Social Media Can Take Care of Your Small Business in 2016

Introduction to Social Media As we are living in a advanced digital world which refers to be connected with every part of life by digitall...

Introduction to Social Media

As we are living in a advanced digital world which refers to be connected with every part of life by digitally. According to Wikipedia 7.2 billion people are using internet, which means they are digitally connected with the world. Its really awesome to be connected with people within minutes even in seconds. Every online marketers are focusing to social media market, just because they knows it has a large number of user and selling opportunity, where they can promote their products even free of cost.

What is digital marketing?

Digital market is a highly targeted place to promote any products, buy/sell. Basically it leads customers to see or buy their necessary things. Sometime it works to build a Brand.
In one sentence, we can say- “If any brand or product promoted by any form of electronic media called Digital marketing”

What is Social media?

Social media is maintained by computer, internet and internet related other tools. It is a place where people can share their thoughts, people can post their interest, people can write their ideas. People can share their photos or videos. For example-,,, etc. Is biggest social media platform, all of the social media are user friendly and they stands on their own value. We will say how to use top social media for small business or blog / website owners. Keep reading.

Importance of Digital Marketing & Social Media

Traditional offline marketing is slower process to promote and it has huge limitations. As if you use offline method to promote your brand or product how many people will know about it? How much time do you need to say your brand name to thousand people? Beside this, if you use any digital method this could be done by only a few minutes. Even it has a higher chance to let people know about the brand more than thousands time.

For example: “If you use Twitter (A social Media) and if you have a thousand follower, then your one tweet will be enough to learn them about your product or brand. We gonna think that only ten people out of thousand will like your brand and they will retweet your tweet. So your product name will seen by thousands of people in just a few minutes.” Like twitter there are lots of social media site to promote your brand, I will describe it later with how to use them perfectly. Please read on.

Social Media Infographic

Social Media Infographic
Does Social Media & Digital marketing same?

No dear! Don’t be shocked, many of you have this question and you thinks these tow things are same, but you are definitely wrong. Social media marketing is just a part of digital marketing. Digital marketing can be any digital method, while its not social media. Such as Mobile apps, TV channel, Online advertising, Radio etc.

Whats the benefits of Social Media to small business or Blog owners?

Ah.. You really can’t give up the good side of social media marketing, Maybe you can’t see how it helps you to grow your business, let me help you to see its biggest positive sites.

So you are a blog owner or you are running some kind of small business? Whatever it doesn’t netter really, only social media can boost your audience. You must have to agree with me that to be success in any business you need audience or customer whatever you say. Social media can give you without taking anything from you. You can say anything about your brand in SM, so your customer will know and they will come to you/ your blog if they really interested in your offer. Think about this, if you need to spend Dollars just to show your brand, and if your customer would not interested? It must be costly for small marketers.

Top List of Social Media Site

Its difficult to rank this list, each site has a goal and it stand on a strong platform, which is different from one to one. Let me say something more deeply, Twitter is best for micro blogging but not to make friends, but Facebook is best for making friends but not blogging.

Beside this pinterest has pinning option to pin any interest in image, LinkedIn gives you the chance to explore your skill and business profile along with your all updates. Below is a top list of Social media site for blog / site owners and small business marketers.
  4. Google+

How to drive traffic using Facebook?

Facebook is the largest platform for being connected over the social network. You can get lost of targeted traffic but its free, or even it will be better if you can invest a few dollars.
  1. Personal Account: Use your personal account to start a gossip with your virtual friends, put a link back with description. Update your status regularly, try to use a link along with it, but do not use irrelevant links.
  2. Business Account: Create your business page, its free. Promote your page link by Facebook ads, it take only a few dollars. It will give yo the option to target audience from country.
  3. If possible use signup button instead of like button. This will give you like and also traffic with one click.
  4. Create your very own group with the name of your business and get engage with people by the group. Keep updating your brands and use advertising to get more group member. Be engage with other group owners and make discussion on their group too. Don’t spam.
  5. Link with Blog: Link you page with your blog. Put a Facebook comment box on your blog, so user will comment via Facebook, it will engage more than 45% up time.
  6. Verify Your fan page.

How to verify Facebook Fan page?

  • Go to option page SETTINGS (top of fan page)
  • Now Click on the GENERAL tab then click PAGE VERIFICATION
  • Got a check box? Check it listed VERIFY THIS PAGE & then select GET STARTED button
  • Enter details of your Brands publicly listed phone number (will need to verify), language and country
  • Select CALL ME NOW option, You will get call from facebook withing seconds and they will provide you a verification code.
  • Input 4 digit verification code and select CONTINUE.
  • That's it, you are done, wait for the confirmation email.

