On Page SEO Tips
Search Engine optimization
SEO Strategies
What are on-page seo factors: How to use on-page SEO properly
9:20 PM
Their are
more than 200 factors which can be responsible for your site rankings.
Here i am sharing a checklist for doing on page SEO. No single factor on
the checklist is make-or-break for getting your page to rank well, but
they work in combination to raise your overall score / ranking on SERP.
Perfectly Optimized On-page SEO Checklist
- Content is high-quality, relevant, fresh and at least 500 words in length.
- Target search phrase is included in page headline.
- Target search phrase is included in at least one sub-headline.
- Target search phrase is repeated three to 10 times within body copy. Don’t over-do it, or the page may get downgraded as spam. Keep the reader in mind as you work with the target search phrase. Copy should always be reader-friendly.
- Page includes relevant images and/or graphics that help illustrate the target search phrase.
- Captions for images and/or graphics include the target search phrase.
- Content and/or tools and resources on the page are so good that visitors will want to share your link with others and post your link elsewhere.
- Location: If you are optimizing for specific country, state, city or regional names, be sure they are in your copy and perhaps in a page footer.
- No misspellings or poor grammar. Yes, the search engines downgrade for either.
- Inclusion of social media links and / or user discussion or reviews. Pages with active visitor interaction are scored higher than static pages.
- Include the target keyword/search phrase in the page URL if possible.
- Title tag: Every page should have an HTML title (enclosed in <title> </title> tags). The title copy should be unique, include the target keyword or target phrase, and must be 70 characters or less (any longer, and Google will truncate it anyway).
- Meta description tag: Even if the search engines don’t weigh a meta description in ranking a page, it is very important, because it is the marketing copy for your page. The meta description in the page head-tag set (enclosed in <meta name = “description” content=””> usually appears with your organic search listing, and induces readers to click through. The meta description tag should be no longer than 160 characters, and should include your target phrase.
- Image alt text: Use the target phrase in image alt text (embedded in the image tag as alt=”your keyword”)
- Links from copy: Use links to other pages on your site, or other resources judiciously. Links should be relevant to your page topic. The latest research shows Google may penalize any page containing more than 100 links, and we recommend stopping well short of that number, unless there is a good reason. A few internal links (to other pages on your site) are a positive, especially if they tie together similar topics. Internal links also help search engine bots navigate and categorize your site.
- Mobile: Make sure sites and pages intended for mobile devices are coded so that the search engines recognize them as mobile. This goes beyond the scope of this article, but keep it in mind as you work with your developer on a mobile site.
Your page titles are one of the most important SEO factors on your site. Each of your pages & posts should have its own unique title, which includes the main keywords for that page.
example, you could write a blog post about a new chocolate cake recipe
that you have tried. It is therefore vitally important that you include
‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ within your post title, perhaps “Easy Chocolate
Cake Recipe” or “ Chocolate Cake Recipe for kids”, etc.
way, whenever someone searches for Chocolate Cake Recipes in a search
engine, your post has a better chance of showing up because you have
included those keywords.
Use high-quality, original content
means at least 25% different from any other content, and preferably 50%
different - any less and you risk having your content picked up as
"duplicate content" and virtually excluded from search engine results
because of this.
Insert your keyword into the first 50 words
indexing your site most search engines focus on the first part of your
page, so it's important that this section is particularly relevant. For
this reason it's essential that you insert your main keyword phrase into
the first 50 words of your article
Page Titles
Meta Descriptions
Many people forget to include meta descriptions
for their pages. These descriptions are an important place to include
relevant keywords for your content, as these are used within the search
results when your page is listed.
instance, if we continue to use the ‘Chocolate Cake Recipe’ example,
then a good meta description for that page would include those keywords
and related ones. So, “This easy chocolate cake recipe is possibly the
most delicious, mouth watering, chocolaty cake ever made.” would be a
great meta description to use, as it is relatively short, whilst
containing a number of specific keywords.
Meta Tags
For each of your pages, you can include a set of keywords in the form of meta tags. These should be all the relevant keywords of your content, which you will have researched previously.
I use a WordPress plug-in on my sites called ‘All In One SEO Pack’. This allows me to enter all of my meta tag keywords, meta description and page title
at the bottom of each of my posts before publishing. This simply
inserts all of the information into your page HTML format for you,
making your life a little easier.
URL Structure
Including search engine friendly URLs for each of your pages is highly recommended, as these bring better crawling. Shorter URLs seem to perform better in search engine results, however that is not the only factor.
URLs that include targeted keywords, also perform better. The location of these keywords can also be a major influence.
Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.)
writing your articles, you should break up your content into smaller
sections & paragraphs to make it easier for people to read. These
sections can be given heading, which is where H1, H2, H3, H4, etc. tags are used.
H1 tags are reserved for your main page title, with subsequent headings
(just like the ones I have used throughout this post) being issued H2,
H3, etc. Search engines use these to determine what is important within
your content. This is why keyword rich headiness are more useful
than generic ones. Make sure you write keyword rich headings in the
order of priority in H1, H2 and H3 title tags. They are used by many
crawlers to differentiate important content.
Keyword Density
relevant keywords throughout your content is very important, as it
helps search engines work out what your content is about. However, try
not to excessively repeat and overuse keywords just for search engine
robots. This can lead to your site being banned from search engines.
avoid this, try to keep your keyword density to roughly 2-5%. If you
find this hard, get out a thesaurus and broaden your writing vocabulary.
This way, you are still writing about the same thing, without risk of
being banned.
Image SEO
images within your content is a great way to make your site more
visually appealing and break up boring chunks of text. You can utilise
these images to help improve your site SEO.
your uploaded images have titles, so treat them just the same as your
page titles. Including relevant keywords can help people find your site
when searching on Google Images.
You can also include Alt Text and Descriptions for your images, making them even more useful with SEO.
Internal Linking
People often think that the only links that count are those from other websites. While these links are important, these are not the only important links!
Placing links to your other website pages, is a great way of improving your site and used properly, internal links can be a useful weapon in your SEO arsenal. Not only does it make it much easier for your visitors to navigate around your site and find all of your content, but it also ensures that your site gets properly crawled allowing the search engines to find all of your pages. It also helps to build the relevancy of a page to relevant keywords and phrases, whilst also helping to increase the Google PageRank of your pages.
There are a number of different methods that you can use to improve your internal linking structure. The main being; content links and permanent navigation links.
On the off chance that you are running a site for a little business and you have to get nearby clients scanning for different terms on Google then on page SEO is everything you need to do.
On page optimization is a way to do something into a site by keeping in mind about reader friendly matters and the rules and guidelines.