The Secret to Healing is Forgiveness
8:37 PMWe all have been harmed or offended at some time in our life. How we
deal with that “offense” is unique per individual. However, the key to moving on or “healing” is to actually “forgive” the person for the act that harmed you.
Forgiveness, for the purpose of this post, is defined as “the act of excusing a mistake or offense”.This means you choose to make an “allowance” for whoever has harmed or offended you. I don’t like the word “excusing” because in my opinion there is no excuse for harming someone.
Forgiveness Does Not Come Easy
Some people are unable to Forgive. Generally, the nature of the offense was too great to make an “allowance”. The sad part of being incapable of forgiveness is that “offense” will also be there eating away at you.For those who are unable to Forgive, the magnitude of the “offense” could cause one to have increased sadness and misery. This “misery” could lead to Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, and possibly Death.
It Is Imperative to Forgive
Regardless of what action you take after harm has been committed against you, it is imperative that you be able to heal and move on. In order to “heal”, we must Forgive.#Forgiveness will bring you #peace.
Finding peace within oneself means that you are letting go of control. You are letting go of the fear of being harmed and are able to feel the pain.
My Personal Experience
I have been harmed in the worse way possible, Betrayal. At the very moment it happened, I was devastated, confused, and depressed. It took me several months in order to find “peace” within myself. I found peace by meditating as well as reassuring myself that I was not the issue. I was a great person and did nothing to bring about this harm. I sought guidance from friends and my higher power. Sometimes this is not the best thing to do when it comes to a marital betrayal. I listened to all the advice given but ultimately what helped me was the ability to find love and peace within myself.Once I found peace, I was then able to work on forgiving the betrayer.
This Is Not An Easy Feat
To #Forgive does not mean we must #Forget.We will never forget the offense that caused so much harm, nor will we forget the immense pain we suffered because of it. However, we can “let go” of how it affects us at this very moment.
Let Go, Let God. #forgiveness
Let Go, Let God is a beautiful poem that I highly recommend you read. You do not have to be a religious person to believe in Let Go, Let Go. You are essentially handing your pain and power over to your “higher power” in order to be able to Forgive. Once you “let go”, you can feel at peace with yourself and the strength to move on.
It Takes Time
Be patient! Finding Forgiveness can not be done overnight, in a week or a month. It could take years for you to Forgive someone. The sooner you can Forgive, however, may ensure a healthy state of mind.It has been over a year since the Betrayal that rocked my world. I have found the strength to Forgive him, and am slowly regaining Trust in him. Have I forgotten what happened? Absolutely not. Do I still think about it? I try not to but sometimes it just happens and I have to “let it go”.
I am not 100% healed, but I am much healthier than I was. It Takes Time.