How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist: Professional Advice

So You are looking for How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist? Then This article worth it . A freelance makeup artist is considered a pro...

So You are looking for How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist? Then This article worth it.
A freelance makeup artist is considered a professional position, as long as you are getting paid for your work. Most states require makeup artists to have a cosmetology license. Attend an accredited cosmetology school to learn professional makeup application -- and earn your license (if applicable).
This means that anyone who works on per order basis and not under an employer to provide make up services can be referred to as a freelance makeup artist. Freelance artist have more of a flexible and comfortable job and develop their own clientele who can request services either through a phone call or email etc.

How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist
How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist: Pin It
Any person who works as a freelance makeup artist may either perform duties at the home or address of the client or may set up his own studio and then perform the services there.  These individuals may charge clients on the basis of services, quality of products and duration of the services. The basic duties of a freelance makeup artist are no different from a regular permanently employed artist.

A makeup artist is intimately involved in the most important and exciting events of people's lives, from weddings to the Academy Awards. Makeup artists get to work with celebrities such as models, actors, politicians, and musicians.

There are NO rules to makeup artistry, however there are necessary steps to becoming successful at it. 

How to become a freelance makeup artist?

For starters, you will need a makeup kit. Consider the people around you and what ethnicities and skins you will commonly be dealing with. Get the basics like a mascara, an eye shadow palette, a few lipsticks, a natural blush that would look good on your highest population of clients, a foundation palette (or recommend clients to bring their own until you can afford palettes), brushes, brush cleaner, a nude face powder, and cream eyeliner in black. 

Consider buying a makeup set to cut costs. One great place to look is
SHANY All-in-One Makeup Palette with Tools and Eyes, Lips and Face Beauty Book At only $16 from Amazon.

Keep in mind: You don't yet need lip liner or brow pencils, as you can use eye shadow and brushes to mimic these! Ex: A lip liner brush dipped in *your choice of color* eye-shadow and gently brushed around the lips with lipstick over top, and it holds very well!

To become a freelance makeup artist must have some Skills:

Only if you possess the right skills and creativity can you really become a makeup artist or a freelance makeup artist. The following are some of the necessary skills needed to be in this profession:
  • Knowledge of different skin types and the makeup products suitable is a needed skill.
  • A freelance makeup artist must be creative, artistic and bold enough to try new things.
  • Must have stamina and fitness as this job requires long hours of standing and working without taking breaks.
  • Knowledge of different products, make up brands, brushes and other tools is also vital.
  • Having good communication skills to be able to talk and communicate with clients is extremely important.
  • Ability to work on deadlines and take pressure well is also a skill needed by a freelance makeup artist.
How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist
How To Become A Freelance Makeup Artist Pic

Be organized makeup artist

As a freelancer, you will be booking clients, staying on top on emails, planning your own day, packing your own kit and being fully responsible for yourself, your business and your clients. Keeping organized books come tax time will not only save you time, but money, too. The more organized your books are, the less your accountant has to do, (and the less they will charge you!) As well, showing your clients you are organized and on top of things helps them feel confident in your care.

Key To become a freelance makeup artist:

  • Anyone can call themselves a makeup artist! Is the question actually being answered by a true freelance makeup artist?! Just because one does makeup that doesn't make them a freelance artist. Anyone can call themselves an artist just by picking up a brush. Artists that work at makeup counters but don't do makeup outside of work are NOT freelance artists...they are sales employees...their first and foremost job is to sell you product!! They are NOT hired on their makeup talent (if they have any) but on sales experience!! 
  • You really need to look at their body of cosmetology work! And just because they have a makeup artist portfolio doesn't mean they are good. Really look at their work...who they work with, how their makeup application is, referrals, etc.. 
  • Ask yourself... How successful are they to be giving future freelance artists advice! Do they stay consistently busy! ComMAre them to other celebrity makeup artists! The best advice I received starting out in this industry... pick your most favorite make-up artist and study their work, striving to be better!!   
  • Determine what artist you are and then focus on that, building yourself up. Are you a wedding artist, tv/film artist, commercial artist, salon artist, fashion/beauty artist..etc. If you concentrate on one area even though you want to do more its easier to branch out once you have become successful in that one area. However...choose your MAth wisely because once you start becoming known as a certain artist then its hard to get into other higher end areas. For example, if you have a portfolio full of cheesy raunchy pictures and you want to get into fashion/beauty makeup then you might as well start working on a whole new portfolio!

