7 Ideas For Split-Testing Of Advertising Texts In Targeted Advertising

Simply you may wants to do AB tests for more effective social media Ad Design. I'm sure you know the feeling when you re-create the ad i...

Simply you may wants to do AB tests for more effective social media Ad Design. I'm sure you know the feeling when you re-create the ad in social networks with the hope that you will get targeted traffic and conversion, but... Nothing. 
Please read: 15 Reason your business should use online advertising

7 Ideas For Split-Testing Of Advertising Texts In Targeted Advertising
Days pass, at least until someone clicks on your ad, and even if it happens, visitors will still run away from the landing page.
All seems hopeless ... Isn't it?

Implementing A/B testing on social media can provide huge payoffs for brands when done correctly.
To have your hopes dashed, it is necessary that the advertisement contained a:

  • Good suggestion (offer) 
  • The color that draws the audience attention 
  • More compelling calls to action, and so on.
In this article we will talk about a few ideas that are applicable to the advertising texts in split-testing to improve the effectiveness of your advertising.

The importance of making a good ad text.

One can cite many benefits of good advertising text:
  • It creates the first impression about your business, product or service; 
  • It conveys your message across; 
  • It helps the user to make a decision 
  • It provokes the user to click on ads 
  • In addition, it sells. Creative attracts attention, but always sells text.
Advertising text is important, and you need to give it their full attention.

Learn more: Why adverting is important for your business?

Pay little attention to your text, and your advertising will fail. A well-chosen words will help your business grow and attract thousands of new customers.

For this to occur, we advise you to test different approaches to the three most important elements of advertising:

  • Title,
  •  Description,
  •  Call to action,
Let's see what a split-tests you can run in each of them.

Part 1 Title
After the creative user switches focus on the title and you have a few seconds to convince the user that you can solve their problems or offer him something unique.

A good headline should meet four principles:

1. To attract the user's attention. Of course, we must draw attention, as the title - the first test element to which the user pays attention.

2. Select audience. Your headline should appeal to those people to whom you send your target. Targeted at all possible, but narrow audiences allow you to work on a more personal space users when we solve their problems or offer them something unique. One audience = = one problem one solution.

3. Briefly, clearly, is available. According to Ogilvy, 4 out of 5 readers read only the headline. We could not bring the main idea of ​​the title, then, we have already lost 80% of the audience.

4. Engage the reader to the main text advertising. Title lures, and a description of finishes.

What can make recommendations for writing enticing headings:

1. Put the question instead of specifying benefits.

A lot of titles are reminiscent of the statement, and the user should be displayed on the dialog.

And you can try to ask a question.
Questions involve and help persuade.

In the excellent book "The person can sell," Daniel Pink shares a story about an experiment conducted at Ohio State University, where researchers tested the effects of a series of short statements about changing the rules of the special school.

During the experiment, it was proved that whenever the researchers presented the subjects statements as questions, the participants are eager to support the proposed changes than when scientists presented the same changes as the allegations.

Questions involve the users in your message.

No one wants to be just something to sell. But when the user feels part of the conversation, he'll want to hear your trade proposal is more likely.

2. Use the negative instead of the positive

Most advertising headlines focus on the positive.

But for you, the turning point in working with advertising texts can be an understanding that the content of the title negativity works much better!

The studies were identified Outbrain, that headers containing negative wording worked 29% more efficient than their "positive colleagues."

This means that such titles as:

  • The best way to get rid of acne or 
  • X best gifts in his father's day
They will be presented worse than
  • This is not the way to get rid of acne, 
  • X things that you should not buy your father.

3. Test the different word order

In advertising, even the smallest thing can make a difference. For example, such as the order of the words in the title. Since most users simply run through the eyes of a header from left to right, the very first words that they saw on the left, can have a big impact on their future actions. If they did not attract their attention, all in vain.

So, having considered the testing of different order of words in advertising, we can note the efficiency of movement of more important words and phrases in the beginning of the title.

4. Turn on the potent word

Pressed on advertising just because some one word caught your attention.

Did you notice the word - "free" or "freebie". Or, "You", or other strong word that provokes and click on ads.

Last year, after analyzing thousands of ads Adwords, SEMrush discovered that "free", "cheap", "new" and "low" - the most popular adjectives used by advertisers to Google.

Therefore, test and learn the impact on advertising effectiveness have these words.

Part 2. Description

The role of your headline - to attract users' attention and let them know that your ads are actually represents. A description of the problem to convert the audience.

There are several ways to increase the conversion by using the text.

5. The text, which shows the ratio of users to your product.

Social proof (e.g, user) - it is a powerful way to call people to action.

In 1998, David Wooten conducted an experiment to prove that when evaluating product buyers have tended to base their views on the opinions of others. This is the reason why we want to get into a full restaurant, even if it means we will have to wait until a table is free. Or we choose a product that contains information about how many people already use it.

Therefore, you could test whether the inclusion of impact reviews or other social evidence on the effectiveness of your advertising.

Here are some ideas on how to incorporate social proof advertising:

  • Showing the number of already purchased a particular product
  •  Reviews of happy customers, 
  • The number of users or players, 
  • Showing rating and other reviews, and so on.

6. Access Deficit

The theory that describes this behavior is called the theory of commodity convictions analysis. She was described by Timothy Brock in 1968.

Michelle Lin, in his article "The deficit of value of influence", written in 1991, described this phenomenon as follows:

  • According to the theory, the lack of increases the value (seduction) product, which the person would like to have, which is useful for the owner, and is transmitted from one person to another.
To confirm this theory in 1975, Lee and Edvol Uorshely conducted a study in which participants were asked to evaluate the chocolate chip cookies. The participants were shown two banks. One contains 10 cookies, the other - only two. Even though both banks contain the same kinds of biscuits, the products from the second cell (with two biscuits) was assessed twice higher compared with the first.

Therefore, the commodity theory means that you can convince customers to buy more, indicating exclusivity and scarcity of the product.

Part 3: Call to action

Needless to say, even a small piece of text can dramatically affect the level of your conversion.

7. The inclusion of a call to action.

The first item that you need to test - a call to action in your ad.

What do we expect from the user? Certain actions that it must perform.


Obviously, all that we have listed above - it's just the tip of the iceberg. Potentially, there are hundreds, if not more, of other elements and ideas that you can test. But if you're wondering why it is simple to start, try one of the above tests to see how you can improve the effectiveness of your advertising.

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