5 Tips to Boost Digital Human Resources Strategies

More and more employees can be considered "connected employees," and it is up to Human Resources to keep pace to take full advanta...

More and more employees can be considered "connected employees," and it is up to Human Resources to keep pace to take full advantage of their potential.

The concept of working connected not only targets millennials who think their smartphone is an extension of their own body. Rather, it is a virtual equivalent of physical office life. This includes employees who work remotely, travel abroad or need the Internet to do their job. Many of us are part of these connected employees today.

5 Tips to Boost Digital HR Tactics
The digital workplace must, therefore, be managed with the same consideration as its traditional equivalent, explains Oracle's new report "The Connected Employee and You." This report examines the interactions between modern consumers and businesses in the digital economy of 2017. Today's connected workers expect flexibility and data-based responses in all the services they use in their lives, And the HR department is one of them. They demand more of their HR than previous generations of employees.

The best HR managers will not see this as an extra workload, but rather as an opportunity to become more necessary and relevant than ever. They know that to attract and retain the best-connected employees in the marketplace, they need to provide them with a modern, personalized HR experience. By adopting the digital solutions that employees demand, HR professionals can improve their effectiveness.
Here are a few tips.

1. Customize your communication

For the Human Resources department to evolve and be aligned with the connected employees, it must not impose communication methods on them, but rather adapt to their own. For example, employees tend to respond more positively to personalized communication initiatives. So send them only useful and relevant information for them.

2. Data can help to create links

It is necessary to corroborate what you say with data, within the legal framework inherent in each country. Obtain as much data as possible and use it to evaluate and anticipate the needs of the employee and to support the recommendations you make during the feedback sessions. It is also recommended that you increase the frequency with which you offer your comments, as the connected employees also work independently and appreciate being kept informed of their performance. This helps them feel connected to the business when they are not in the office.

3. Take time to interact in real life

In the same way, it is valuable to devote a chance to cultivating individual relationships with each connected employee in real life. This helps bridge the gap that virtual workspaces can sometimes create. Find a way to manage and store the additional information you get by cultivating these relationships, as this will help you better personalize your future communications

4. Flexibility is your ally

If there is one thing that all connected employees like, it's flexibility. Offer their HR services more convenient by making Human Resources resources accessible in the cloud, from anywhere. Whether it is automating simple transactions or accessing specific resources - for example, by giving employees instant access to relevant HR information on their mobile - the cloud provides the connected tools with the same tools If they were in the office. This allows them to make informed decisions and conduct their activities wherever and whenever they choose.
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5. Collaborate with virtual teams

More flexibility: employees want to work, share and work with virtual teams. This contributes to their motivation and a healthy working environment.

Working within a virtual team has many benefits and can boost the development of digital employees. This promotes flexibility and gives employees some control over their own development. Also, learning becomes a collaborative experience.

This automation and self-service operation create a culture of flexibility, essential for connected employees. Human Resources professionals should see this as an opportunity to adapt their work to new and evolving staff and to increase their impact within the company.

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