7 Habits of Toxic People (And How To Avoid Them)

All of us have to deal with toxic people sometimes. But how do you know if they are really toxic people? What are characteristics of toxic p...

All of us have to deal with toxic people sometimes. But how do you know if they are really toxic people? What are characteristics of toxic people to recognize them? How do you deal with toxic people? 
The day today forces us to deal with highly negative people, those who with their behavior manage to vitiate the environment and that everything seems worse than it really is. 
In this article, we present the 7 things that characterize toxic people and how to avoid it (How to avoid toxic people around you).

7 Habits of Toxic People (And How To Avoid  Them)
But rest assured, do not panic. Fortunately, this class of people meets parameters that facilitate their identification. We tell you what they are so that when one appears, you detect it at once.

1. Do not stop complaining

Toxic people are a big constant complaint. Do you know about the glass half full or half empty? These people do not directly see the glass and are in charge of letting it know to all that are around. You will listen to them by striking absolutely everything: if it is hot because it does not stop sweating, if it is cold because there is no one alive, that if the food is salty, that if you lack salt ... anything is good to record your dislike.

2. They compare with others all the time

And how heavy they can become ... the constant comparison with others only confirms their idea that they are miserable. Obviously, there will always be someone to whom things go better and that will be the perfect excuse to start spreading negativity through every corner. Toxic people do not take advantage of their nonconformity in order to boost their motivation, but they are used to continue wallowing in their misery.
  • Extreme negativity is like one of those viruses that are transmitted through the air

3. No verbal filter

It is okay to be consistent and say what you think but highly negative people confuse this healthy premise with the fact of opening the mouth without stopping to reflect on what they are going to say. They shield themselves in "absolute sincerity" to throw offenses against others who, by chance, are more fortunate than themselves.
Also read:

4. Give up before you start

As they believe that everything is wrong of origin will never strive to undertake a new project. The pessimism suffocates them to the point of not even trying because in their head they are clear that the initiative "would never work". Actually, all this is motivated by the trembling fear of failure they feel.

5. They believe that they are all against you

Victimism is another of its characteristics of these people, who never assume responsibility for the situation. In their view, there is a conspiracy against them and therefore, the others are to blame for all their misfortunes.

6. All are problems without resolution

Finding solutions is as unlikely as seeing a unicorn crossing the A-6. The toxic people will be able to list you without hesitating each and every one of the inconveniences that they detect in their life; Nevertheless, none of these problems will, in his view, count on a possible remedy.

7. No advice

In case all of the above is not enough, the pessimists will never accept advice. The arrogance and arrogance they have will prevent them from valuing the possibility of not being right and of grabbing the reins of their lives.

How to deal with toxic people?

Don't let toxic people rent space in your head. Increase the rent and get them out of there. Need help to deal with toxic people? Don't be panic, we're here. 
Dealing with toxic people are not easy for everyone, even for me. before I studied on this topic, I have faced so many of them and I was looking for the answer of "how to deal with toxic people?"
What I have learned during my study and working with toxic people?  To deal with toxic people, you need to recognize the weaknesses in your approach to them.

Surviving the ups and downs of other people's temper tantrums can be quite a challenge. It is important, however, to remember that some moody or negative people may be going through a difficult time in their lives. They may be sick, have been preoccupied with something for a long time, or lack what they need in terms of love and emotional support.

We have already seen what characterizes toxic people but how do we avoid it? The answer is simple, run away. Getting away is the best option, but the truth is that we do not always have that possibility. As we have said, radical negativity is comparable to a bacterium that is transmitted through the air, so it can happen that someone very close is "infected".

If you can not root for that person it is best that you at least distance yourself. It does not have to be permanent but it does not have to be until it regains the objective view of things. Talk to her and try to make her understand that she is trapped in a destructive dynamic, not only for herself but for others as well.

These people need to be listened, supported and contained (although whatever the cause of their bad mood and negativity, you have to protect yourself from their behavior when you have to).

But there is another kind of bad mood or negative behavior: that of the toxic bully, who will use your mood swings to intimidate and manipulate you. It is this aspect of bad mood that inflicts permanent abuse and misery. If you observe these people closely, you will realize that their attitude is very self-referential. Your relationships will be prioritized according to how they can be used to meet your selfish needs. About this type of toxic behavior, I want to talk about in this article.

Also read:  
I am a firm believer that toxic mood swings should not be inflicted on one person by another under any circumstances. So how can you better handle the negative waves of other people's toxicity?
  • Go forward without them.

If you know someone who insists on destructively dictating the emotional atmosphere, it is clear: they are toxic. If you are suffering because of your attitude, and your compassion, patience, advice, and overall care does not seem to help you, and you do not seem to care either, then ask yourself, "Do I need this person in my life?"

When you eliminate the toxins from your environment, it becomes much easier to breathe. If circumstances warrant, leave those people behind and move on when you must. Seriously, be strong and understand when it is enough! Letting go of toxic people does not mean that you hate them, or that you want to hurt them; It simply means that you care about your own well-being.

A healthy relationship is reciprocal; You have to give and receive, but not in the sense that you are always giving and that they are always receiving. If for some reason you have to keep a truly toxic person in your life, then consider the following points...

  • Stop pretending that your toxic behavior is OK

If you're not careful, toxic people will use their capricious behavior to get preferential treatment because ... well ... that seems to be the easiest way to keep them quiet and not have to listen to their tiresome rhetoric.

Do not be fooled. Short-term facility equals long term pain for you in a situation like this. Toxic people do not change if they are being rewarded for not changing. Decide at this minute not to be influenced by your behavior. Stop walking on small points around him or give him special forgiveness for his constant belligerence.
It is never worth the pain and constant negativity. If someone over the age of 21 can't be a reasonable and reliable adult, then...

  • Tell Them!

Stand up. Some people will do anything for their own personal benefit at the expense of others; Do not let them. Do not accept that behavior. Most of these people know they are not doing the right thing and leave that behavior with surprising speed when someone confronts them. In most social settings, people tend to remain silent until someone tells them, so DISLIKE.

Some toxic people may use anger as a way to influence you, or they may not respond to you when you are trying to communicate, or interrupt and suddenly begin to speak ill of something dear to you. If you ever dare to speak fearlessly and respond negatively to their temperamental behavior, they may be surprised, or even outraged, that you have pierced the territory of their behavior. But you have to tell them anyway.

Not pointing out someone's toxic behavior may be the main reason to be sucked into the games of your mind. On the other hand, challenging this kind of behavior head on, sometimes you will get them to realize the negative effects of their behavior. 

For example, you could say:
  • "I noticed that you look angry. Is there something bothering you? " 
  • "I think you look boring. Do you think what I'm saying is not important? " 
  • "Your attitude is making me angry. Is that what you want?"
Have you been dealing with toxic people? Tell us about your experience and share the article. Dealing with toxic people: Let's start discussion on: "how to deal with toxic family members? * "how to deal with toxic people at work?" So we could be able to learn more about the problem and it's solution.

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