How to Find the Right Business Idea When Starting a Business?

Would you like to start your own business but have not yet found the IDEA ? Did you know that one in three people would be willing to give u...

Would you like to start your own business but have not yet found the IDEA? Did you know that one in three people would be willing to give up their jobs to become their own boss? So let's see together how to find a good idea for starting a business.

Most plans are obtained by seeking and listening. Simple not? The first and most practical advice is to write down your thoughts. Take a notebook and write down all of them, even those that do not seem to be worthy for an important reason: you can not define the value of an idea at the time you write it. Use the law of attraction that will only say that the more you note ideas, the more you will get. The main thing is to have all the time to record your thoughts on hand. Some even record their sleep in search of a nugget!

How to Find the Right Business Idea When Starting a Business?
I repeat, in my opinion, a good idea depends as much on its originality and its economic model as on the team that supports it. A project is not born on its own and has no interest if a strong team is not ready to support it. 

So how to find a business idea?

1. Never stay on a first idea

This is a fundamental rule, one must never rest on its original idea. As its definition indicates, an " idea " is a " conception of the mind." It is therefore by nature abstract, just like the notion you will have initially. An idea evolves continually and ripens with time. Talking about your idea to your loved ones and/or colleagues, the latter will present it to you from several angles, with different points of view. Thus, to your first idea will come grafting active elements, or negative ones.
Also read: 10 Profitable Home-Based Business Ideas for Entrepreneurs

2. Observe around you

The best business ideas sometimes come from the environment that surrounds us. This is how a vacuum cleaner, a serial contractor, imagined a device that would no longer contain a dust bag. Today, he is a millionaire ... If you want to find an idea, you need to have a wiser eye on your environment (which is often the case as you only think about it!). Observe people, spot anything that worries you in your daily life, and try to find solutions.

3. Start with a passion

Starting from a passion can be a good way to find a business idea. Why ? Because you are already expert in your field. If you like racquet sport, for example, it may be interesting to imagine new statistical tools/software/sensors. As an enthusiast, you will already know which information will be stronger than another, but also the best ways to harvest them. You love fishing, why not create a merchant site around this market?
Also read: 10 Tips for Generating Outstanding Business Ideas For Entrepreneurs

4. Inspire yourself from a concept that exists abroad

A good technique for finding a business idea is to be inspired by a concept that works elsewhere. Many sites reference business ideas from abroad. Be careful, however, to identify the market on which you want to position yourself because an idea that works elsewhere is not systematically adaptable. Remember also that when you find a good idea on the web, you are certainly not the only one. If you want to be inspired by a concept from abroad,

5. Read specialized magazines

Many magazines and/or media refer to startups, entrepreneurs, or even directly to business ideas - such is the case of, which I strongly recommend. It is very useful to visit those site regularly to keep an eye on new business ideas.

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