How Your Body Reacts When You Fall in Love #Infographic

Butterflies in your stomach, a racing heartbeat—you probably remember those symptoms well from your first middle school crush. As an adult,...

Butterflies in your stomach, a racing heartbeat—you probably remember those symptoms well from your first middle school crush. As an adult, they're actually your body's subtle clues that you're falling in love (or lust, at least). At the start of a relationship, a series of truly fascinating chemical reactions occur throughout your nervous system and hormones. From the first time you meet to climbing under the sheets, here's what's happening to your body as you fall in love.

How your body reacts when you fall in love #Infographic
Being in love is like a drug addiction! But when do you know if you fancy someone? What does love do to your brain chemicals, and is falling in love? Lets Check out what science says how do you fall in love.

Do we really know what happens to our bodies when we first fell in love? When our eyes meet for the first time, and we realize that this person might be the love of our lives, do we know what’s going on inside that makes us feel the way we do? Well, I maybe have found the answer to this question!  

What happens to your body when you fall in love

Meeting that special someone for the first time may seem like a magical moment. Everything around us stops moving, and it feels as though the world around us doesn’t exist anymore. We are the only two people that matter, and we feel like we could stay frozen like this forever. 

But in reality, falling in love is quite a shock to your body. From the moment your eyes meet, your brain starts to evaluate the physical attraction that you have for the other person and how this person could be the “one”.  A secretion of hormones also has to be taken into account like pheromones, serotonin and adrenaline. They are responsible for making our hearts race and having sweaty palms. And let’s not forget the butterflies in the stomach! This is also explained by the contraction of blood vessels around the gut area.

This is Your Body in Love Infographic

How your body reacts when you fall in love #Infographic

Download this Infographic by Clicking here, and must Share this one to Pinterest for your friends. 
Everything that I talked about above is extensively explained in this animated infographic created by the team at Propoint Graphics especially for Valentine’s Day. With this infographic below, you can now know what happens to your body when you fall in love.   An infographic by the team at Propoint  What Happens To Your Body When You Fall In Love #Infographic 

Over to you

Are you surprised to learn what happens to your body when you fall in love? And do you plan on celebrating Valentine’s Day even everyday? I’d like to know what you think of the infographic and what are your plans for your love, romance and everything in the comment box below!

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