How to be Happy: The First Ten Keys to Happiness

To achieve success in life, happiness is the only key to open the door. To be happy you must follow some rules, here is what earlier we p...

To achieve success in life, happiness is the only key to open the door. To be happy you must follow some rules, here is what earlier we posted to make you happy and success. Happiness is not a simple goal, but is about making progress, when it's as elusive as ever. Just look for a balance between following your passion, connect with others and be authentic.

Without a balance, happiness is elusive. I learned the hard way. As an entrepreneur, I have been fortunate to achieve financial success, but it has little connection to real happiness. 

How to be Happy: The First Ten Keys to Happiness
The novelist and poet Maya Angelou once said, "Do not make money your goal. Better, pursues the things you love to do and do them so well so that people can not take his eyes off me. " In other words, let the passion dictate the 86.400 seconds of your day. You can not control the outcome, only the process.
Read: The Secret to Healing is Forgiveness

Then I share the 10 rules I learned about how to achieve happiness being an entrepreneur:

1. The Real Life

The online world connects us in amazing ways, but there is also much to say in the real world. You must learn to let go; Stay away from your phone and your laptop to spend quality time with people you care about. At the end of the day, they are the only definition of what is real. Time is our greatest virtue; appreciates these real moments.
Read: 20 Simple Rules for an Amazing Life

2. Do not stop learning

I left school at 16, but I never stopped learning. Feeding the brain is a solid component to achieve happiness. Never sleep on your laurels. Always looking for ways to give more than is expected of you. Challenge yourself. Open your mind and remember: There is nothing you can not do. When others see obstacles, look for opportunities. Dream big.

3. Be kind

I have seen several times a stamp on vehicles that says "practice random acts of kindness". There is some truth in this lesson, provided they come from the heart. It reminds you of the blessings you have and why you should be grateful for them, even the things you take for granted. It also lets you contribute to something bigger than yourself. Whatever it is what you believe (God, a higher power, law of attraction or karma), this should boost your success.

4. Do not over think things

Okay not know all the answers. The answers will come to you when you least expect it. We are complicated creatures. But try not to over analyze everything. Remember that time heals many things; so give yourself time. Remember: life continues.

5. Be grateful for what you have

The only person in charge of your happiness is you. You're not own all the world's problems, so count your blessings, not your problems. Be grateful. No matter whether the glass is half full or half empty; all that matters is that you have the glass and are responsible for filling it. On the other hand, do not compare your life to others' or the judge. And when things go wrong, take a deep breath and remind your greater purpose. This purpose should not be defined by what you want to accomplish, but for what you want to live for happiness.

6. Relationships are everything in life

You can always improve your connection with your loved ones. They teach us how to be better people, and how to become a better version of ourselves. But they are also our main fans during the best moments and the most support in the most difficult.

7. Make peace with your past

Do not let your past affect your present. Accept your mistakes and own them. At the end of the day, every decision you make, are your responsibility. Nobody wins when you start to look for someone to blame, so stop looking and move on. The forward movement is the key. You will have bad days and failures. But the important thing is that you get back to his feet. That's the main secret of life: When you fall, you must get up.
read: 20 Simple Rules For Happiness and Success

8. Stop worrying about what others think of you

Live so that if someone speaks ill of you, no one can believe it. Do not succumb to a world that constantly consume you wondering what other people think of you. The important thing is what you think of you and if you are planning a life that can be proud.

9. Do not hold grudges

We are all people who test us, to let us down and just use us. But revenge is useless. In the end, we are all characters in a complex universe. So no more letting it simple revenge devour your day. If you forgive, you learn and move on.

10. Be authentic

Many people try to fake who they really are. But finally it comes to who your 'I' internally and how you contribute to society. Always surround yourself with people who want you to succeed. Stay away from people who expect you to fail. Authenticity is difficult to reach, but when you find cling to it.

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