
20 Free Ways to Promote Your Blog Post

You need to know how to promote your blog post. Fortunately, promoting your blog is a lot easier than promoting a product. Using social medi...

You need to know how to promote your blog post. Fortunately, promoting your blog is a lot easier than promoting a product. Using social media and bookmarking site you can promote your website and get free traffic.
Larger traffic means higher SEO ranking, and Higher Alexa rank. Higher SEO ranking means huge organic Search traffic. 

How to Promote Your Blog Post
If you have a blog but you have no one to read it, there is no value of your blog. You need readers, actually regular readers to add value to your blog. Only great original content can give you this. Always remember content is king. But if you do not promote your blog post ever, no one gonna knows about the great content you have, nobody will know about you that you have skill, something to teach the world. spread your word and promote it for free using various social media site and free bookmarking site.

Use Twitter to Promote You Blog

Take the opportunity to cross promote your blog on Twitter. Tweeting about your blog can be an incredible way to reach out and connect with your consumer. A tweet is pretty short in and of itself. Generating compelling content in 140 characters or less can present a good little writing challenge. Short tweets, under 100 characters get a 21% higher interaction rate. When you’re tweeting a link to your blog post, get creative. Try making really short tweets that invoke interest in your blog article. They work. Also you can use twitter for business, its more easier than ever.

Use Twitter to Promote You Blog

Hashtags are a great way to spread your tweets to various topics. For those who still don’t know what a hashtag is - basically, it’s a word or two behind a # that makes a common discussion subject. Hashtag on twitter will give you tons of impression and probably many valuable reader or customer if you really have great content. 
Twitter has direct message or mention option which you can use to share your content with more people. simply use @username "Your Text with Link". If your blog post comments on prominent bloggers, companies or customers - mention them in a tweet that links back to your post.

You can also use "Promoted Tweets" option which is an advertising option provided by Twitter. Its pretty good to get more conversation with related customers. If You wants to invest in twitter to promote your blog then read this guide "How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy"

Use Google Plus to Promote Your Blog

Google+ is the fastest-growing social networking site. It's a perfect place to connect with people around the world, build relationships, and drive readers to your blog. To get you started, following are 10 tips to help you increase blog traffic with Google+ right now. Create a Complete Profile or Page on Google plus and connect with people via the community. There are lots of different communities you can join to related to your blog, then share your best article. Remember to read and follow the community guideline before you proceed.
Do not share same article more than three community, google will identify as spammer and send you to the sandbox. Update your Google+ stream frequently with new content, and make sure you spend time commenting on other members' updates as well.

Promote Your Blog with Facebook

If you don't have social sharing buttons on your blog's single post template already, now's the time to install them. Add the Facebook Like button to your posts, so your reader will have the chance to express their emotions directly from your blog. 

Create a facebook page and start growing your audience, do not only share your links, instead share many valuable text, images so people will love your page and more likely to use the like button. Share your links to others popular and related pages and groups where million of users are visits daily.  

Take the best share of your blog post from your Facebook Page and share it on your personal profile. Sharing there helps your blog post in two ways:
  • It will boost you page popularity and impression 
  • You will have more audience from your personal friend list 
Boost post engagement through the Facebook ads interface. Its very cheap, try once. It really works well to get targeted user and customer.

Promote Your Blog with Pinterest

Create a fresh Pinterest account, make it attractive, not unwell and spammy. The power of Pinterest for bloggers is undeniable for your social media marketing promotions. (Learn: How to verify your website to Pinterest) Pinterest feed isn’t just you pinning five pins of your blog post to different boards. This is considered spammy behavior on Pinterest and people will unfollow you for it. 
Do not pin only from your blog, pin from various of sites you like, so people will find you more often to follow you and your boards.
Promote Your Blog on Pinterest
Being active on Pinterest helps your pins in the Smart Feed and keeps your Pinterest presence relevant and of-course this will give you more relevant traffic. Try to get more followers (Here is a tutorial: How to get huge followers on pinterest in three days). The more your follower increase the more your visibility and visitor and repins will increase.

LinkedIn to Promote your Website

You need to promote your website/ blog posts as well so that you get the most mileage out of them and so. LinkedIn is a good site to give you a boost on this. Create a free account and fill-up all profile details, connect/ make at least 20 friends on here.
You need minimum 20 connection to show your updates publicly. Until you get twenty connection, you can update status, share links, publish post, but they might won't show to everyone.

Share a status update on LinkedIn (play with sharing to just your LinkedIn network and everybody). If your content is relevant to a group you are in, start a discussion with a link to your blog post. This is a great way to share your knowledge with your business network and establish your credibility.
LinkedIn is professional profile builder, so be careful, don't make the place full with spam posts.

Promote your website with StumbleUpon

StumbleUpon had surpassed even Facebook as a source of social media traffic in the United States. While statistics change over time, one thing is certain: StumbleUpon is not a bookmarking site to overlook. 
StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that finds and recommends web content to its users. Its features allow users to discover and rate Web pages, photos and videos. 
If the idea of using StumbleUpon feels new to you, take heart: It’s not difficult. 
When you submit a webpage to StumbleUpon discover page, the page will show to other people's page. If they like your page and give the url a thumbs up, your page will be shown to more user. If your page gets too many down thumbs them StumbleUpon will simply stop to show that page to other people. 
So this is not one way root.  If you only submit your url, StumbleUpon will suspend your account. You must have to use their service, give thumbs up or down to others page. 
Make the most of StumbleUpon by using it regularly. Click the “Stumble” button to scroll through content other users have bookmarked on the network.

