How to train your emotional intelligence to become more successful

Emotional intelligent people often don't know how to use this ability on the job and  how to improve emotional intelligence in the workp...

Emotional intelligent people often don't know how to use this ability on the job and how to improve emotional intelligence in the workplace. 

In very successful people, it is always apparent that not only has their intelligence brought them so far. It is rather their Emotional Intelligence. 

Why, Marissa Levin, founder and managing director of "Successful Culture" knows this. Your company advises entrepreneurs on issues related to management strategies and growth. 

"The participants in my courses are all directors of multimillion dollar companies and have very high emotional intelligence (EQ)," writes Levin in a guest contribution to the magazine "Inc.".

How to train your emotional intelligence to become more successful
A widespread problem, however, is that although most people know the characteristics of emotional intelligence, they simply do not know how to use them. "Knowing what to do is not the same as it really is to do," commented Levin.

These six tips are easy to use and can help you actually play your emotional intelligence - especially in stressful situations: 

1. Write a kind of diary

If everything is as you imagine it, the application of emotional intelligence is not really an act of force. 

Just then you should take a moment to think about situations that evoke negative emotions in you. Write down her and work out a strategy on how to deal with such circumstances - positive, intelligent and capable.

Levin advises: "Read your records regularly so you can be prepared and put them into practice." 

2. Practicing to remain calm

Self-reflection is not easy for most people. However, it is a natural part of emotional intelligence. 

Even if it is difficult: Observe how you behave in challenging situations. Think actively about your reactions. Do you tend to be loud in stressful moments? Are you bitchy, unkind, unfair?

"Count up to 10 or close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. This helps you control your emotions, so they do not control you, "writes Levin.

Remember that an adverse reaction in stressful situations only aggravates the situation. It also affects your relationship with other people - even when the moment has passed. 

3. Works on a positive attitude

Successful leaders are characterized by their optimism. This also contributes significantly to emotional intelligence. 

A positive attitude not only helps you maintain a clear head when it becomes difficult. It also ensures that your challenges are easier to understand than opportunities. 

Levin knows, "as leaders, they are aware that their own responses influence the behavior of others when confronted with difficulties." 

4. Put yourself in the position of someone else

Work on your empathy. It is, of course, easy to represent your own position actually. This alone is not enough to be successful.

"Emotional intelligent leaders always consider how decisions and situations affect others," writes Levin. 

Empathy is the key to convincing other people to you. It gives them the feeling that something is in their mind, satisfaction and personal success. Individuals who have this attitude pay back this attention in the form of their support. 

5. Pay attention to the body language

Body language is an important means by which you can underline your words. If you insert them incorrectly, you quickly send the wrong signals. 

Are you clapping your arms or let your eyes wander when someone talks to you? Even if your words assert something else: this shows clearly how you really think about a situation. 

To learn to use body language correctly and to read gives you a significant advantage on the way to success. If you carefully observe your fellow human beings and appreciate their facial expressions and gestures, you can better assess how your opponent really feels. 
"This gives you the possibility to react appropriately," writes Levin. 

6. Practice gratitude

In professional as well as in private everyday stress, she often goes under gratitude for what we have and what others do for us.

Successful people, who have high emotional intelligence, consciously practice them. By showing your thanks and appreciation, you automatically increase the loyalty of the people around you. 

"It lists the people in your environment that you are attentive and are interested in them," says Levin. Never forget that others will contribute to your own success. Appreciate their dedication and what they do for you - even if they are trifles.

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