10 Questions That Will Help You Earn More Money

Do you want to boost your income?  Imagine working a full-time job while running your own business on the side. Sound impossible? Here are 1...

Do you want to boost your income? Imagine working a full-time job while running your own business on the side. Sound impossible? Here are 10 questions that will help you launch a side business and start earning more money.

10 Questions That Will Help You Earn More Money

What’s your favorite hobby?

Sometimes a hobby can turn into a side business, as it did for skydiver Sydney Owen. While working at a public relations agency, she took up skydiving on the weekends, and then started handling marketing for the skydiving company. Now, she runs her own marketing business on the side.

What do you already do for free?

Are you the person everyone asks for computer help? Or graphic design insight, or social media tips? If so, that expertise can turn into a coaching business or consultancy. That’s what happened to Douglas Lee Miller, a social media expert who now consults on the side.

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What’s your most marketable skill?

If you’ve worked in an in-demand field, from website design to public relations, your expertise can probably be parlayed into a side business. Public relations consultant Megan Moynihan found that after leaving her agency, she could pick up her own clients and work for herself.

What kind of legacy do you want to leave?

Sometimes the lessons or stories you want to pass on to your children can turn into products that others are interested in as well. Prakash Dheeriya initially wrote personal finance books for his own sons, but soon realized that other parents wanted to teach their children similar lessons. The finance professor has now published a 20-book series aimed at young people.

Are you part of a community?

If the community you wish existed hasn’t yet taken form, you might be able to build a business out of creating it. That’s what Emily Miethner, founder of NY Creative Interns, discovered after launching a series of events designed to connect entry-level professionals with more experienced creative-types.

How can your friends help you?

Many new entrepreneurs find that friends are essential to getting the word out about their new businesses, particularly in the beginning. Jewelry designer Erica Sara had her friends host trunk shows for her wares and made connections with potential customers through her running blog.

Does your full-time job easily convert into freelance work?

If you work in a specialized field, such as information technology, public relations, or design, you might find that your skills are also in demand on the freelance circuit. Websites such as freelancer.com, elance.com, and odesk.com make it easy to post your skills and search for freelance jobs.

What do you need help with?

If you have a weakness—perhaps you don’t know how to use Twitter, or you stumble over proper grammar—you might want to enlist the support of an online course, ebook, or coach to help you through those rough spots. After taking an online course on making money, twenty-something James Mundia was able to build his soccer training business.

What do you read about for pleasure?

As with weekend hobbies, your reading habits can also provide insight into how you’d like to spend your time, and how you might be able to make money. If you love reading about new media, perhaps a Twitter coaching business is for you. Or if you enjoy perusing Pinterest or Etsy, probably some type of crafting career is in your future.

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Can you find a role model?

In almost every field, no matter how niche, there is usually someone already doing something similar to what you want to be doing. That person can help you, especially if they blog, Tweet, or write about their process. Seeking out these types of mentors, even if you don’t interact with them directly, can help you build your own business.

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