
How to Earn 3500$ from Bluehost Affiliate Program? - And More!

Affiliate marketing is a crazy source to generate a surprising amount of revenue from your blogs. The real online business is the ones who e...

Affiliate marketing is a crazy source to generate a surprising amount of revenue from your blogs. The real online business is the ones who either have their own products, promote third party products (affiliate marketing) or offer services to their clients.

Bluehost has been my first ever web hosting that I counted on! Very soon, as I trusted their service thoroughly, I became their affiliate and decided to recommend it to everyone around me.

How to Earn 3500$ from Bluehost Affiliate Program? - And More! Make Money Online
This post goes out to all the brothers and sisters who look forward to jumping into affiliate marketing and can't figure out what to promote and earning a decent amount while doing so.

To set up a self-hosted website, you need a web hosting. So web hosting is one of the most common affiliate products that people promote online and making a living.

The following post is structured in the form of a FAQ which helps understands the topic better.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is when you promote third party products and when you make a sale, you earn a commission out of those sales.

For example, Bluehost offers 65$ to start with, on every sale a person makes for them. That is a one-time payment that they make to you, in response to a life long customer that you gave to them.

How Do They Track The Sales You Make?

When you become their affiliate, they would give you a dedicated affiliate link, that is unique to you. When you share that with your readers on your blog or anywhere online, and when someone's click that link, they're redirected to Bluehost's website.

Now if the visitor buys Bluehost's hosting, you would get an email that you just made a sale!

That is a great moment! <3 So all of your sales are linked to your affiliate link, and you get to see all the statistics and sources that brought you sale in your Bluehost Affiliate Dashboard.

How to Become Bluehost's Affiliate?

You can only head over to the following link and signup for their affiliate program.

You'd see the following form that you have to fill up. After that, you hit 'Sign Up' button, and that's all. Your application then goes into approval mode. They'd get back to you via email once your request is approved.

Valid Website/Blog

Make sure that you have a correct internet site/blog URL that you have to put in the form. This shows them that you have a serious online presence.
Meanwhile, your application is under approval, you have to fill up Tax Form, which is required to withdraw your earnings.

How to Withdraw Bluehost Affiliate Earnings?

You can withdraw your affiliate earnings via:
  • Paypal
  • WireTransfer (For higher incomes)

How Much Does Bluehost Offer Per Sale?

By default, Bluehost offers 65$ per sale that you make for them. Though, there are odd cases. They often offer more amount per sign up like 100-125$ per sign up to a limited number of blogs that they feel would be able to bring back more sales initially.

Also, once you start making 5-10 sales per month, they would increase your per sale bounty to over 150-200$ +. You can request that to their customer support, and they happy do that :)

Though they need to see the sales stats that you made for them since few last months.

What it Takes to Make 3500$ per Month With Bluehost?

  1. Increase per Sale Bounty (Optional/Request) You can ask their customer support to increase you an initial bounty to 100$ per sale. (A simple request)
  2. Plan to make 35 sales per month. 35 sales = 3500$ per month. (With 100$ per sale).
  3. To make 35 sales, you have the following options:
  4. Use Your Blog

Place Banners

You can use different banners on your blog. There are tons of free banners in Bluehost's affiliate section that you can use.

You can go to Dashboard >> Banner Or Widgets and find out various banner designs you of different dimensions that you feel would be suitable for your blog.

Write Bluehost Reviews

You can write high-quality Bluehost reviews on your blog and use your affiliate links within the post. The more visitors would read your blog, the more sign up would you get. Generally, on average you need 100-150 readers to your blog post (that talks about Bluehost) to make a sale.

Now you can do that maths. Though these numbers are not a surety. If you're into an important niche where people would like to sign up for the new web hosting, you'd be surprised to see how many sales you can make quickly.

Also read: How to Find Your Niche as an Affiliate Marketer

Write Instant Reviews On Sales

Bluehost often sends the affiliates emails on various holiday occasions for massive discounts that you can offer to your readers. On moments like Christmas, Black Friday, 4th June, etc. Bluehost sales are amazing!

Even like more than 60-70% off. :)

SO by making the most out of these sales, you can get a huge spike in your affiliate sales by writing a quick blog post on these moments by offering your readers massive discounts :)

Use Google AdWord Ads To Drive to Your Landing Page

I've seen so many people making the most out of Adwords ads to drive traffic to their blogs, that are actually meant to convert that traffic into the sales.

Though this can take quite some iterations to find out the best ad banner that you could use that would convert into your sales.

Be Aware

You can quickly lose quite some money on this one, as Google Adwords is pretty expensive and you can easily loose quite some on that if you don't have the most converting banners.
Also read: How to Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Program
How to Start a Blog To Make Money [A Step by Step Guide]


Hope these insights helped you out. Even if you aim to make 1000$ with Bluehost, I would recommend you to first set a goal. When you'd have a clear goal in mind, you can work on it and create more blog posts, more video content to market.

A Handy Tip

Never go out of the way to promote any affiliate product you promote. Only soft market it. It's in fact not marketing. It's like helping others. When you take that approach, your blog posts will show the tone you'd make.

Just go out to help your readers with setting up WordPress, offer them services, etc. and you'll see sales coming by.

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