
What do online dating sites do to protect their users?

Do you really know who you are linking to on the internet? It's Friday night, and I'm about to meet a very attractive guy with whom...

Do you really know who you are linking to on the internet?
It's Friday night, and I'm about to meet a very attractive guy with whom I've been flirting for a few days in a dating app.

But how do I know that he is really who he says he is?
After all, dating page fraud is increasing, and it seems to people that it is easy to adopt fake identities.
Many do it by stealing photos from other websites and forging plausible stories for their profiles. 

What do online dating sites do to protect their users?
Luckily, my date seems legitimate. If on the other hand, you had doubts, you could have used a service like Circle 6.
This app lets you choose 6 close friends, so they know where you are at any time If at any time you feel in danger, only push a button to alert them that you are afraid.
The online dating market is a large and growing business.
Only in the United States, the value of applications dating more than 2,500 million dollars, according to consulting Marketdata Enterprises.

According to new statistics released by the online security organization Get Safe Online, the UK Anti-Fraud Office receives 7 cases of dating fraud on a daily basis, up 32% in the last two years.

  • The question is: what do these companies do to keep their members safe?

Some of these apps - especially the smaller ones - use technologies like Jumio, a digital ID service that rules out scammers.

The TrueView dating app, for example, uses this system and has established a rating system based on ratings.
"We did not want to create another dating app because there are hundreds of them," says Matt Verity, co-founder of the company.
"We wanted to create one in which people rely on the people they are going to talk to. The more social network accounts are linked to a profile, the higher the score of the individual in question, " says Verity.

Accounts on social networks, however, can also be fraudulent and established in a matter of minutes.
"To avoid this we have created another level of confidence in which users scan their driver's licenses and passports, which allows us to verify that you are who you say you are."

"The more you increase your score, the more reliable your profile will be on the page," says Verity.
Also, users can discard all people who do not have the same level of confidence.
If a profile continues to have a very low level of trust over an extended period of time, TrueView will proceed to investigate the person behind.

Another useful platform to check the identity of a possible appointment is Yoti.com.
This app offers the possibility to verify names, photos and age of the people that one knows on the Internet.

Once you have established contact with someone, all you have to do is send them a message through the application asking them to do a selfie, enter their phone number or send you a photo of their passport or some other document Valid identity.

In the market, there are dozens of small apps of this type, like Mai Tai, that use similar verification systems.
VieLoco, on the other hand, relies on the usefulness of the videos.

"Live videos are the best way to find out if someone is not who you say they are in your photos or do not behave as you expect them to do, a symptom that you should stay alerted," says co-founder Nora Lee Notzon.

But what do big online dating sites do to ensure our security?
Many are committed not to reveal personal information and ensure that there is no obscene language in the profiles, or in the messages that users exchange.
While most ensure the use of security measures, few reveal what particular systems.
"We have a team that monitors security on the page with the latest technology and human controls," says a spokesman for the Match.com website.
"But like many other companies, we do not disclose details about our security and the fraud prevention tools we use, as this would make us vulnerable to people with criminal intent."
So, shall we trust them?
"Large organizations use a multitude of databases as part of their anti-fraud strategies," says Andrew McClelland, executive director of the Association of Online Dating Portals.
"They are able to automate much of these databases from organizations such as the UK Vehicle and Driver Licensing Agency."
Although the Online Dating Portal Association has published a code of practice that outlines how dating websites should function and how to ensure the safety of its members, McClelland admits that although the system "requires members of the association to carry out the Controls, does not establish how they should be done. "

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