Google promises less resource consumption with Chrome 57

Despite being an excellent browser, there is one thing that Chrome is still resisting, resource use. A problem that if in a desktop computer...

Despite being an excellent browser, there is one thing that Chrome is still resisting, resource use. A problem that if in a desktop computer is already important becomes critical in laptops and convertibles, where excessive battery consumption could leave us out of play in the middle of the day.

Google, aware of the problems of your browser regarding resource management, is still working in this field and now the company says Mountain View has taken an important step in this aspect with the new version of Google Chrome, specifically version 57.

Google promises less resource consumption with Chrome 57
According to Google itself has indicated, this lower consumption of resources would be due to an improvement in the management of open tabs in the background, which were responsible for a third of energy consumption. In this way, with Chrome 57 will limit the individual tabs in the background individually avoiding that they make an excessive use of the processor, limiting its use to 1%, and RAM.

This new consumption limiting feature for open tabs in the background will not affect audio playback pages or use real-time controlled connections such as WebSockets or WebRTC, focusing only on the expendable processes of the environment open pages that If they impact the performance of the equipment.

Reduction of background consumption by 25%

From Google say that thanks to this improvement the browser would reduce the consumption of the tabs in the background by 25%, which would translate into a performance improvement and more than significant autonomy. We'll see if this time Google has hit the key and is able to remove to Chrome the stigma of eats-resources. If you want to download the latest version of Chrome, you can do it easily from the Google website.

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