
Pinterest-Marketing: 13 Ways To Get More Followers On Pinterest

How to get more pinterest followers to increase Pinterest engagement and drive traffic to your blog? Grow your business with pinterest soc...

How to get more pinterest followers to increase Pinterest engagement and drive traffic to your blog? Grow your business with pinterest social media marketing, The strategies you need to get more Pinterest Followers.

How many Pinterest followers would make you happy – a hundred, a few thousand, a hundred thousand? How about a million? Yes, would you like to learn how to get a million Pinterest followers?

You can get more Pinterest followers using a variety of techniques. 

And I know there are other mamas and bloggers out there that just don't have the time to spend hours trying to grow their Pinterest followers. So today, we’ll share a few techniques that can be effective for building up your Pinterest following.
Pinterest-Marketing: 13 Ways To Get More Followers On Pinterest
Try applying a few of these ideas to your own Pinterest profile and watch your number of followers soar!

  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #1 – Tie In to Your Existing Social Networks

One of the fastest and easiest ways to get more Pinterest followers is by tying your account to your existing Facebook and Twitter profiles.  Doing so (and setting up your permissions correctly) means that every new item you pin will be displayed to your followers on these networks.  Since you already have established connections with subscribers on these sites, you’ll find that many of them elect to follow your Pinterest profile naturally.
Also read: How to Verify Your Blogger Blog on Pinterest
  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #2 – Improve Your Board Naming Structure

Giving each board on your Pinterest profile a fun and unique, but understandable, name is a crucial part of attracting new followers.  Since many subscribers elect to only follow the boards that are most relevant to them, it’s important that your board names make it immediately apparent what each of your boards are about.
Consider the following example given by Angie, a Pinterest user blogging on the site Many Little Blessings:

“A board about morning routines could be named “Morning Routines” or “Morning To Dos,” but if you name it “Rise and Shine,” people will know it has something to do with mornings, but no idea that it’s morning routine ideas.”

  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #3 - Keep Your Boards Organized

Pinterest-Marketing: 13 Ways To Get More Followers On Pinterest
In addition to finding your niche boards, you should also keep all of your boards organized, and don’t make them ultra-specific. You might be interested in thank you cards in particular, but rather than create a board just for thank you cards, why not create a board for greeting cards in general. That way you’re likely to find more people interested in the topic who will follow that board. You can rearrange your boards to place your most popular and niche boards at the top of your profile page, and edit your board covers after they’ve been created, choosing which image will be used as the featured one. This way you can ensure that the image representing that board is one that will get people’s attention. To do this, go to the board, click ‘Edit Board’ to make that change.Also read: How to Use Pinterest to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #4 – Follow Other Pinners

As you are beginning your account it’s important to engage with others and follow new people often. When you select users to follow, be sure that their account reflects your business. One quick tip is to follow content specific boards that are to your benefit before you follow the entire users account.
  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #5 – Write Searchable Pin Captions

One of the ways that people find new Pinterest users to follow is by searching the site for interesting key phrases in order to uncover new pinned content.  If your pins don’t appear in these searches, you’re losing potential followers that could have subscribed to your boards.  For this reason, it’s important to integrate relevant keywords into your pin captions.  Don’t simply stuff your pins full of meaningless keywords, but at the same time, don’t use basic captions like, “So funny!” that don’t give Pinterest users or the site’s search engine any information about what’s going on in your pins.
  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #6 – Make it Easy to Pin Your Content

Integrating Pinterest buttons into your blog posts, product pages and other areas of your site can help boost the number of times your content is pinned and lead to new followers for your profile. Because Pinterest is still relatively new, simply having these buttons in place provides a visual reminder for people to subscribe to your profile and engage with your content on this new site.
  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #7 – Pin Regularly

As with any social media site, determining how often to pin new content involves finding the ideal balance between posting so little that there’s no value in following your profile and posting so often that people get annoyed with your constant updates.  For best results, aim to pin between 5-30 new items a day, depending on the number of active Pinterest boards you maintain.
  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #8 – Curate Your Own Pins

If you only ever repin content from others, you aren’t bringing anything new to the table, which gives Pinterest users even less of an incentive to follow you.  Instead, create your own new pins based on content you find on other social networking sites or from resources you’re familiar with that haven’t yet been featured extensively on Pinterest.
  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #9 - Host a contest

Hosting a giveaway and including a “Follow on Pinterest” option can be a way to quickly gain followers.
Pinterest has specific guidelines to follow for brands when it comes to contests. You really want to attract users who will continue to repin the new content you’re sharing so be sure to host a contest around the topic you’ll be pinning to your account.

  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #10 - Pay Attention to Descriptions and Links

Whether you’re creating new pins or repinning content that other users have shared, always pay attention to the descriptions and links. If you’re repinning content, double-check the link to make sure it’s still working. In some cases, it doesn’t matter, but if the image promises a tutorial or guide of some sort, you’ll want to make sure the pin delivers.

When it comes to descriptions, HubSpot’s Dan Zarrella says around 200 characters is the sweet spot for getting repinned.

Also think about what kind of useful information can be included with the pin such as price or location, or you can include a call-to-action that’s likely to get users more interested in your content.

On the other hand, hashtags don’t serve much of a purpose on Pinterest. They’re clickable in descriptions but, when you actually click on a hashtag, it will include pins with the hashtag, or just with that keyword, or even with pins where the word is in the URL, photo name, or website. Hashtags won’t make your pins more searchable.

  • Pinterest Marketing Tips #11 - Create high quality images that are pinnable

Because Pinterest is such a visually-focused site, the quality of the images you use in your pins will go a long way towards attracting new followers. It’s pretty common sense that you need images for people to pin but do you ensure that they are pinnable? Making great pins does take a little practice but by following some basic principles you can get on the road to success. Images will draw new followers to your content.

Pinterest Marketing Tips #12 – Use Pinterest to Create Tutorials

People love tutorials, and the unique visual display of Pinterest makes it ideally suited to create tutorials that other users can follow.  As an example, say you run a site that teaches affiliate marketing to website owners.  Using Pinterest, you could create a “step-by-step” tutorial board, in which you feature links to different articles from around the web on topics like choosing affiliate products to promote, building traffic to your site and improving conversions.  Create tutorials on topics that you know will interest a number of people and you’re sure to pick up more followers for your account.

Pinterest Marketing Tips #13 - Post about Pinterest on your website or store

To gain new followers on Pinterest, consider sharing about your account on your website or even within your store. You could highlight tops pins from your products or ideas on your website.
A visual guide to get more pinterest followers to drive more traffic!


Pinterest-Marketing: 13 Ways To Get More Followers On Pinterest
Here is an infographic to get more followers on pinterest, the infographic collected from socialmediamamma website

Are you on Pinterest yet?  If so, do you have any other techniques for attracting followers to your profile?  Share them in the comments section below!
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