8 Mistakes Even Professional Content Writers Make (and how to avoid them)

Do you know what the biggest mistakes writers make is? To be a good writer, these are the writing mistakes to avoid.  When we make a mistake...

Do you know what the biggest mistakes writers make is? To be a good writer, these are the writing mistakes to avoid. When we make a mistake, we don't usually repeat it again. And the least time we have to correct our mistakes, the longer we have, in fact, to do things.

Mistakes should be the best way to learn, right?
I've done a lot of silly things as a writer. But it's okay. Mistakes are the best way to learn, right?

8 Mistakes Even Professional Content Writers Make (and how to avoid them)
Below is a list of eight common mistakes that the professional content marketing writer sometimes commits. The idea is that once you learn about these mistakes, you will be less likely to kite.

Mistake # 1: Thinking you can not go through the "writer's block."

Some people tend to think that writer's block is an unbreakable force - nothing can be written until the blocking ends. The truth is that you can break the writer's block. Some people will stop, but there are also other tools you can use. The next time you feel like you can not write something, try to change your mindset. Do not think "Oh no! I can not write", better think, "Okay, I can. I'm going to make it. "

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Mistake # 2: Do not edit your work

You need time to edit your writing when it is cold. In other words, let some time pass before you return and work on the article again. You will see it with a new sense of curiosity, perspective, and insight. Not everyone loves to edit. I understand, but look at it this way: editing turns something wonderful into something even more wonderful. That is something to pursue.

Also read: How to Write A Stunning Headline That Getting Readers

Mistake # 3: Do not make the final correction of your work (proofreading)

After editing, it is also necessary to make the final correction of your job. Edit is to make significant changes to the same content. Instead, the final revision of your work is to make small changes in grammar and pronunciation.

I have a habit of never publishing a content word until it has been edited and has had a final correction at least four times. Make the last correction and do it again. You'll be glad you did.

Before publishing your next piece of content, check out this useful checklist on the final correction.

Mistake # 4: Do not do research

You can be the most brilliant writer in the world and be the master of your subject, but you should do some research on the subject. People are not impressed with your opinion as they would with amounts of studies, data, evidence and other supporting information.

Get ready to work hard. Here's how a researcher describes the research process:

"Research is not only a science but also an art and not an easy one.It requires honesty and hard work with patience and perseverance.All are not born writers and authors, you can get ill with headaches and back pains during the process Of writing research results. "

Research can be fun. When you realize that you are providing your readers with insights and advanced knowledge, a simple writing project can take a new level of emotion. You need help to uncover credible statistics to support your content. Check out these nine accredited sources.

Mistake # 5: Do not Define Your Pronouns

What does "not define your pronouns" mean? Let me explain:

The following words are pronouns:
  • The
  • This
  • These
  • Those
  • That
There are many pronouns in most languages. Pronouns are useful, helpful and are an important part of speech.

What is the problem? Do not define them, for example:
  • Those are bad. What is wrong?
  • That's not okay. That is not good?
  • It's a problem. What is a problem?
  • Destroy those. Destroy what?
You must define all the pronouns either within the context of your writing or within the utterance. Indefinite pronouns lead to unclear scriptures.

Pro Tip: Whether you are a native or non-native writer, you should use Grammarly as a tool of your writing to avoid unexpected spelling & grammatical mistakes. You can use Its Premium version for free by going to this link. 

Mistake # 6: Write too fast or too slow

There is no correct writing speed. Each writer must write to the rhythm to which he adjusts and that allows him to flow his creativity. However, be aware that your writing speed influences the quality of your writing. That is to say,
  • If you write very fast, you can make mistakes carelessly.
  • If you write too slow, you can make awkward mistakes.
When you read, the mind goes faster on information than when it is written. Keep this in mind when you write. Your mind easily processes long sentences or big words when you write them. But it is not the same for the reader, whose eyes are scanning through your content at 300 words per minute - your work is tedious, ponderous, slow and agonizing.

If you write fast, your brain is moving to a close equivalent of the standard reading speed. Of course, you should still pay attention to your words, statements, and writing. But at the same time, you will be able to lower those thoughts in a more fluid and natural way.

''Typing can be very fluid or very fast, and in fact, can mismatch the writing process. " Srdan Medimorec, a Ph.D. candidate at the Waterloo School of Arts, said in a statement: "It seems that what we write is a product of the interaction between our thoughts and the tools we use to express them."
Also read 10 Harmful habits you must eliminate to improve yourself 

In 2016 a study from the University of Waterloo found that "the quality of your writing will be better if you just type slower."

Does this mean that you should move your fingers slowly, write with one hand, or just walk painfully at a sluggish pace? Not necessarily.

Each person has their own appropriate pace. Also, it depends on the type of content that demands a slower or faster pace. Move to the pace that is best for you.

In some situations, ideas and words come at an incredibly fast pace. You have to type as fast as you can. In other cases, you may be doing careful research, searching for the precise word, or writing on a sensitive topic. In the latter case, going slower is a good idea.

Mistake # 7: Not understanding who your readers are

If you want to become a better writer, become a better student of your reader. In fact, it is quite simple.

Writing well is connecting with your readers in a meaningful way. You will not be able to perform that task unless you get your head on. I challenge all writers, before placing a single word on a page, to do a lot of research and gain a lot of understanding from their potential readers, as much as possible.

The process is as simple as going through the exercise of creating a person and remembering that person every time you write.

Mistake # 8: Do not Sketch Your Article Before Writing It

Sketching can bring you memories of the Spanish class in high school. Do not worry. It's not what I'm talking about here.

The process of sketching is just creating a structure for your article.

I write a lot, and one of the first things that help me write and write with clarity and speed is sketching. First, I quickly write an introduction and conclusion. This helps me to steer the subject of my topic, and then summarize it. Doing so also allows me to fill the gap between something relevant and meaningful.

Generally, my sketch only looks like a bullet listing. My goal is to write the main things I want to talk about. Usually, they are not even complete statements (It's okay, I'm not writing my article at this point, I'm just sketching it).

The entire process takes me ten minutes, but it saves me hours of time. Also, it gives more clarity to my article.
Also read: 12 Ways to improve your time management skill 

Ready to write?

Writing better is getting rid of old habits and horrible mistakes. Despite writing almost daily for ten years, I still make mistakes. Hopefully, my mistakes are less and less, but I still do sometimes.

But at the same time, I feel like I'm getting better. And that's what it's all about, becoming a better writer.

How about you? What mistakes have you eliminated to improve your writing?

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