Begin building an email list

Promote you blog post via email marketing. From day one, make sure you have an opt-in box and encourage your visitors to sign up for an email list.
There is an argument for waiting until you have more traffic, but I say that an email list of 10 people is way more exciting than you might realize. Think about how cool this is…people are finding value in what you do! Seriously, open the door to communication by email right out of the gate. Don’t wait. The sooner you begin conversing with people this way, the sooner you’ll see that it’s a great way to maintain a dialog with your readers.
You will get comments, criticism and helpful insights that you wouldn’t otherwise get. Email is old school I suppose, but it’s here to stay, and it’s still the way most users prefer to subscribe.

Instagram to establish your brand & promotion

Some of you may not use Instagram as actively as others, but even if you’re not an addict of the app, it might offer a new outlet to build your blog and personal brand.
Instagram can lead more related traffic to your blog, that can be turned into customer. 
Turn your blog post into a meaningful attractive image and post it to instagram with a Nice caption, which actually described what is the product all about. Adding hashtags in a comment is a simple way for new followers to find your Instagram photos (and, ultimately, your other online homes like your WordPress.com blog).  
Do you use Instagram in other ways? Or, know any bloggers who have cool and clever methods of using Instagram to promote their blogs?

Reddit can Promote your Content

Promote your blog on Reddit only if you have great content. Reddit is Discussion platform, You can share text, images and links – they’re all carried along on a simple voting system. If someone likes your post, they vote it up. Likewise, if it’s lacking in appeal, down it goes. Users gain karma for commenting on posts using the very same system. It’s pretty easy to tell if you are seen as the internet version of John Major, because everything you post will vanish under the heaving weight of new posts.

Reddit is very stick to their community rules. If you make only a mistake; yes just only one spam post they will directly suspend your account. So Before you post to any subreddit, read the rules. Different Subreddit means different rules.
Do not only share links, its violations of reddit community. Do comment others post, like and dislike, be regular. Get karma point to increase your value to reddit. If you have enough karma you can submit your great post url, which may get tons of hits from billions reddit users.

Bookmarking site Delicious will boost your traffic

Delicious is world's leading social bookmarking service.
Delicious (formerly del.icio.us) is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. The site was founded by Joshua Schachter in 2003 and acquired by Yahoo in 2005. By the end of 2008, the service claimed more than 5.3 million users and 180 million unique bookmarked URLs. 
Bookmark your best posts on Delicious. Once it’s in there, there’s a chance someone might happen upon it.
You can collect all the best social media links which you can then share with your team easily at work and You will find that it's a really useful resource.

Promote Your Blog with Digg

If you want to use Digg to promote your online endeavor then you better be ready to become a part of the Digg community. There is no, “Get Pageviews Quick Scheme” to use Digg without paying for people to digg your content- Now THAT would be desperation!
Create a free account on digg, decorate your profile. Now share your url to its bookmark page. Only submission won't give you traffic. You need to read others url, you need to be active on digg community.

Also Read: Social Media Can Take Care of Your Small Business

Promote your Blog post to VK.com

Boasting 47 Million Russian members, VK is the second most popular website in the country. The social networking site operates much like Facebook, even down to its matching logo (a white VK on a blue background). While VK possesses traditional social network features, personal profiles, photo-sharing options, etc. 

Create a free account on vk.com. Its very similar to facebook. So it will be very easy to use. Use it normally, share you blog post several time a day, follow other people, keep engaging with them. You will get the chance to get thousands traffic.

Promote Your blog post to Inbound.org

Inbound is a community for inbound marketers, founded in 2013 by HubSpot Labs. The goal of the community is to provide users with a trust-worthy  online platform where users can share content related to inbound  marketing. 

The marketing part is a lot easier when you're a genuine community member. Next up, you need to write a great post that starts a conversation. What works on sites like this is very different from what works on social.

Write a summary of the post that actually includes details. Include enough of the insights and talking points that people don't have to click through to the original post to join your discussion.

Share your post url to inbound community. Do not spam, they will simply ban you without warning.
The best option, join the community and start participating. That will give you a good idea of what to do and not to do.

Promote Your Blog with Flipboard

Flipboard is a social-network aggregation, magazine-format mobile app localized in more than 20 languages. You can create you personal magazine using the service. Just got to flipboard.com and create account. Decorate it.

Create one or more magazine with suitable name. Add your blog post url to the related magazin. Thats it. 
Now follow other people and like their shares and magazines, so you will get followers and viewers.

Promote Your Blog to Одноклассники

Odnoklassniki, OK.ru is a social network service for classmates and old friends. It is popular in Russia and former Soviet Republics. The site was developed by Albert Popkov on March 4, 2006. This site is similar to facebook. It has billions users from Russia. But you can use its service in english. Make friends here and submit url to its feed. You can use mozila or chrome extension to share on this site. Its very easy only take five seconds to done.

Think out of the boundary

Start sms marketing. Only sharing via social media and bookmarking site may not enough to you. If you are running a local business then start sms marketing. Send bulk sms to your local area users. This works great fro the local marketers. 

Make sure to include several links back to your blog and encourage readers to click through for more great content. Writing great blog posts takes time. After all the hard work you put in, make sure your work gets read. If you think this post can help others, don't forget to share via social media.

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