How to drive traffic from Twitter?

Twitter already seems super noisy in micro blogging world. Don’t waste your time, if you didn’t started its not too late start using twitter to build your audience. Below is Tips to how to do this.
  1. Get more follower by anyway, keep re tweet other, reply to others tweets, follow if they are friendly, so they will do the same for you.
  2. Don’t think that Twitter as a text-only micro blogging platform, think visual, use images and videos into your tweets. Don’t tweet only your personal lines.Tweet what may other like to read.
  3. Put a recent tweet box to your blog, this will increase your conversation with customers.
  4. Follow other successful online business characters to know how the create their audience.
  5. Use popular but relevant hashtag with your post, so if any one search for the hashtag probably your post will show up to them.
  6. Use effective headline to tweet, remember you have only 140 characters to write, in this 140, you have to describe your thousands of words.
  7. Use mini info-graphic and tweet very often, if you stop tweeting you will fall under tons of tweets.

Pinterest Infographic: How to Drive Traffic

Pinterest Infographic: How to Drive Traffic
How to drive traffic using Pinterest?

So let’s talk about how to drive traffic to your blog from Pinterest.
Yes Of course, Pinterest is great platform for building your audience as a marketer or blogger. Pinterest has fantastic pin option to make your sharing easy. This could be others inspiration about your pin or even about your product. If you using women based blog / product then pinterest is #1 method for you to promote your brand. Billions of pinners are female and active user.
  1. Properly Optimize Your Images: As Pinterest is a visual platform so make sure you have best images for your audience to pin on their Pinterest boards. You user won’t pin low quality Image.
  2. Get Descriptive: Try to give details descriptions of your topic/product in the image, so user will want to pin it. I hae used some infographic for my blogs to attract the pinners, When you pin your images give a full description to your viewers so other user can understand easily and will re-pin your pin. This will also help to sing in search.
  3. Write for Audience: write for your readers not for you. Keep in mind user will keep engage to your blog if you give them something useful. If you write only about your, readers will be disgusted and won’t stay anymore.
  4. Rich Pin: Add rich pins to your boards, rich pins means good quality image. This can be good insulation images with thoughtful, heart touching, memorable anything you like. But you have to remember wat you like, your readers might not like it. Try to read their mind. Use your best guess.
  5. Evergreen content: Don’t forget on pinterest your pin will be evergreen, so find any evergreen theme/pic to pin. Use it on proper board, so search engaging will find your pins easily. If you use only a short term Image topic, this might not be search by any one after one ot tow week.
  6. Verify: Verify your blog on pinterest. After verifying your blog, you will get a sweet tick mark on your pinterest profile, which will give your extra traffic.
  7. Add Pin Button: In your blog post add pin it button to all your images, so it will be easier to pin by your readers.
  8. What to remember: Don’t spam any board. Don’t pin irrelevant topics. Do not use hashtag, hash tag won’t work for pinterest. Only details description will do the work.
  9. Get as more follower to you. As many follower you have it means the higher chance to love your pins. (Learn how to get Pinterest Followers for Free)

How to get free traffic from google plus?

So you looking for free traffic via Google+, I guess every blogger has done this part. Many of them succeed but rest of them feds up with this social site. To be honest it is really very easy to get tons of visitor if you know how to treat them. Google plus is really a good platform to get free but organic targeted traffic.
  1. Build your circle by adding on google plus, share your posts on G+, target which circle must read your post. Same post at the same time also share with Public.
  2. Use hashtag to help SEO and target from Search Engine.
  3. Always make sure you have marked tick on “Send Email” just before share the post. this feature will allow you to send email to your followers, but be careful it can treat you as spammer.
  4. Use effective images to share, don’t share only links, good images can give you more followers.
  5. Don,t post only links because links would gave less exposure than that of images. Write attractive headlines in very short.
  6. Use Google Plus Communities to get Bulk of Traffic. Join community you love and post inside the community so all them member of that community can read your post.
  7. Create you own page and community on the name of your blog or brand, invite people and friends to join your community, make your page open for public.

Beware and remember to before share on Google plus

Don’t post same link more than 3 communities
Your huge share can make you spammer. Keep limit in 3-5 daily.
Don’t use adult or erotic images. Google can ban you.
If google guess that you are spammer, the can permanently ban your account.

One last word

Social Media marketing cannot grow your audience over night, you have to be motivated and you have to do and work to achieve this. But If your brand/blog is really interesting then you will take the attention from day one. Don’t be hurry, stay calm and keep doing, you will reach your goal.
Good Luck!

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