
How To Deal With Interruptions At Work

Take advantage of your workday and become a successful entrepreneur by putting aside the distractions that take away valuable time. Someon...

Take advantage of your workday and become a successful entrepreneur by putting aside the distractions that take away valuable time.

Someone who has a business can know exactly what it is they want to achieve. So it is surprising how many entrepreneurs have the same complaint and frustration: "There goes another day when I did not do much. I had a plan, and by midmorning, I got distracted and could not continue. "

But the problem arises not because leaders are sick gliders. It is because they are great entrepreneurs. People who are driving many good ideas and challenges tend to see interruptions as anything other than driving.

How To Deal With Interruptions At Work
Those entrepreneurs who are essential for everything to work in the business believe that work would be stopped if they were not available for interruptions.

As a result, they tend to see distractions as something they should accommodate, no matter when or where. They think it will only take them a minute and then return to their priorities.

But the interruptions are not good and do not take a moment. If entrepreneurs do not avoid them, they may remove as three or five hours of a working day.

Considered one of the most common disruptions that entrepreneurs face every day: questions unplanned key employees.

Imagine an entrepreneur immersed in an important thing, let's say he makes a proposal that has to end that day and if it is accepted could help the company for the rest of the year. An interruption arises: the head of marketing wants to share some results of the last campaign, why not? It deserves recognition.

So the businessman quickly examines the numbers and tells him to continue checking it along with a congratulation for his work.

You can now return to your proposal. That only took five minutes. There is no problem, right? False. Just when the head of marketing leaves, the entrepreneur realizes that in the proposal there were several descriptions for a solution and that he wanted to highlight the best, so he has to read everything again to decide which one to stay with.

He is not angry with the marketing chief but is furious with the situation. He does not like to do the same thing twice, and its conclusions had been better before the interruption. So he revisits the proposal but with less energy than the first time.

A look at the clock confirms that re-reading everything has taken up the time that I wanted to use for other important matters. Make some calculations, and you have to trust that the sales manager put the numbers right, deliver the proposal just before the cut-off time, believing that everything is fine.

On the way home, he realizes that the prices were bad. Call your sales manager and ask the buyer to void the proposal. Then they spend two hours reviewing the proposal and the numbers.

Arrive late for dinner, the kids are lying down, the sales manager is ashamed, and the customer is not impressed.

Tolerating interruptions is not necessarily best for an entrepreneur. Take care of several things is not good for the health of the company. To be successful, we must learn how to handle those who interrupt us and not allow us to steal our time.

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