Do you think that you have a sales team? Many companies only sign left of it. Staff lazy, and instead of cold calls and meetings with new clients just sit in the office and collect tribute from customers.
Continued. Start read the article "5 Scary Myths That Sales Executives Probably Believe"
During that same faith - and it is in vain! - CEOs?
- The Company has sales department
- Head of sales management can build a sales team
- It is possible to hire an experienced sales manager, and instruct him to build a sales team work
Myth 6. The Company has sales department
Outwardly, everything can actually look quite decently. Any department, it has employees, they are engaged in sales ... And in fact it is - a mirage, a fiction, a snag!Many companies only sign left of sales departments. Employees who work in these departments of sales and the number of traders are long lazy and relaxed. They sit in the office, not engage in any active commercial work - just do that collect money from clients attracted in the past. In fact, these sales offices spontaneously regenerated in client departments. It turns out that there are only client departments in these companies - though oblique, curves, and pretty corrupt. A sales force in them not as a class. And there is nothing, there are businesses for many years, such as work and even somehow earn.
What can be said about the staff of the departments? They are spending is not so much time and effort and being loaded by a quarter or a third of their working time, earn pretty good money. Most of them are corrupt, reborn. They are ready for any illegal activities - including trade union revolt and direct blackmail management - to continue to twiddle and have a high income. And never again engage those most active sales, for which they were once recruited to your company.
What if you learned in this picture your business? You want to do something to organize spontaneously from the client department again to make a normal sales department? I have to disappoint you.
Esli sales spontaneously reborn in the client department, again to make it a normal sales impossible. If people are corrupt, we used to sit in the office and collect tribute from the customers instead of making cold calls, and spend all day in meetings with new clients - they will not return to active hunting.
All you can do - is to create another parallel section. Call it, for example, the development department. Dial to new employees. Do not give them a ready-made clients that they are not corrupt: well-fed wolf - bad hunter. Of course, this department should have its own head. They will serve as a sales team in your company.
Myth 7. Head of Sales can build a sales team management
For the effective administration of the professional sales team should be regularly carried out 13 management activities. Part - every day, part - on a weekly basis, and some - on a monthly basis. It is necessary to introduce in the work to develop and improve a huge amount of technology and sales standards - up to the 27 kinds of documents. And before all of these documents should also develop ... Critical also has possession of an effective search technology and recruitment to the open labor market. However, hiring salespeople - this is only the beginning. Equally, if not more important is the regular adaptation measures, professional training and certification of sales managers. Including sales training as a profession. As well as the specifics of those goods and services that must sell the Sales Manager. With the conduct of both internal corporate sales training and vocational training - with the involvement of contracted business coaches.And you know a lot of sales managers, who can spend it all - from week to week, from month to month, at a good professional level? That's just the same ... Do you think that is enough to give a good businessman business card with the words "head of sales" - and he immediately becomes a professional manager?
What can I say! Until now in bookstores Russia and the CIS have books only three intelligent authors and practitioners, who talk about the sales management and building sales teams. Plus, there are several authors, theorists, whose books are not worth the paper on which they are printed ... The most well-known expert in the field - just two. And how many sales executives have read the book at least one of these experts? Especially - both?
And what kind of help you, CEOs can expect from these, one may say so, "professionals"?
Myth 8. Is it possible to hire an experienced sales manager, and instruct him to build a sales team work
It is possible, however, a situation where the general director and owner of the company very little understanding in sales. Never he was not engaged in active sales. And it does not know how to build the work of the department's active corporate sales. Such Director-General may seem like the most reasonable - to find on the labor market experienced sales manager. To instruct the experienced leader to build from scratch the work of Sales.Since it is usually a problem in this Director General begin at the stage of recruitment, in most cases, a suitable sales manager to find and is not possible. Fortunately! Because if an experienced sales manager is still possible to find and hire - then, and begin untold hardships.
palec.gifV most cases, experienced sales managers who come to the company and see that with the sales - a mess, do not help to eliminate this mess. Instead, they come to the conclusion that much more profitable to exploit the situation for personal interests and to fish in troubled waters.
And they can do it a dozen different ways, each of which will be extremely unpleasant for CEOs and company owners. Surely we can expect intra intrigues and conspiracies, and blackmail. Also drain key information to competitors, the tax and law enforcement authorities, leaving competitors Gone with customers and employees, establish their own business, as two drops of water similar to yours.
And the most lousy, that the probability of occurrence of these unfortunate events is very high - no less than 80%. That is from 5 experienced sales executives hired to work under such circumstances, only one will be assisted by the Director General of the work to build sales team. The other four will not only not help, but instead, all the forces will cause damage to that company in which they work.
Fearfully? Yes. But it is - a real price to pay for the CEOs that are trying to build a business that does not understand. Create in your business unit, the specifics of which are not understood. Delegated authority and power subordinates in the work which they know so little that did not really understand what they are doing and can not control them.
Lack of professionalism and managerial weakness of the company comes from the top. Just as the fish rots from the head.