
Pinterest Marketing Tips: How to Become a Pinterest Expert

How to drive traffic from pinterest to your blog? Start selling products on Pinterest with a good list of solid Pinterest marketing tips. I...

How to drive traffic from pinterest to your blog? Start selling products on Pinterest with a good list of solid Pinterest marketing tips. Improve your visibility on Pinterest. Pinterest has been able to pull users like a magnet attracts iron. Started in the year 2010, Pinterest's user base consists of bloggers, brands, small business, freelancer.

Why is Pinterest traffic important?

Pinterest is a search and discovery network. It’s where people go to curate ideas, products, dream, plans, etc. You have amazing content that fits within someone’s content discovery.

Think of it like Google. We all want our blog posts to get in front of those searching for a particular topic we’re an expert in. Apply that same logic to Pinterest.
So how do you get your content in front of those searching to get in on those benefits?

Also read: Guide To Using Pinterest for Marketing

Is Pinterest a Relevant Platform for Marketers?

A recent study that showed that marketers were moving away from Pinterest. So is Pinterest a relevant platform for marketers? And why?

Because Pinterest is a long term platform, with 30% of clicks happening a month or more after the Pin goes live, some people aren’t giving it enough time to take off. It’s so important to know your audience and to give them what they want.

Pinterest Marketing Tips: How to Become a Pinterest Expert
Think about the search-ability of your content. It will continue to live in both Google and Pinterest searches. Give the content time to get into the system, get clicked on, get searched. Other social media platforms, like Facebook or Twitter, are more immediate platforms. Your posts either get seen within the first few hours or they don’t. Regardless, you have to put something new out there. With Pinterest, that content lives on.

Create boards with keywords in your title

Pinterest has fantastic search capabilities. Help even more people find and your business by using keywords in your board titles. Make sure that you select a category for each board to help people find them and for Pinterest to recommend your board as well.

Don’t Forget the Images

If you don’t have a Pinterest friendly image for your post, it won’t get Pinned. Be sure to create Pinterest friendly images for all of your content. If you don’t want that vertical, Pinterest friendly image in the post itself, use a plug-in like Social Warfare to keep the image hidden. It will still show when it is being Pinned, but won’t show in the post itself.

Images aren’t only important for Pinterest. Twitter and Facebook are also becoming more and more dependent on images for content to be noticed. If you aren’t creating images for your content, you are likely missing out on a lot of possible shares.

Don’t know where to start? Try a website like Canva or PicMonkey. Both are free and extremely user friendly. With Canva, you have the advantage of them being integrated with Tailwind, so you don’t even have to leave your scheduler to work on images.

Also read: How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

Use the description to spread your ideas

Again, use keywords in your description and keep in mind that people can tweet your pins. The text in the pin description is the tweet so keep it short, interesting, and relevant.

Creating images doesn’t have to be difficult.

I always tell my clients to start working on one image at a time. Preferably the post on your blog getting the most traffic. Follow these quick tips for your workflow:
  • Get the right size template (735 x 1100 — Current ratio 1.2.8) 
  • Choose a simple, readable font to add a text overlay to the photo. (Use San-serif fonts so they are easy to read on mobile.) 
  • Now rinse and repeat. You’ve created the size, picked your favorite font and you can keep this same template in use on every single image to create a branded image look. Every single image.
We have found that branded images, those that use the same font, look and colors have a higher rate of click thru than those that are all different.
Optimize with the Perfect Pinnable Post

There are four elements every blog post needs to be successful.

  • Pinterest image! We just covered that. You need to have a pinnable image in the post preferably at the top or bottom. 
  • Links to related content on your site. Introduce them to more of your content they might like. For example, if you have a bread recipe that has gone viral, do you have more bread recipes on your site they might be interested in? Don’t assume they will use the search bar. Put a link in the post making it easy for them to click. 
  • Ability to share your content. Pinterest users like to share and save for later. Make it easy for them by adding a simple plug in to your site listing all the social media channels you think your readers would like to share to. I’m a BIG fan of Social Warfare. 
  • Easy access to your email list. Are they introduced to that email list through a pop up or sign up box. Have you created an awesome freebie for them to capture their email address? If not, put a small image in your sidebar encouraging them to click.

Knowing Your Audience

Are you ignoring analytics, both Pinterest and Google hoping/assuming everything is just swimming along wonderfully?

First, it’s helpful to understand Pinterest traffic first. Pinterest traffic is slow, slow, slow, slow. Seriously, it’s the slowest moving social media platform on the planet.

You want to watch traffic in chunks of 1 week, 1 month and 1 quarter. Looking at them from hour-to-hour or day to day is enough to drive you to drink. You won’t see the proper trends. What took off this week, last month, last quarter and as most who already look at analytics, the last 2 years.

In Pinterest analytics you’re looking for clicks and repins. Look at them in 30 day increments. Now take that information and compare with Google Analytics.

Do you see the same trends? Is the same pin in Pinterest analytics giving you the same traffic in GA? Pinterest analytics can have some glitches and I’ve seen them report that particular pin is driving a ton of clicks but when I look at GA it’s nowhere to be found. That’s why I always look at GA for my ‘real’ data.

You’re looking to find the top 10 pins driving the most traffic to your site at any given block of time. Look at those top 10 and make sure the posts are optimized, like we talked about in number 3.

Know what the best of the best to use your time wisely on Pinterest.
Trends also change from month to month. Knowing when something is trending up or down will help you adjust your strategy of pinning as needed. Seasonal content can drive a TON of traffic.

You have to know what the best of the best is if you’re going to use your time wisely on Pinterest.

Ideal Number of Pins Per Day

Gone are the days of throwing as many Pinterest pins like darts and hoping they stick. On today’s Pinterest platform you need a targeted strategy and optimized content to fit within what Pinterest calls the Smart Feed.
Also read: How Do I Get Pinterest Followers Fast?

This Smart Feed rates pins based on these specific criteria:

  • Quality images. 
  • Keyword rich pin descriptions that encourage pinners to pin. 
  • Consistent pinning to that contributes to the Pinterest community.
This is a big question in the Pinterest community is how many times per day should you pin to get your pins seen in the Smart Feed.

I’m always a fan of quality over quantity. I suggest pinning between 10-30 pins per day.

If you spend time curating great content that your people interact with, Pinterest will reward you regardless of how many times per day you pin.

I know that pinning more per day will result in more followers, but I want you to get traffic.

Traffic brings email subscribers, monetary gain, and growing your readership. A large number of followers don’t always translate to more traffic. Pin the best of the best — both your content and other people’s content and no more than 30 pins per day using a scheduler or live.

Consistency is key to the Pinterest Smart Feed!

Let’s recap the 5 ways to be successful on Pinterest Marketing:

  • How to keep your Pinterest boards clean and organized — Kon Mari those boards! 
  • Simple ways to create Pinterest-friendly images that drive traffic. — It’s not super hard! 
  • The four elements every blog post needs to be successful on Pinterest — The Perfect Pinnable Post! 
  • How to dig into your Pinterest analytics to find what your unique audience is looking for– don’t be afraid of analytics! 
  • The ideal number of times you should be pinning every day — quality over quantity!
Sounds easy, right? But I know for some of you, you’re still looking for more.

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