5 Lessons From The Content Marketing of Pokémon GO
1:09 PMPokémon GO Content Marketing: Pokémon GO's recent hot keywords are mentioned around the world, making the game lovers crazy. I was playing Pokémon GO and walking at the same time I though this phenomenon of Pokémon GO. Pokémon Go — Content Marketing Lessons For All Of Us. 5 Lessons learned from the successful marketing of this game. Meanwhile you can read another great piece: How to Build Content Marketing Strategy Plan
Here are the elements that make the advertising media or content developers should consider when looking for ways to increase the interaction between customers and their brand. Check out this 20 Content Marketing Strategies.
1. Connect emotions
An essential element of any brand or campaign is the emotional connection. Pokémon is a company with 20 years of age and have a deep connection with fans, both young and old. Some people have favorite Pokemon for years, even with the other fans ever since he was a child. Game Pokémon GO gives them feelings of childhood nostalgia.
2. Focus on the customer
This is a game for everyone, those who own smart mobile phone. And it is also very easy to play (though having some server problems). Pokemon Go not too complicated and does not require expensive equipment. All you need to do is go out and search.3. Existence
You can see them everywhere. Many hunting groups together Pokemon with eyes glued to the phone screen. Do other things with everyday activities that make them feel interesting and also makes those around him curious about the strange actions. Gradually, the games are very pervasive and dramatic effects to be true.
4. Social factors
Pokemon Go make people together working out real world where they have common interests, leaving only the walls which interact online. The game puts the player in real life situations and help them share, expand social networks.5. Appearing with sensational news
We have seen many news about the accident, robbery or the benefits to the health of Pokemon Go. The familiarity of the brand and the chaos it caused the media to create great effects.You may like to read: Easy Ways To Make a First Sale on E-commerce Website