Freelance Writing Jobs For Beginners: Step by Step Guide

Freelance Writing Jobs is a leading network and community for freelance writers. Find freelance writing jobs that pay. Learn how to be su...

Freelance Writing Jobs is a leading network and community for freelance writers. Find freelance writing jobs that pay. Learn how to be success in freelance writing jobs...

What is a Freelance Writer?

A freelance writer is a writer who works on a self-employed basis. They can work for just one magazine or, more often, they write for several different publications at a time. The more diverse a writer can be, the more likely they are to be published and paid for their work.

The Benefits of a Freelance Writer:
Being freelance writer does require a certain amount of self-reliance – there’s no regular, monthly salary, sick or holiday pay to fall back on – so it’s not for everyone. However, for any writer brave enough to become freelance the benefits are enormous. They:

  • leave the daily 9 to 5 behind as they are able to choose their own hours
  • have the freedom to choose who they work for. So, if they want to, freelance writers can only write about dog training, cats, knitting, backpacking etc
  • do not have to engage in a daily commute as most freelance writers use a room in their home as an office
  • can tailor their work environment to their own needs with daylight simulation bulbs, ergonomic furniture etc, that would probably not be available in a traditional office
  • can take holidays without having to work around colleagues
  • can choose how many hours they’d like to work so, they can work for 5, 20 or 40 hours a week
Freelance Writing Jobs For Beginners

How to become a freelance writer?

There is no need to be native English speaker to be so. But you should be fluent in English to be a global freelance writer, If you are unable to be fluent in writing English, then you could be Local freelance writer. Actually there is no bounds to you. You can work as you wants as long as you find your customers.

Three Keys to become a Freelance Writer

1. You need to be a very good writer

Is that obvious? Yup, but it’s key. You don’t need to be Tolstoy (and occasions to bust out your best, most challenging writing may in fact be few and far   between when freelancing), but you need to be good enough to be competitive. There’s certainly room for growth – everyone becomes a better writer through writing frequently – but ask trusted mentors, teachers, and  friends for their honest opinion. Do they think your writing has real potential? If they hem and haw, do not fret. YOU CAN STILL BE A WRITER! I SWEAR, YOU CAN STILL BE AN AMAZING WRITER! DO NOT LET ME TAKE YOUR DREAMS AWAY, I DO NOT KNOW YOU (OR YOUR WORK), AND I BET YOU ARE WONDERFUL! But you may need to polish your skills before you start to make money off of freelance writing.

2. Launch Your Portfolio (and Write for Free)

You absolutely must have a writing portfolio to showcase your work and close deals with prospective clients. I actually both started my writing careers by writing for A Local Magazine (and I know several other freelancers who have had success with this as well).
Also Read: 5 Things Your Freelance Writing Clients Wish....
You don’t get paid for your time, but you do get access to exposure, some traffic, and the ability to say that you’re a Magazine blogger which aids your reputation — especially if you’re just starting out.

3. Don't expect to succeed overnight – and keep on going

For the first year or two, I supplemented my freelance work with part-time jobs. They weren’t always very satisfying, but they provided a consistent income stream while allowing me to continue developing my freelance skills. If I had expected freelance writing to be very lucrative immediately, it would have been pretty frustrating – but the knowledge that I was building towards a goal helped me over several of these speed bumps.

4. The foremost thing you need to know: There is no One Right Way to become a freelance writer

People come to it from all kinds of backgrounds, and work in all sorts of niches. If your work is strong enough, you’ll find clients. If you’ve got a hunch you might be good at this, it’s time to give it a go!

5. Set a Regular Schedule

I was naive in the beginning of my self-employed career and thought that my schedule would magically work itself out. WRONG! As a workaholic, I never set boundaries and ended up working all hours of the day and night. Even so much as I drove myself into insomnia (and still struggle with this now).

6. Track Your Income

Obviously one of the main steps to being a successful freelance writer is to track your income. Not just because it’s smart, or that it will help you during tax season, but because it will continue to motivate you to learn, grow, and increase your prices. All of this allows you to make more money!

Note: Anyone can be a freelance writer who has creative thinking and writing skill. Don't shy, just give it a try. So many company out there are seeking for well skilled freelance writer. 

How to Find High Paying Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners

If you can write at all there are plenty of freelance writing jobs for beginners that pay really well. Unfortunately beginners often take the first gig they can get without understanding what they’re really worth.

Freelance Writing Jobs: Don’t Be Afraid To Start Small

Whilst you can make upwards of $100 per hour doing freelance writing jobs, there is absolutely nothing wrong with starting at a lower level. Don’t be intimidated into thinking that you should be aiming for “jackpot jobs.”

How To Find Your First Freelance Writing Jobs

UpWork (Odesk) is Best for Starter

These two are probably the most popular sites for new freelancers.  I listed them both together because they are very similar in almost every way. They do have their differences but they are both terrible. I advise you to avoid them if you can.

However, if you cannot find work anywhere else then you might want to try one of them.  In my first month trying to make money online I made a little working for these sites.

The problem is, there are tons of freelancers to compete with at Upwork, it’s very difficult to get paid what you’re worth.

