content from other bloggers (duplicate content) if you do not want to lose all credibility in the eyes of Google. This will negatively affect your positioning. Get inspired people, but do not copy!

13. Post regularly

It is no longer a secret that Google loves blogs that are updated regularly. He especially likes the freshness of the content. For Google, a regular update is an invitation to return very often. Some bloggers publish when they are inspired, and others do it every day. For Google, this is important is mainly the frequency and relevance of your content. You need to publish regularly for a better SEO result.

14. Use bulleted lists in your articles

Google loves articles containing bulleted lists. Not quite as much as titles, captions and links, but much more than ordinary text. This means that you should use bulleted lists in your articles to break and aerate long paragraphs. Just do not forget to add your keywords.

15. Be present on social networks

Be present on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ and create a community around your blog. For example you can use them to promote your content and generate more traffic. A strong presence on social networks promotes better SEO.
Related: 50 Ways to use Social Media to Improve Marketing

16. Invite your readers to leave comments

You may not know but the comments bring a lot of freshness to a blog that invites the search engines to visit it regularly. As I keep repeating you, Google loves updates. Invite your readers to comment on the content of your blog. For this you must add a call to action on each post.

17. Analyze your traffic

It is crucial to know where your visitors and the keywords they used to find you. You need to know who they are and give them the attention they deserve. You need to know what works and what does not. The analysis of your statistics should help create better targeted content.

18. Blog about topics that interest your readers

If your content does not interest anyone, not Google will not be interested in your blog. Again, go for relevance and encourage your readers to leave comments.

19. Use appropriate advertisements

Many bloggers often commit the mistake of turning their blogs into advertising sales. If only they knew how it affected their ranking on Google ... My advice: only publish ads related to your niche! A sassy advertising can seriously damage a better positioning on Google.

20. Submit share buttons

The sharing buttons allow your readers to promote your content on social networks without leaving your blog. More your articles are tweeted, liked and commented, plus they have value to Google's eyes and it positions you better. Think about it !

21. Pay attention to guest posting on your blog

Opening a blog with articles guests (guest blogging) automatically exposes the risk of duplicate content (duplicate content). Many bloggers generally publish the same article, word for word, on their own blog after having proposed a guest on another blog. For Google, this is not good news. So ask your guest posters to give you exclusive article for a few weeks.

22. Avoid writing on several subjects at once

Have several passions is good, but blogging about all these passions on the same blog will not get you anywhere. In fact, from an SEO point of view, your blog looks like a stack of books on the floor ... difficult to categorize. For Google, it is total confusion. So stay simple and focused on one main niche.

Also Read: 5 Most Profitable Niche to Start Blogging

Always keep in mind that the ultimate goal of Google is to match the research in line with the most relevant content. Google considers your niche, and reward you when you create content that is devoted largely to the needs of your readers target. The encourages creation of strong networks around a single theme and around your blog.

Nothing will happen magically, but with a little work and perseverance, people will eventually find you. And there is no need to spend on seo service but for better result you should use SEO tools like Google Webmaster, SHEMRUSH, SEObook.

Also Read: 50 On-Page SEO Techniques for 2016

So what can you add to this article related to seo service? Please leave a comment to let me know or just tell me what you think of this article.

Guest post; About The Author:
Fahim Ahsan is CEO of BuzzInc and is an Online Marketer, SEO consultant, SEO service provider, Entrepreneur and social media enthusiast. 
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