Maintain a strong online presence

Get involved in social media! I have to credit social media for much of my success. It is a cost-effective way to get your name and work out there, and if used correctly, your work will be shared with friends of friends of friends! Posting regularly is important. Keeping people engaged in your social platforms by using giveaways or web trends like tagging friends will really help spread the word. At the end of the day, your work speaks for itself and word-of-mouth is still the most effective means of marketing. 
Start building your portfolio! Like explained before, when your researching other successful artist, look at their work and strive to be better.

Key on how to become a freelance makeup artist: Practice makes perfect:

Practice, Practice, PRACTICE! Use whatever person comes your way, whether family, friends, even your boyfriend or husband (If they let you)! Any opportunities you have to learn and grow in your craft you MUST take, and most likely if you are a beginner, you will have to understand you won't be getting paid! Don't expect anything, but just to learn as much as you can. Visit makeup counters in department stores or cosmetic stores and ask the employees for tips and beauty advice. Become friends with them and play around with the different makeup! Sign up for cosmetic company emails to get discounts when they have online or store sales to grow your kit. And most importantly, use your OWN face.

Keep in mind: Your own face will always be available to yourself, so practice hard and take pictures when you think you have done a rocking' makeup job.

Networking #1 Marketing Tool for Makeup Artists! 

I can not stress this enough, make networking your # one marketing tool! This industry is solely based on who you know & word of mouth. You can not find professional makeup artist or bridal gigs thru the newsMAper or job sites. However, there are social sites for industry professionals. Search them and sign-up! You must put yourself & your work out in your community and let people know your here. Never turn down a job as long as its beneficial to you! Always remember...YOU NEVER KNOW WHO YOU WILL MEET, WHO WILL SEE YOUR WORK OR WHOM THEY MAY KNOW!! Build relationships! Everyone has their favorite artists...the ones they go to first when hiring. Whether its someone who is already established or someone working up the ranks...find someone you can build a trusting relationship with.

Become their Go to Girl/Guy!

Being successful as a Freelance Makeup Artist:

To be a successful freelance makeup artist, you must not only be artistic by nature but should also have a passion for this field of work. It may be a freelancing job, but requires as much hardwork and efforts to really build a brand image.  If you wish to know more about the same, you can go through the following information.
  • You must be willing to experiment with different products, ideas, looks and colors in order to develop your own style rather than following the crowd.
  • You must purchase your own make up kit and make sure it is of good quality.
  • Practice as much as you can and create a strong portfolio.
  • To be successful in this field, you must offer better yet competitive rates as compared to other artists in the same field and try and build a rapport with all your clients so that they are interested in reusing your services.
  • Make convincing proposals to clients and communicate well with them to know what exactly they are looking for in your make up services.
  • Offer that additional touch of friendliness, comfort and quality so as to attract maximum clients.
  • Use online portals like or O-desk to find work and send your proposals to clients looking for freelance make up services.
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Local Marketing for freelance makeup artist

  • Your first step in getting your name out there is to get professional business cards.  I get mine from Vista Print- they are inexpensive and you can customize them how you like.  Make your cards clean and professional and be sure to include your name, email address, link to your online portfolio, and possibly phone number.  Remember the KISS rule:   Keep It Simple Stupid  :)
  • Make yourself known to all wedding planners, party planners, local makeup counters, and any event coordinators.  Whenever you meet them, be dressed professionally and have a great makeup look on- your face is your hugest advertisement!
  • Hand out your business cards to all local planners, colleges and high schools (for prom season), retailers at makeup counters, and anyone else who will take your card.  It takes time to build a reputation, so don’t give up too soon.

Be CONFIDENT in what you do and why

 You are hear to create beauty and art and to make people feel great about themselves! Do not worry if someone hates their makeup job, because they can wash it right off and you can start all over (unlike a bad haircut... eek!). Be proud of your accomplishments and always flaunt what you do and take pride in your work! People will notice this and will automatically be drawn to you if you market yourself well and keep professional and passionate about your craft!
And lastly...

If you are passionate about what you do and work hard at it, most likely you will be very successful!   Good luck in your career!  PLEASE post any questions you have about becoming a makeup artist- I plan on doing a video answering your questions! :)

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