Awesome Tools to Find Perfect Domain Names: Best Domain Name Generator

Buying the perfect domain for your blog – the most vital and crucial part that really need some research and time. Because all the g...

Buying the perfect domain for your blog – the most vital and crucial part that really need some research and time. Because all the good ones are gone. That’s what you’ll hear about domain names from many people.

Awesome Tool to find the Perfect Domain Name

As the internet keeps growing and with new sites popping up everyday it is becoming increasingly hard to find the elusive ‘perfect domain name’ for you business, blog, service, or product.  While it’s becoming harder it is still not impossible to find an available good, great, or perfect domain name to register for totally free to build your website with. 

What is Lean Domain Search

Lean Domain Search is a fast new search engine for finding available domain names. We help you find domain names by pairing your search phrase with other keywords commonly found in domain names and then instantly showing you which are available to register.

About Lean Domain Search

Finding an available domain name for your website can be a long frustrating process that makes you want to tear your hair out. Lean Domain Search can help you find a great one in a fraction of the time. One of the most common ways to come up with domain names is to combine two or more words together with one of the words being directly related to the purpose of your website or business.

Here is a Great tools I use for finding domain names.  Some might use other domain finding tool, but overall I have found this one the sites and tools I always keep coming back to use when I need a new domain name.

Find a Great Domain Name in Seconds

LeanDomainSearch – Probably one of the easiest and most helpful tools I have seen on the web for finding a good available domain name.  Lean Domain Search is super easy to use and straightforward.  All you do is type in a word or a few words that you want to use in a domain name.  It will generate a list of available .COM domains using those keywords highlighted in green.  Hover over and click one of the domains and it will tell you if that domain is in fact still available and if the Twitter handle for the domain is available (Twitter handles must be less than 20 words or characters though).
Best Domain name generator tool for Free
I have used Lean Domain Search many times and have found some great gems through it.  Of course a lot of domains it will spin out may not make sense or will just be plain weird word combinations.  Still this is worth a shot if you have been having trouble searching or narrowing down a perfect domain name.  There is also a new brandable domain generator too, which helps you find short brandable domains.  These are not necessarily grammatically correct but would be good if you are a startup or want a catchy memorable domain name.  You can use Lean Domain Search for free. 

Best Domain name generator tool for Free

Best Domain name generator tool for Free
Lean Domain Search is now completely free to use.  In addition the developer, Matt Mazur, let Automatic acquire Lean Domain Search.  This means the company behind WordPress now owns the domain generator. Also something to be aware of is before the Automatic acquisition Matt shutdown the brandable domains and domain name trends section he use to have on the website.

Best Business Name Generator Tools

Lean Domain Search español

Prueba Lean Domain Search, el buscador de dominios de Automatic

Automattic, la empresa detrás de WordPress, Intense Debate, y muchos otros servicios gratuitos y de pago, acaba de comprar Lean Domain Search, un buscador de dominios.

Pero no es un buscador normal, sino que tiene algunas características que hacen que sea muy sencillo encontrar el dominio que buscas. Por ejemplo, tras introducir un término te muestra cientos de posibilidades, dominios que todavía no están registrados, y que puedes filtrar por popularidad, alfabéticamente o por número de caracteres.

Una vez encontrado el dominio que queremos y al hacer clic en él, se nos da la posibilidad de registrarlo y crear un blog en al mismo tiempo. Pero también da la opción de utilizar otros registradores, de momento solo tres.

Eso sí, hay que tener en cuenta que sólo busca dominios .com. Curiosamente también comprueba que el nombre esté disponible en Twitter.

En el sidebar derecho también podemos buscar cualquier otro dominio que no sea .com, así como ver la popularidad del término introducido y sinónimos del mismo si los hubiera. Evidentemente, esto último sólo funciona para palabras en inglés.

Si estáis buscando un dominio para vuestro blog podéis probarlo en Lean Domain Search.

Buy Domain Names Like a Pro

Decide on ideas for a domain name and check the availability of possible domain names. It can often be the case that the most fitting domain name is already used by another persons blog or business. Write down a list of possible domain names and work through them one by one.

To get more ideas check these website :

DomainsBot – Provide suggestions for available domain including soon to expiring, expired and on sale domains. – Provide domain name suggestions for new tld’s apart from .com. .net or .org etc.

Name Mesh – Another cool tool for getting some unique suggestions for your new domain name.
Domize – It will come up with shorter version of your entered keyword.

Buy a domain name After Selecting your Brand

Check if the domain available?
After selecting the domain name, check if the name is still available. Check availability at sites such as BlueHost. The domain name cannot be registered if it is currently owned by another site holder. That is why it is important to establish the availability of the domain name early in the decision making process. Hopefully, this will avoid much confusion or difficulty over name selection.
If Available Now you can buy. Good Luck.
If You are ready to start your website or blog, you might need to read this one:
How to Create Self-Hosted Personal Blog in 20 Minutes

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