
Make Money Blogging - 15 Things You MUST Do On Every Blog Post

It's no secret bloggers are earning a full-time income. A  common question people often ask how bloggers make money? Beginners have a q...

It's no secret bloggers are earning a full-time income. A common question people often ask how bloggers make money? Beginners have a question in mind, "How can I make money with my blog posts when I have low page views?" In this blog, we have covered many times how bloggers making passive income and how you can earn too. 

Make Money Blogging - 15 Things You MUST Do On Every Blog Post

Do you write a blog post and click publish?

What are bloggers? What do you think about them?
Most of the people think bloggers are just a writer. But NO! Writing is just a tiny part of blogging. Bloggers are an entertainer, teacher, marketer, designer, creative thinker, advertiser and so on.... The list is really big if you try to define a blogger's qualification. 

Just writing and publishing won't make you money. You need to do many more things to get revenues from blogging. You have to grow your blog's audience to increase its income. So you have to do a certain thing before and after publishing a blog post. 

Make sure your blog adds value to your readers so that they will return and perhaps become one of your loyal customers. 

15 things you MUST do on every blog post:

1) Interlink to your own blog posts

This is so important for bounce rate and ensuring your readers know you have loads of authority on subjects relating to what they are currently reading. A related posts plugin is not enough. You need to link to other posts on your writing!

2) Get the green light on Yoast SEO

Don’t worry too much about the readability score. You want to focus on attaining that green light in the SEO section. Follow the suggestions in the analysis, and you will be fine!
My blog has only been live for around two months, and already I’m getting traffic from Google. The only SEO I’ve been doing is what Yoast has been telling me to do! WIN

3) Include at least two Pinterest optimized images

What is Pinterest optimized?
Check out the image at the top of this post, that’s a Pinterest optimized image. It’s vertical (735px by 1102px), the title is large and clear, and there is an eye-catching photo with plenty of white space.

Why two images?

So you have multiple opportunities to share the same post on Pinterest. Just make sure the images are different and have a slightly different title. If you don’t want to display both images within your blog post, then you can hide the additional Pinterest images within your blog’s code. It’s super easy if you follow this tutorial.

4) Fill in the ‘alt text’ or ‘image alternative text’ for all images

On the majority of themes in WordPress, the alt text will be pulled through as your description on your pin on Pinterest. Therefore make sure that is filled in with an excellent description chock full of keywords!

5) Make one of your Pinterest images your featured image on WordPress

That way if there is ever a chance that a picture will auto populate, say when sharing the post, it will choose that picture, which is most likely your most eye catching and beautiful one. (Some settings will stop the featured image being used; I discuss this more on number 8).

6) Install ‘pin-it’ button on images

You know when you run your cursor over a picture on a blog post and a little pin-it button comes up, that’s what you want to happen on all your blog post images.
Like I said earlier I use Shareaholic and have set it up so it should always put pin-it buttons on my blog pictures. Just make sure they are there and working every time.

7) Ensure all links open a new tab

Even if the links are internal. Why, well think about when you are browsing and reading blog posts. If you click on an external link, perhaps to check out a product, you often still want to read the rest of the post you were reading or compare what the person was saying to what you see on the product.
Makes sense right, but why would you want to make internal links open in a new tab as well?
So you’re reading an excellent blog post, but then you notice in their sidebar or embedded within their post, a link to some content that you just can’t resist. Once you click on that, you generally lose what you were just reading and probably forget to go back to it. However, if the link opens in a new tab, then you can read both articles without missing out. Plus you will probably end up clicking on more links either further down the page on the original article or some links on the other post you opened!

8) Include one Facebook optimized image

Facebook has an entirely different image specification in comparison to Pinterest. For your pic to look good on Facebook you want a horizontal image, I use 1200px by 630px and keep the design the same as my Pinterest featured image.
Then once you’ve done that, head down to Yoast on your post creation page because you can upload a Facebook particular image there that will automatically be pulled through when your post is shared to Facebook. (I’ve included some screenshots to make this process super easy).
Then just upload your Facebook image using the button shown below (as demonstrated by the red arrow) and make sure you fill out that alt text!

9) Place post sharing buttons at the top and bottom of every post

Like I said before I use Shareaholic for this and you can set it up, so it automatically places them on every blog post.

10) Include floating sharing buttons on every post

You see those share buttons at the side that follow you down the page. Yep, they’re what I’m talking about. Once again, I use Shareaholic, and it’s all set up, so the buttons show up automatically.

11) Feature social media follow buttons

Somewhere on your blog post, you need social media follow buttons. Most people tend to place them at the bottom of their post so once someone has finished reading if they have enjoyed the content they will be tempted to follow them on social media!

12) Ensure you have an ad embedded within post

This particular point won’t apply to everyone because not everyone has ads. But if you do make sure you embed one within the blog post. You can find out how to do that here on my post all about installing Google AdSense.

13) Always embed affiliate links where appropriate

So many bloggers think that they shouldn’t add affiliate links to their blog posts until they hit a certain number of page views or subscribers. Stop thinking like that you are doing yourselves out of income!
I aim to include at least one affiliate link in each post. Realistically that isn’t always possible, and it’s important not to include a link to something that is nothing to do with the post. In those cases, I ensure I have linked to blog posts that are optimized with affiliate links.

14) Ensure you have multiple places for readers to subscribe with email opt-in freebies

I’m sure you’re already sick of hearing this, but YOU MUST BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST.
You should have multiple places on each post where people can sign up. I currently have a spot in my sidebar, a pop-up and often embed a sign-up box within my post.
You also must have opt-in freebies to entice people to sign up! There are so many blogs nowadays that you have to give people a reason to hand over their email address.
This is something I’m currently working on with Well and Wealthy, so watch this space for tons more awesome free stuff!

15) Always end with a call to action

This could be as simple as asking a question that readers can answer in the comments. Or it could be encouraging them to follow you on social media or download your awesome freebie. Just make sure that once someone reaches the end of your post, they know exactly what they should do next.

There you are, 15 things that must be done on every post that is nothing to do with the actual writing. A lot of them can be automated or will only take a few minutes to do, but seriously it’s the actions above that have meant I made money in my first-month blogging!
It would seriously help me out if you could share this post! Pretty please!

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