Gestational Diabetes: Complete File For Pregnant Women

Editors note: Can I prevent gestational diabetes? What I need to know about g estational diabetes ? How to prevent or delay type 2 diabete...

Editors note: Can I prevent gestational diabetes? What I need to know about gestational diabetes? How to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes? How to prevent gestational diabetes. It’s never too early to prevent diabetes. A lifetime of small steps for a healthy family.  

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops only during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes is usually diagnosed during late pregnancy. If you are diagnosed with diabetes earlier in your pregnancy, you may have had diabetes before you became pregnant. 
This is a guest post written and contributed by Pulkit Thakur, we are thankful to him!

Disclaimer: "The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment."

If you arrive on this page, it's probably because we just diagnose you with diabetes gestational and you are wondering how to get away, or simply, what it is, and if it is the wrong doctor. I am not a doctor, but I have to learn a lot, because, between the results of my test and my first RV at an adequate physician, I had to wait almost a month... May it also be your Case? To help you see more clearly, I have drawn this info on Wikipedia and health sites, trying to translate in everyday language.

Gestational Diabetes: Complete File For Pregnant Women
What to remember:

  • You have to take it seriously, because the most important risks are even self-developing diabetes sustainable after pregnancy or having a baby too big, which on the one hand complicates childbirth, and other Part increases the risk for the obese child in the longer term. 
  • That said, it's not very GRAVE either: stay calm.
Definition of gestational diabetes or gestational diabetes: it is a state of intolerance to glucose, which appears during pregnancy in women without diabetes mellitus previously known. That means that blood glucose (or "sugar" level in the blood) is higher than normal. It usually appears between the 24th and 28th week of amenorrhea. 

Usually what diabetes is temporary, and will stop immediately after pregnancy. But it poses significant risks, especially for the baby, if no preventive measures are taken.

Why is gestational diabetes developed?

The insulin produced by our body usually regulates the level of sugar in the blood.
But, from the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is less efficient in pregnant women, who all develop anti-insulin hormones (placental hormones, cortisol and growth hormones). "Insulin-resistant." But in most pregnant women, the pancreas produces more insulin to compensate. In some women, the pancreas does not produce insulin surplus this: So is regulated fewer sugar levels in the blood, and it is called gestational diabetes.

What are the symptoms of gestational diabetes?

As with other types of diabetes, the affected pregnant women with gestational diabetes has no symptoms. In rare cases, it may have the following symptoms:
  • Unusual fatigue for a pregnant woman; 
  • Abundant urination;  
  • An intense thirst.

How is it tracked?

By a blood glucose test is often offered to pregnant women at the beginning or middle of pregnancy, according to their risk of suffering from gestational diabetes. Today in France, about 5% of expectant mothers develop this diabetes, so the test becomes routine, under the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy.

The test used today in France is the WHO test. Fasting morning, taking 75 grams of glucose at once, and then measure plasma glucose at 1 hour and 2 hours: the test is positive (and gestational diabetes proved) to a value greater than 1.4 grams / Liter, without the need for confirmation.

When does it stop?

In 90% of cases, gestational diabetes disappears within a few weeks after delivery.However, a significant proportion of pregnant women who have it suffer, months or years later, type 2 diabetes or, more rarely, of type 1 diabetes.

What are the risks?

For the mother  
  • Hypertension and swelling (preeclampsia). 
  • Increased risk of urinary infection.  
  • Increased likelihood of caesarean delivery (in the case of high weight of the child).  
  • Premature delivery.  
  • Being with type 2 diabetes after pregnancy.
For the child
  • Weight was exceeding 4 kg (9 lb) at birth (macrosomia ). This is the case of 17% to 29% of children born to mothers with gestational diabetes, against 5% to 10% for all mothers .it's not very serious, but it can prevent low birth, and the tendency to obesity of the child afterward. 
  • Neonatal hypoglycemia.
Exaggeration of the jaundice of the new born.  
  • Respiratory distress syndrome. 
  • Possibly, develop diabetes, mostly type 2.

What is Gestational Diabetes?

Some changes in diet and lifestyle are sufficient to keep blood sugar levels at acceptable levels, and for the mother and child to do well
  • First, check the blood glucose regularly.
A blood glucose meter is essential to check and correct, if necessary, the quality of blood glucose control. You will not be performed one (reimbursed 100% by the security), and you will have the happiness to prick your finger up to 6 times a day to check the sugar level in your blood!
Glycemic objectives are fasting blood glucose less than 0.95 g / l, and post-prandial blood glucose (1/2 hour after the meal) less than 1.20 g / l17.

  • Should be monitored daily intake of carbohydrates (sugars) and eat fewer foods high in saturated fat (butter, cream, beef fat, palm oil, etc.). The diet must, of course, respect the nutritional needs of the pregnant woman. Follow-up by a nutritionist throughout pregnancy is recommended. 
  • If despite the surveillance and an appropriate diet, blood sugar is often too high, we will prescribe insulin. Insulin is preserved for women for whom lifestyle modification alone does not control blood glucose.
N.B.: Women who have had gestational diabetes are at higher risk of type 2 diabetes. More than half of them suffer later in life. The proposed treatment for controlling diabetes during pregnancy also helps preserve the healthy as possible. 
Encouragingly: women with normal gestational diabetes who regain their weight after childbirth halve their risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

For all these reasons, you will understand: we urge you to put you in sugar-free diet, and "not too" fat. Come on, do not cry, it's for a good cause!
In subsequent articles, I give you some information and tips that have helped me out well me during those few months of "special regime diabetes."

Guest article written contributed by Pulkit thakur.
Author Bio: 
Pulkit thakur started his career as an health consultant at an early age beginning in the area of health .He is an expert in the area of developing strategies for health .He provides thought leadership and pursues strategies for engagements with the senior executives on Innovation in health and Technology he presently works for  as The Head of the health consultancy. FacebookTwitterEzinearticlesLinkedIn

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