How Upwork works

The ‘client’ goes to Upwork looking to hire a freelancer to complete a task for them.
They create a post outlining the task and details about job. They include the duration and the budget they have for the job.
When they’ve finished, that post is available to every freelancer that wants the job.

You’re basically in a bidding war with every other freelancer bidding on that job and you’re competing over pennies.
The ‘client’ almost always chooses the lowest bidder, which means you’ve just wasted a lot of time for nothing.
The competing bids are usually so low you can’t even come close to the price they’re offering.

Upwork allow freelancers from any country, which means 70% of them can survive on a fraction of what you need.
That’s why I say it’s not worth it to try either one of these.  There are much better options.

Here’s a list of the 10 best sites to find work as a freelance writer.

Freelance writer should not work with all the site. Choose any two or three site which best works with you.

1. Upwork to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

With over 1.5 million clients, Upwork (previously oDesk) offers something for every type of freelancer. It accommodates both short- and long-term projects, hourly or per-project work and expert-level and entry-level engagements. Regardless of where you are in your career, Upwork is likely to have something for you.

2. Elance to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Elance removes a lot of the hassle that comes with freelancing. You’ll be able to make a profile right away without jumping through any hoops, enjoy payment protection to ensure you’re always paid for the hours you work and more.
Editor's note: Elance has joined Upwork since the publish date of this article.

3. Freelancer to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Unlike most other platforms, in addition to offering millions of projects, Freelancer allows you to compete with other freelancers in contests to prove your skills. If you’re competitive and confident in your expertise, it’s a great way to showcase your abilities and attract more clients.

4. 99designs to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

A platform for freelance designers, 99designs lets you compete in design contests and get feedback as clients choose the best ones. It’s a great way for talented designers to prove their talents.

5. Craigslist to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

Although most people see Craigslist as just a platform for buying and selling miscellaneous things, it’s actually a great source of freelance jobs. You can easily browse for local offerings if you prefer something in-office, or you can search by major cities if you prefer working remotely.

6. Guru to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

This site lets you easily showcase your past work experience and offers a daily job-matching feature to make sure you don’t miss out on any good opportunities. The Guru Work Room lets you easily manage all your work.

7. Peopleperhour to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

This is a great platform, focusing on freelancing for web projects. If you’re a designer, web developer, SEO specialist, etc., peopleperhour is definitely worth checking out.

8. Freelance Writing Gigs

Whether you’re a writer, editor, blogger, publisher or any combination of those, Freelance Writing Gigs is a great option for freelancers who have a way with words.

9. College Recruiter to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

As the name might suggest, College Recruiter is for college students or recent graduates looking for freelance jobs of any type. In addition to being a source for part-time work, it can be a great way to jump start your career.

10. iFreelance to Find Freelance Writing Jobs

This platform accommodates some of the usual suspects of the freelancing world (writers, editors, coders, etc.) but also features freelance marketers as well. Unlike other sites, iFreelance lets you keep 100 percent of your earnings.

Freelance writing Gigs with Fiverr

If you’re just starting as a freelance writer, I think fiverr is one of the best places for you. If you use fiverr the right way you can create a consistent monthly income.

Fiverr (if you don’t know) is a website where you can offer to do a ‘Gig’ for five bucks. A ‘Gig’ is whatever you want it to be.
You wouldn’t believe some of the crazy stuff you can find there.
You can find someone to create a logo, sing you “Happy Birthday” or be your “FaceBook girlfriend” all for…you guessed it, five bucks.
Lots of people go to fiverr everyday looking for writers.
If you set up an attention grabbing profile there, you can get constant work almost immediately.
A must Read: How to Use Fiverr: Secrets to Be Success

How Fiverr works

At fiverr, you set up your gigs however you want.  If you only want to write 300 word articles about butterflies, then that’s how you set up your gig.  You can write as little or as much as you think is fair for five bucks.
Once you reach level two (about 20 gigs) you can start making add-ons to your gig.  So for example, “I will write an extra 50 words for $20.”
Now, that five dollar gig has turned into $25 and you’ve only written 350 – and on a topic you like to write about.

Freelance writing jobs via Query Letters

Unfortunately most new freelance writers don’t know about query letters but they are the most effective way to get new writing jobs.
A query letter is simply a ‘pitch’ that you send to the blog (or whatever) you want to write for.

How it works

First you need to find a blog (or whatever) you want to write for. Ideally you already know a little about them – what they write about, who their target audience is, etc.
If not, read some the content and comments there to figure it out. Once you’ve done that, come up with an idea for an article or post that would fit their needs.

Don’t write the post yet, just come up with the idea.
Once you have that idea find a way to contact the blog owner or editor and send them an email outlining your idea for the post.
Make sure you tell them how it will help their readers and why you want to write it specifically for them.

Not all query letters will be accepted – most won’t even get a reply. Don’t get discouraged though, this is just the nature of being a freelance writer.
The more you know about the blog , the more likely they are to accept your pitch.
A must Read: Create Your Ultimate Freelance Success Plan
Need more? Search Google/Bing to find freelance writing jobs and be a freelance writer.
Good Luck Ya!

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