7 Ways to Master the Art of Customer Follow Up

The silence comes from a lack of action because a strategy is missing . Improve your sales consultations, get better results with your clien...

The silence comes from a lack of action because a strategy is missing. Improve your sales consultations, get better results with your clients. Know the best ways to follow up with customers and boost marketing productivity. 

This is inevitable for any entrepreneur, self - employed or freelance. There are customers who, for some reason, do not respond to certain formalities. Surely you want to know how to act in these cases, how to overcome any difficulty in communication, and for this, it is important to pause for a moment and put yourself in the customer's place.

7 Ways to Master the Art of Customer Follow Up
On the one hand, it should not be forgotten that many small companies do not have a vast portfolio of employees and have to consume until their last resort. Although several studies indicate the adverse effect it can have on the productivity of the staff wear, this happens all the time.

Indeed, not see signs of smoke customer frustrates us and stressed, but this lack of communication tends to occur due to carelessness and not for misconduct.

Surely your client has a very tight schedule, leaving you a very limited time when it comes to meeting vendor demands. In these cases, it is best to act intelligently and comprehensively to maintain a business relationship that benefits both parties.

Why do customers stop offering feedback?

The reasons are very diverse, and generally, it is a reason as simple as the one that has not seen the missed calls. Many times we receive so many calls that we end up without even noticing some of them.

On the other hand, it may be another department that is responsible for answering you or are waiting to hire a worker to have that responsibility. They may also be attending to some major problems. Many reasons could happen to us all.

But the question always arises: how to move forward in the process without feeling that you are bothering them at every moment?
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It's hard to keep customers interacting with you when they seem to stop paying attention. But these simple strategies can help you bear in touch with them without damaging the relationship:

1) Set a deadline and highlight the most relevant dates

It is best to be cautious, to present those deadlines that have more importance and to explain precisely why and the implications that could have the non-compliance of these. The idea is to reduce the chances of breaching some important deadline.

2) Emphasize the consequences that would occur if these deadlines were not met

Along with the approach of those critical time limits, it is convenient to make clear what can happen in the case of non-compliance.

For example: "If we fail to finish X project, then it will be impossible to make Y happen." This will make them more nervous and restless, and you will achieve a greater commitment from customers since nobody wants a project to be delayed by unnecessary defaults.
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3) Do not post on the calendar deadlines

On the other hand, it sets the deadline dates with a large number of days. For example seven business days after we receive X, we will proceed to deliver Y.

This makes the client aware of the consequences of non-compliance, even small deadlines. It emphasizes the adverse effects that lack of communication can have.

4) Determines smooth communication

In addition to setting well-defined and highlighted deadlines, it is important to specify the response times required and the communication channels that will be used.

Make an agreement with your client to determine what method of communication to use, so that delays are avoided as much as possible.
Also, for your sake, it is important to consider that on certain occasions your client will have a busy day and may not be available to offer a response.
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5) Do not leave a meeting without setting another meeting

It is like when you go to a social meeting, and that same day they are in meeting again with another established date.

Do the same with your client. If you do not emphasize that another encounter is necessary, you will be giving rise to a possible delay.

6) Make an emergency plan if you do not receive a response

Discuss possible situations for your client and how you can give solution even without an answer on your part.

This creates, even more, security because you have a backup in the event of any delay or in communication. In this sense, it achieves greater trust between you and your customer, which will help future business relations.
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7) Get on the agenda of your customers

Just as your clients are aware of the deadlines and the communication you have established, it is also ideal that you know how to manage your customer's agenda, so you will be more relaxed when any inconvenience occurs.

Get a global sketch of how the week is handled for your customer. Asking the client what they did during their week at each meeting is a brief and easy way to anticipate any issues and understand which dates might be more reasonable and which ones are not.
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