I Can't Quit The Job I Hate Because Of My Financial Situation

My job is making me depressed what shouldIi do? I want to quit my job but can't find another one. Do you want to quit your job, but can...

My job is making me depressed what shouldIi do? I want to quit my job but can't find another one. Do you want to quit your job, but can't due to extenuating. What can you do when this thought invades your head?

"I hate my job, but I can not quit for lack of options."

"I hate my job because everything has become so routine. My pay is not sufficient, and I've postulated all the other posts I've found, but I didn't pass the first round of interviews. Obviously, no matter how much I hate my job, I can't leave. I feel trapped".

I Can't Quit The Job I Hate Because Of My Financial Situation
This is one of the most frequent complaints we hear from our clients. They are people whose level of distress is high because they hate their job, but this anguish is increased because there are not enough opportunities in the job market. As happens to almost all of them at some point, they get sour on the inside as a direct consequence of the dark future that awaits them with their present employer. They feel low paid, little appreciated and unable to continue pretending to be motivated.

What to Do When You Hate Your Job, but Can't Leave

What should you do when you feel stuck in this kind of routine in the work environment? 
Also read: 10 Questions To Ask Before You Quit Your Job
Here you have a guide based on the experience of our clients so you can guide your actions and gain control over your future and your happiness.

1. Get rid of all your emotions. 

Getting into this routine probably took years, so think that it will take you at least several months to turn the situation in your favor. Think of this as if you were in a game of Poker - do not show your emotional cards and only demonstrates the face of play that is necessary to get ahead in your current line. Disconnect that cable that feeds you the feeling of hatred and connect the autopilot. If you continue to be so emotionally involved in this very deadly situation, you will be exhausted and will not be able to see beyond your anguish. This sacrifice will be worth it because you know that you have dreamed of being free to decide whether to stay for a better salary or to leave to accept a better offer. 

Practice yoga, meditation or some activity that helps you deal with the anxiety that generates this situation without becoming an employee disconnected from work.
Also read: Why Accepting a Part-time Job Could Affect Your Career

2. Become indispensable. 

Do not give them excuses to say goodbye, on the contrary, become necessary. Engage in special projects, support new initiatives. They need to perceive that you are loyal and reliable - become a fundamental piece of the gear of that "machine." Remember that your actions can speak louder than your words, so use them to your advantage.
Also read: 10 Things You Should Never Do With Your Employees

3. Channel your energy to self-discover what you want. 

Instead of spending hours thinking about how much you hate your current situation and your boss, project yourself in all the directions you think you could stand out for. What do you do best in your current job? Common sense says you should follow your passion and find a way to have the dream job that makes you "happy." This may have some logic, but given your immovable situation, we want to put our finger on the pulse of the job so you can stand out and also get a salary.
Also read: Eight Tips to Launch Your Second Career

4. Change the rules of the game. 

Why wait for job applications? Hope your CV and send it to companies throughout the region with the apparent desire for a position in them. Have a list of thirty to forty companies. Do not contact them in a very natural or very formal way - show genuine interest in each of these enterprises. It may sound like a significant effort, but sending 40 emails is not so difficult. Most of us carry this figure on an average day.  

Maybe you think that you do not want to move to another city. Write them the same. The idea is to generate interest in what you offer. If you generate interest from other companies in your skills, you increase your value in the market - and you make what in English we call leverage, increasing your bargaining power when it comes to sitting with a potential employer.   

Paving the way for other tangible options when it comes to negotiation will make your company take you more seriously than if you came to the office only asking for a salary increase. Who knows, maybe renegotiate your current wages and working conditions and money.

5. The game of waiting. 

Wait patiently for the answers to your questions. Do the necessary follow-up without being overwhelming, but maintaining interest in the company. Keep being indispensable in your current job. Keep all your information up to date. 
Also read: 13 Fundamental Rules To Become a Successful Entrepreneur

6. Steps of opportunities 

Ideally, you will only have to go from level one to five in a single opportunity, but if you do not achieve the expected results, review the following areas: Is your CV or your introductory email communicating the message persuasively enough? Did you make a broad enough selection of potential employers?  

Once you start getting answers and offers, THEN you begin to develop your trading strategy. 

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